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What do you do as you start finishing up curriculum?


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As we start finishing things like grammar books or other curriculum pieces I start ramping up the other subjects to get them done and absorbed. Then if we are done by May/June we can spend the summer months doing light school and concentrating on weak areas and always continue with math.


I'm curious what others do. Do you just shorten your day? Move on to the next level in the curriculum? I probably won't change the way we do things here, but I like to learn what others do. :001_smile:

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Well, after I drink my celebratory glass (or two) of wine (or bottle of Mike's :D), we simply shorten our school day and keep going until either it's all done or we hit the middle of June and I'm desperate for a stop. Usually we finish. ;)


I don't start the next level of materials until we start the new grade level in the fall.


The kids seem to enjoy the shortened day as a reminder of their success in finishing their books off and it gives them motivation to keep ploughing through what's left so we can be done with everything for the summer.

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It depends on the subject.


For skill subjects, we either move on to the next level (math, spelling) or substitute lighter review work (grammar, vocabulary). For content subjects (history, science, art appreciation, music appreciation), we celebrate the end of the year's study and don't pick it back up until we start the new school year.

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We just move on to the next level. However, we school year round and our books are ending throughout the year. For example, this year we started our new Grammar book in Jan and my oldest started his new math level one week ago.


In spring, we focus more on nature study and outdoor adventures. I try to take advandtage of nice weather when we get it in MN :)

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It depends on the subject.


For skill subjects, we either move on to the next level (math, spelling) or substitute lighter review work (grammar, vocabulary). For content subjects (history, science, art appreciation, music appreciation), we celebrate the end of the year's study and don't pick it back up until we start the new school year.



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I add stuff in. Although they tend to be more fun things.


The first thing we always add in is math facts practice. I always save this until spring and we try to beat last years times for all four operations (or just + and - for youngers) on a 100 problem times test.


This year I think the next thing I will add is copywork and reading in Spanish.


Another thing they always like more of is Logic games or puzzles.


Sometimes I also hit art or music, especially if we have slacked off through the year (usually the case ;)).

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Once we've made a certain amount of progress in our books (I try to get well beyond the halfway point by the beginning January), we lighten our days by only doing those subjects 2 - 3 times a week. I'm not interested in finishing things like math, grammar & spelling too early in the year because I don't like to take long breaks from these subjects, and I don't see the point in having my kids working too far ahead.


We school year round so I kind of stretch their books out through the year so we have a number of months that are very light even though we're still working.



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I drop content-area subjects once they are finished and don't pick them back up again until we start our new schoolyear.


Math keeps going all through the summer. When one level is finished, the next level is started (although I do give a one-week break from the subject).


I keep going with spelling for my 7th grader. That doesn't stop. Since we use Spelling Power, she has no idea when she has finished one level and started another. I just keep going.


I have to require reading year-round for my 7th grader or she won't read anything but the Warriors boards. I let her choose whatever she wants to read.

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In general I just shorten our day. This works out well because toward spring my boys just want to spend more time outside anyways.


If the subject is core, like math, and we still have a couple months left in the school year, then I would start the next level. But usually it's the fun extra subjects that run out soonest so then our day just gets shorter.

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We generally just keep rolling in most subjects. If it's something like grammar or math I usually let them take a week off as a reward before jumping into the new one. Science and history just roll to the next period when we wrap up the last one.


We do school year round spreading smaller breaks throughout the year, rather than taking a larger summer break.

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We just move on. We finished our math book 2 weeks ago. We finished history last week. We finished reading and language arts this this week. So we just keep trucking on with whatever is next, regardless of where we "should" be. We also school year round, but we take weeks off in the fall and spring during the short time when the weather is nice and almost a month off in December.

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We keep plugging away until all subjects are finished which is usually late June. Each year is a little different. In the past we did not do Math during the summer but I have learned that is not a good idea. So we will do Math and just take it a little easier - 3 days a week maybe. We look forward to a break during the summer but I was considering having dd do typing and a foreign language as well.

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It depends on the subject.


For skill subjects, we either move on to the next level (math, spelling) or substitute lighter review work (grammar, vocabulary). For content subjects (history, science, art appreciation, music appreciation), we celebrate the end of the year's study and don't pick it back up until we start the new school year.


This is what we do, too.

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We just move on to the next level. However, we school year round and our books are ending throughout the year. For example, this year we started our new Grammar book in Jan and my oldest started his new math level one week ago.


In spring, we focus more on nature study and outdoor adventures. I try to take advandtage of nice weather when we get it in MN :)




We also school year round and 7 days a week (some days very light; take a day here and there as needed, guilt free!). When we're close to finishing, I'll tell dc she has X days to complete it -- if she finishes early, she gets the rest of the days off f that subject. That usually motivates her and gives ehr a good sense of accomplishment. Of course, I've worked in a few extra days so she's guaranteed some time off (and me too!). :D

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