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Help my son and me with this CC dilemma!!!

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My oldest ds has taken two classes at the local CC and gotten As in both. He knows how to take a class and do well.


Here's what happened this semester. He's in macroeconomics. I majored in econ, so I thought I could help him with it. The course has a text, but the first day in class, the prof said that they wouldn't be using it. He has as a "text/booklet," that is the prof's overhead projector slides. These are in note/outline format without an explanation of anything. So, my son understands what is said in class, takes notes, and then needs it reinforced after class and there's no way to do that.


There is no syllabus for the class. I went through the notes and I don't get them or what he's trying to teach on most of them. He's going into the stock market in GREAT detail. This does not follow the course description at all.


He went to the prof, but he wasn't very helpful. My ds said that he (ds) didn't even quite know where to begin because he was just so lost.


This is causing my son a GREAT deal of distress. He's not doing well with his other classes here at home because he's so stressed over this class. He spent over 15 hours last week trying to look things up on line to figure it all out.


The way I see it, I'll have to re-teach him econ here at home. And, one of the reasons we homeschool is so that we can most efficiently get him the information he needs. This is NOT efficient!!


Can I just let him drop this class? I mean, I can see making him stick it out and work hard and all. But, at what cost?

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Personally, if it was my son and talking to the Prof didn't clear things up, I would let him drop. Economics doesn't have to be that frustrating.


It doesn't sound like the Prof is following a path that corresponds with the intent of the class description. That is not good. Having to purchase a text that was not being used would anger me to no end as well!


Can you check to see if there is any feedback on Ratemyprofessors.com? I view the ratings with some skepticism but it may give you an idea if this issue is something others have had with this particular teacher.

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Are you past the deadline for dropping a class? Here in Maine, that deadline has passed. So if a class is dropped at this point, it is recorded as incomplete or fail, I forget which -- but in either case, you don't want that on your record.


When you ask for transcripts to be forwarded some day to the college of choice, you don't get to pick and choose. Make sure this doesn't make a black mark on the transcript.


It is SO unfortunate that this stuff happens!! My kids have experienced more bad than good college classes. Maybe that is typical of the 2-year college. I am sorry this has happened to you.

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Drop the class unless the deadline for a no-fault withdrawal has passed. Even then an incomplete might be preferable to a bad grade on the transcript--especially if he signs up again later with another instructor. My son changed his schedule last fall prior to the beginning of the term when he dropped a required macro economics course primarily because we saw things that concerned us about the text listed and high negatives for the instructor.


My son had learned a hard lesson during the previous term with a calculus instructor who is notorious for not using the advertised text, spending time on personal rabbit trails instead of the syllabus, asking "trick" questions on exams, and testing on material not fully covered in lectures. This man has a history of this behavior at more than one institution but somehow manages to hang onto his job. Unfortunately, instructors like this survive because there seems to be an unending supply of newbies who don't heed the warning signs. And, instructors are so often the target of unfair accusations that administration tends to discount complaints. It's not right, but it's how things are.

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Drop the course if you can without it affecting the transcript.

And call the dean to complain.

My local CC actually has very clear requirements of teacher, such as they HAVE to use the listed text to at least some extent and they MUST have a syllabus on file 2 weeks prior to the start of class. However there are some teachers that do not follow this, banking on students being too ignorant to know they are getting messed over. So find out what is required before you sign up for the next class.


Bottom line is your son paid for a course that he is not receiving. The dean needs to know that to correct the problem. And your son deserves a refund.

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Drop it. We did this last semester with a course. It was so poorly taught, there were no definitive objectives, and the grading was erratic at best. He dropped the course even though he had a low A/high B (depending on which teacher's scales was used - there were 2 teachers). It caused him a great deal of angst and caused him to spend too much time trying to figure out what was going on which meant his other classes suffered.


He e-mailed the teachers several times to find out what he missed on a test, lab, etc., because they would only post a grade but provide no feedback.


I was torn about it because I didn't want to teach him to quit when the going was rough, but in the end, we discussed the pros and cons, the reasons the class was not suitable, and determined that it was best to drop. We finished the course at home.

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I'd have your son contact the department chair. The specific questions/concerns are (1) no syllabus given (2) required textbook not being used.


Ask the chair what he/she recommends.

If the chair doesn't know the situation, they can't do anything about it. It may be that nothing is done - in which case, drop if possible. But... this may be info the chair needs to follow up with the instructor.


Good luck!

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If you find that your ds cannot drop the class with a "Withdraw/Passing" then you definitely want to consider the impact on his CC GPA if he were to withdraw and receive an automatic F. If he cannot withdraw, I would counsel him to use the instructor's office hours regularly, and try to develop a rapport with the guy.


Our experience is that most instructors want to be helpful during their office hours. Even if your ds has not had much success in the past, I would encourage him to go talk to the instructor regularly. Your ds will need to go in with specific questions. If the instructor is not very helpful, I'd still suggest that your ds keep trying. At the very least, it will show the instructor that your ds is really trying to learn. Most instructors want to help students who want to learn. Some, however, are quite cynical, though -- believing students to be whiners and shirkers. So specific questions are a must.


Best of luck to you. It is a tough life lesson -- and this will not be the only prof he'll have in his high school/college career that will be a challenge. Working with your ds to constructively navigate his way through this dilemma will be a great help to him down the road, when he has similar challenges -- but on his own (in college).




Edited by Brigid in NC
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Thank you SO much everyone! You've definitely helped alleviate the feelings of guilt I was having over dropping this course!


He can drop it still and it will not show up on his transcript. He is not doing poorly in the class, that we know of. There has been no homework or tests given. His first quiz is Monday. So, he doesn't really have any idea how he's doing or if he's getting it.


We will definitely tell the staff why we dropped.

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Thank you SO much everyone! You've definitely helped alleviate the feelings of guilt I was having over dropping this course!


He can drop it still and it will not show up on his transcript. He is not doing poorly in the class, that we know of. There has been no homework or tests given. His first quiz is Monday. So, he doesn't really have any idea how he's doing or if he's getting it.


We will definitely tell the staff why we dropped.


Glad to hear it. Don't worry about guilt--it truly sounds like this is an incompetent professor. It's not worth wasting time over.

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her prof was teaching 'on his own'-- but testing ON THE BOOK (that he did NOT lecture anything from!!!).


I had classes like this in college-- but I was mature enough to cope-- my high school student was too stressed so I let her drop... I had to let go of the 'cheap credits that could have been'-- but our sanity (hers and mine) is now secure.... I had purchased the online lectures to go with her text-- she will watch those and perhaps answer some questions (and we will discuss some things) for her one-semester high school credit. She wants to re-take it at the CC next term with a DIFFERENT teacher!!! She needs the course for her prospective college major...

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My oldest ds has taken two classes at the local CC and gotten As in both. He knows how to take a class and do well.


Here's what happened this semester. He's in macroeconomics. I majored in econ, so I thought I could help him with it. The course has a text, but the first day in class, the prof said that they wouldn't be using it. He has as a "text/booklet," that is the prof's overhead projector slides. These are in note/outline format without an explanation of anything. So, my son understands what is said in class, takes notes, and then needs it reinforced after class and there's no way to do that.


There is no syllabus for the class. I went through the notes and I don't get them or what he's trying to teach on most of them. He's going into the stock market in GREAT detail. This does not follow the course description at all.


He went to the prof, but he wasn't very helpful. My ds said that he (ds) didn't even quite know where to begin because he was just so lost.


This is causing my son a GREAT deal of distress. He's not doing well with his other classes here at home because he's so stressed over this class. He spent over 15 hours last week trying to look things up on line to figure it all out.


The way I see it, I'll have to re-teach him econ here at home. And, one of the reasons we homeschool is so that we can most efficiently get him the information he needs. This is NOT efficient!!


Can I just let him drop this class? I mean, I can see making him stick it out and work hard and all. But, at what cost?


I would let him drop. He has a really bad professor. His grade in this class will go on his transcript. Learning when to bail is a good life skill. "Gotta know when to hold em, know when to fold em, know when to walk away, know when to run..."

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He can drop it still and it will not show up on his transcript.



Yea! And don't forget -- COUNT all those hours he has already invested towards the Econ credit. That way, whatever you use to complete the course, only needs to fill out the remaining hours for a 0.5 or 1.0 credit! :)

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Bottom line is your son paid for a course that he is not receiving. The dean needs to know that to correct the problem. And your son deserves a refund.


I agree; the cc accepts money and most are heavily subsidized by state taxes; it's the dean's job to be sure individual instructors provide the courses listed in the catalog.


I would let him drop. He has a really bad professor. His grade in this class will go on his transcript. Learning when to bail is a good life skill. "Gotta know when to hold em, know when to fold em, know when to walk away, know when to run..."


LOL, so true! My son was disgusted with himself for learning that lesson too late last summer, but it's a lesson learned; he's been more cautious since then. He's also toughed out difficult classes, but there was no "breach of contract" involved.

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Drop the course if you can without it affecting the transcript.

And call the dean to complain.

My local CC actually has very clear requirements of teacher, such as they HAVE to use the listed text to at least some extent and they MUST have a syllabus on file 2 weeks prior to the start of class. However there are some teachers that do not follow this, banking on students being too ignorant to know they are getting messed over. So find out what is required before you sign up for the next class.


Bottom line is your son paid for a course that he is not receiving. The dean needs to know that to correct the problem. And your son deserves a refund.


Very good points and recommendations! :iagree:

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