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Does your kid do this?

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My oldest dd makes me crazy. She'll do or say something hateful or smart alecy and then go, "I didn't know that was smart alec..."


For instance....today I was trying to help her with her math. It was not going well because she'd already decided it was dumb and mom was stupid too.


I said, "Ok, what is the next problem?"


dd: "the next one."


me: "Which would be..."


dd: "17."


I handed her the marker board and said "Ok. Write number 17 on the marker board." I handed her the markerboard, pen and the math book.


She wrote this on the marker board. "17" and that was all.


At this point I stood up, said. "Ok. I'm done. When dad get's home, get his help because I am through with this."


She has been in a fizz for the last 45 minutes ranting that " I did what you told me." "I didn't know it was smart alec to do that." "Your being unfair. All I want is help with my math."


Finally I sent her to her room for 2 hours. Now I am punishing her for no reason.


I just ate a hershey's bar. I think I need to go for a jog or something.



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OOHHH, my ds10, soon to be 11, does similar. Yesterday I was ready to move out! When my dh came home, he got an earful because nothing I was doing was working. To make it worse when I point out that I don't like the way ds is talking or acting his response is something similar to, "But mom, didn't you know I was just kidding?" or "Mom, I was just messin' with you!" Um, when you answer every thing I say in that manner you are being rude, not messing with me. I was so mad in the grocery store that I actually made him give me 10 push-ups in the dairy aisle.

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OOHHH, my ds10, soon to be 11, does similar. Yesterday I was ready to move out! When my dh came home, he got an earful because nothing I was doing was working. To make it worse when I point out that I don't like the way ds is talking or acting his response is something similar to, "But mom, didn't you know I was just kidding?" or "Mom, I was just messin' with you!" Um, when you answer every thing I say in that manner you are being rude, not messing with me. I was so mad in the grocery store that I actually made him give me 10 push-ups in the dairy aisle.


Totally my situation! I was posting the same time!

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Guest Dulcimeramy
OOHHH, my ds10, soon to be 11, does similar. Yesterday I was ready to move out! When my dh came home, he got an earful because nothing I was doing was working. To make it worse when I point out that I don't like the way ds is talking or acting his response is something similar to, "But mom, didn't you know I was just kidding?" or "Mom, I was just messin' with you!" Um, when you answer every thing I say in that manner you are being rude, not messing with me. I was so mad in the grocery store that I actually made him give me 10 push-ups in the dairy aisle.



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My oldest dd makes me crazy. She'll do or say something hateful or smart alecy and then go, "I didn't know that was smart alec..."


For instance....today I was trying to help her with her math. It was not going well because she'd already decided it was dumb and mom was stupid too.


I said, "Ok, what is the next problem?"


dd: "the next one."


me: "Which would be..."


dd: "17."


I handed her the marker board and said "Ok. Write number 17 on the marker board." I handed her the markerboard, pen and the math book.


She wrote this on the marker board. "17" and that was all.


At this point I stood up, said. "Ok. I'm done. When dad get's home, get his help because I am through with this."


She has been in a fizz for the last 45 minutes ranting that " I did what you told me." "I didn't know it was smart alec to do that." "Your being unfair. All I want is help with my math."


Finally I sent her to her room for 2 hours. Now I am punishing her for no reason.


I just ate a hershey's bar. I think I need to go for a jog or something.



Oh, yeah, all of the time. It sounds to me that she was having a genuine brain fog moment though.
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I give it right back to them a couple hours later. When they look hurt or say Mom that wasn't nice, I say Oh really? It is exactly what you said/did to me earlier. Not so nice to be on the receiving end is it? :D You can see the light bulb go on when I do this. Doesn't always stop it all but it helps mine!

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Guest Dulcimeramy

The tricky thing is, a kid that age is just as prone to brain farts as she is to smart-aleck remarks.


She really might have thought you meant "write #17," but that is hard for you to believe in the moment because it was just so obvious what you wanted and she has been a smart-aleck lately.


Or is that just how it goes at my house :001_huh:


So she has to work on respect and you have to work on grace. (As I often tell myself.)

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The tricky thing is, a kid that age is just as prone to brain farts as she is to smart-aleck remarks.


She really might have thought you meant "write #17," but that is hard for you to believe in the moment because it was just so obvious what you wanted and she has been a smart-aleck lately.


Or is that just how it goes at my house :001_huh:


So she has to work on respect and you have to work on grace. (As I often tell myself.)



I might be willing to give some grace if this type of thing had not happened several times during that work session. At the time she was lying on her back, didn't want to get up to even look at the book.


I finally figured that I cared way more than she did. So she can take it up with "the principal" which happens seldom enough that I think she's a bit worried about it.

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thankfully this sort of thing has come up during discussions at our house before it became an issue. So, we have some grounding in case it ever starts to happen.


If it does happen, I'll start with questions and try to get an understanding from their point of view and then work to change it. For example:


(of course, words and tones have a lot of meaning that can be hard to capture with just text.)


q: 'Did you write the number 17 because you thought that is what I wanted or because you were just trying to be funny?'.


a1: 'uh, you said write 17 so that is what I did' - to me, if they were trying to be smart alec or not at this point, their words/expression would be enough to tell me they are being rude/disrespectful so time for discipline.


a2: 'I thought it was what you wanted. That is what you told me to do'


q: 'ok, I believe you and appreciate your obedience. Can you think of what else I could have meant?'


a1: 'no' - then it would be time to add some critical thinking / reasoning books and assignments to their coursework.


a2: 'I guess you could have wanted me to write out the problem given for number 17'


'yes, good thinking. Just like when I ask you to clear the table, I do not mean to just swipe everything off onto the floor, but to put things away where they belong and wash the table. So, it would help me to help you if you put more effort and thought into this as we go on'.



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I do have to know though....


Do you all consider what my dd did as smart alec?


She is so convincing sometimes that I doubt myself...

Absolutely smart alec. Did it because she thought she could get away with it. But to be sure, does she ever do that to others, or is this "special for Mom" behavior.

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I might be willing to give some grace if this type of thing had not happened several times during that work session. At the time she was lying on her back, didn't want to get up to even look at the book.
It is sooooo hard to know if your kid is genuinely disrespectful in a situation like this. There are times when Emily will act this way and she will end up sick... or she is acting that way (with the lying down and such) due to a headache or genuinely tired and so as a result makes stupid mistakes.


But... if they are in school with a teacher that is not their mom it is not acceptable... ever. you know?

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"Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?" those are the questions dh asks the kids when they are getting sassy :D


This is beautiful, and I am going to begin putting these questions to my own dear, sweet, smart-mouthed 6 y.o. princess immediately.


I'm also thinking a large banner.


Would a sky-writing plane be too much?



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I do have to know though....


Do you all consider what my dd did as smart alec?


She is so convincing sometimes that I doubt myself...

No. I am very literal, and it took me a minute to figure out what the problem was. :confused: I would have written 17 too, because that's what I thought you wanted.


I know people think I'm sometimes being obstinate or obnoxious, but the truth is I often don't "get" hints or nuances. It certainly isn't deliberate.

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My ds12 gets mouthy like that from time to time. I warn him once, and only once. Beyond that, I figure that if he wants to pretend that he doesn't know what I am referring to when I tell him to quit being sassy, then being grounded for the remainder of the day will give him time to figure it out! Works like a charm. :D

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