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American Idol Guys vs Girls

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I can't believe I'm starting an Idol thread, but I really want to comment.


We just watched the 12 guys perform. Wow! Now they have to be narrowed down to 5? There is just so much great talent there. I'm a little frustrated because, if I'm remembering correctly, there were quite a few of the girls that I wondered why they were even getting through. I really wish they could just choose the top 10 instead of worrying about having an equal number of each gender.

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I got the impression that this week's elimination will result in 10 guys and 10 girls...am I wrong?


I think they balance it at first because of the differences in women's singing and men's singing, plus this way they avoid being accused of sexism. It makes sense to me. :001_smile:

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I got the impression that this week's elimination will result in 10 guys and 10 girls...am I wrong?


I think they balance it at first because of the differences in women's singing and men's singing, plus this way they avoid being accused of sexism. It makes sense to me. :001_smile:


I thought they said it would be narrowed to down to 5 girls and 5 boys and then the judges will pick a wildcard from each ~ so a total of 6 boys and 6 girls will advance.

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I thought they said it would be narrowed to down to 5 girls and 5 boys and then the judges will pick a wildcard from each ~ so a total of 6 boys and 6 girls will advance.




I don't even know who the girls are. The only contestant I love is the cowboy with the deeeep voice. I don't even like country music, but his voice makes me swoooon. :) I still miss Adam! (the Adam-wanabee is okay, but he's not Adam.)

Edited by Mejane
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DH and I both commented that we thought the men were pretty deep in talent. We didn't watch the prelims this year, so we don't know about the women.


I saw one singer that I wanted gone right away: Robbie Rosen (sorry guy, you just can't cut it against the big boys...I think he's going to be this year's Archuletta, though... :glare:).


Who do you think is gone for sure?

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I thought that almost all of the guys were great! It is going to be tough this year voting for the guys. not sure about the girls yet, but I can't wait to watch tonight! Casey was my favorite, but I realy like James, Paul and Jacob! Oh and Clint and Scotty. I told you it was going to be tough this year! =)

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We actually think the girls are better. There are several who have shown some really strong voices.


I'm enjoying the judges. Steven's a little fruity (but, what do you expect from someone who has lived the rock life he has?). Jennifer seems really nice. And it amuses me up that Randy and Steven are both a little protective of her. Completely different dynamic than with Paula or Kara. And I love, love, love that there are only 3 judges.

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We did not enjoy the guys. Paul was good. Casey was awesome, but I think I like him for his personality more than anything else. I wish they'd both ditch the beards though. I was disappointed last night. Hoping the girls are better. But I can't even imagine the nerves those poor guys faced, it's no wonder they were a little off from what we have heard they can do.


No way Brett should have gone through. He was terrible.

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Is American Idol online anywhere? I usually can't watch it live, due to a schedule conflict, but I *really* want to follow it this year... or at least until one singer gets cut (he's a close relative of a friend of mine).


How interesting.... which one?

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I think the 6 will be Jacob, James, Casey, Scotty, Stefano, and Clint. Maybe Paul in place of either Stefano or most likely Clint since he was villainized during Hollywood week.


Brett was the most hilarious thing I've ever seen on Idol. My husband calls him Simply Red. Can you imagine Simon's comments if he had been there for Brett's performance? Also, there's something weird about Casey with the hair and the beard, and I definitely don't find him sexy as Jennifer called him! My husband says he looks like a woman disguised as a man. I dunno. Also, does anyone else think that Scotty looks/acts like a young George Bush? You can't see it in photos, you have to watch him talk and laugh to see it. I'm surprised at how nice Steven is to everyone. I'm glad Randy is still there to keep it real!

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I love James. I liked Adam Lambert, but then he got all freaky. I hope James does not turn into another Adam.


The judges are SO much better. I am so glad Simon, Paula, and Kara are gone.


I love Steven Tyler. JLO I can take her or leave her. And Randy??? Well, he is just Randy. :D

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I'm enjoying the judges. Steven's a little fruity (but, what do you expect from someone who has lived the rock life he has?). Jennifer seems really nice.


. . .


And I love, love, love that there are only 3 judges.


Steven was the wild card, and we are totally enjoying him. He's so sweet, and I smile every time I see him listening to a singer, with his eyes closed, and swaying his head. My kids call him Monkey Duck, or the New Paula. I love that he's very encouraging, and it cracks me up when he starts falling over certain girls. The guy's old.


I used to think JLo was a complete ninny, a low-talent celebrity. I've gained a lot of respect for her over the past few years. She's brilliant and funny and nice.


There's a lot of talent in the men; the women, not so much. Paul. Sigh. Paul. His voice makes me tingle all over. Ummmm, hmmmm. :drool:

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I wasn't impressed with last night overall.


I LOVE Paul and Scotty. But those are the only ones.


I like that James has overcome both Aspergers and Tourettes, but I don't like his style of music.


Brett.....just no. Nice guy, but definitely not an American Idol.


I can't stand Tyler's mouth. Not sure why he feels the need to cuss all the time. I like Jennifer a lot. And Randy is just like always. I miss Simon, but if Tyler would clean up his mouth on a family show then I think the panel of judges would be really good. Glad Kara and Ellen are gone.

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Also, does anyone else think that Scotty looks/acts like a young George Bush? You can't see it in photos, you have to watch him talk and laugh to see it.

Marc said last night that he looked liked the MAD Magazine guy. :lol: I think he might be right! I'm not a big country fan, but I think Scotty is amazing.


I really hope Paul, Casey and Scotty make it through. James should sail through easily. I don't like him much but he can sing. Jacob seems to be a shoo-in also. Some of them were pretty bad.


I am really liking the new judges. They're doing great!

:iagree: Casey and Paul are our favorites. As I mentioned before, I'm not a big fan of country music, but I would be happy to see Scotty win it because I think he's very talented. We love the judges, too! This is the first year that we've really watched AI, mostly because we actually like these judges.


Now let's see how the women do. I think Carmen (I think that's her name, her family is from Columbia) is my favorite.

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I'm actually watching it this year - at least for now. My little town has someone who made it to the top 24 so we're all rooting for her (Thia Megia) :) Our town could use some positive news, since it's all been negative due to so many foreclosures.


I love Scotty (and hate country music, lol) and Casey. I'm hoping they both make it through this round.


DH totally said Scotty looked like the guy from Mad magazine last night.

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Okay....I can't believe I even care, but I do! This year's idol just seems more real to me with less hype (maybe missing simon). I like the new judgesalso...especially steven! Did you know he is 62 yrs. old???


I have never voted before, but last night I got on and voted ONLINE! I am glad they offered that this year because I have always been too cheap to pay to vote:001_smile:


I voted for Lauren Alaina!

I cannot even watch "simply red"....I left the room while he was on.

Should be an interesting season.

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For example, a previous poster said how much better the girls were than the guys: my option is that there were about 3 girls that were acceptable and about 3 guys who were AWESOME!


It's nice that we can all have our own opinions and be right!


I could agree with you and then we'd both be wrong.






(That's completely tongue-in-cheek, in case it doesn't come through the screen. ST said it last night to RJ and I thought it was funny.)

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However, when you say it, it just isn't as funny.:tongue_smilie: Haha! I think I'll be the one agreeing with you to be both wrong! I totally agree with that one poster who said the red-haired guy was hard to watch. He makes me feel uncomfortable because he is so womanly.

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The girl I thought was named Carmen is Julie. I'm terrible with names.


I thought the girls tonight were so much better than the guys. I wish it could be narrowed down by talent and not gender because I would definitely like to see more of the girls go through than the guys.

I thought exactly the opposite. The girls were terrible. Pia was great, and Lauren and Thia were pretty good. I couldn't stand the rest of them. We recorded it and had to fast forward through a lot because it was so awful.

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