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Any uncommon ideas for earache pain relief?


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DD12 has an ear infection and is in a lot of pain.


So far:


Numbing ear drops (the fluid in her ear made her ear hurt worse so I don't think olive oil will help)

Moist heat/dry heat



Ibuprofen and Tylenol (at the same time)


aren't helping.



Any other ideas?

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This one depends on the type of infection, but it worked for my husband when he had an earache. You soak a washcloth, nuke it in the microwave until it is steaming, super hot, and then put it in a glass. Press the opening over your ear so it forms a tight seal (be sure to tilt your head to the side so the water doesn't drip down and cause a burn) and wait. The steam loosens things up, and the heat will form a suction that draws out fluid trapped in the ear.

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WOW--you've already gotten some good ideas!! I recently had a bad earache due to mucus in the ear canal and I used two things (other than Vicodin..j/k) I used a rice sock (but the glass/washcloth thing sounds great!!)


I also tried the warm oil (did nothing)

but using campho phenique was lifesaving!!!! It hurt at first, then after about 10 minutes it felt much better!!


Hope things are better soon!!



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My Amish neighbor uses garlic oil tincture. I started using it for my ds2 who had some earaches a while back. Worked wonderfully! I made my own, however. I put 2 TBSP of olive oil in a small glass bowl and mixed in some mashed garlic (we have a press). I microwaved the mixture until it was hot and then let it cool a bit. Then, I took one of those liquid syringes for medicine and put a few drops of the liquid in the affected ear. He didn't like it much at first but after a few minutes, he stopped the incessant screaming (from the ear pain). Hope dd feels better.

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The only thing that works for me is high doses of Advil. Motrin, Tylenol, heat and everything else does nothing. I've had problems with one ear since I was a toddler and when I was about 15 a new dr. recommended trying the Advil and it worked amazingly. I would only do it with the supervision of the dr. though and get an accurate dose. I hope you find something that works.

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A pediatric chiropractor can help. If she has a middle ear infection, the Eustachian tube is swollen shut and bacteria and mucus are caught behind the ear drum. To relieve the pain, you have to get the Eustachian tube to open and drain. A chiropractor can often get the middle ear to drain through the Eustachian tube with some mild adjustments. The treatments that call for putting oils or candles in the ear may work for an outer ear infection, but they won't penetrate the ear drum and do nothing for a middle ear infection.

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I'm seconding the garlic. I buy garlic oil in softgels and puncture them with a needle, then squeeze them into the ear, followed by a bit of cotton ball. It almost always works... particularly if I do it when the pain is just beginning. I do this with children when they get ear aches, too. We've rarely had to have an antibiotic for an ear infection.


Best wishes!!

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Thanks everyone. She fell asleep last night around when I posted this and hasn't woke up yet (8:45am) so I think the tube must have drained and the pressure is off the ear drum. We have all been soo sick, and no one has been sleeping with this heavy congestion, that I think her finally getting some good solid hours of sleep are the best thing for her.


I haven't tried garlic for an ear infection yet but will in the future. She was screaming in pain from the pain drops themselves, so I don't think I could have got near her with another dropper.


Thanks for the suggestions!

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This one depends on the type of infection, but it worked for my husband when he had an earache. You soak a washcloth, nuke it in the microwave until it is steaming, super hot, and then put it in a glass. Press the opening over your ear so it forms a tight seal (be sure to tilt your head to the side so the water doesn't drip down and cause a burn) and wait. The steam loosens things up, and the heat will form a suction that draws out fluid trapped in the ear.


I was trying to remember how this was done - I heard it recommended for use on aircraft when ear infection etc prevents equalisation and results in ear pain. Worth a try...

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Motrin helps tremendously with swelling. The pain is from inflamation. If you can treat that, he can get some relief. I also find a couple of drops of warm olive oil mixed with crushed fresh garlic to be very soothing. Garlic is an antibacterial and antiviral, so you cant go wrong (I am assuming the ear drum is not punctured).

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