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Hilarious! If you've ever been frustrated with public school special education...

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I am a former public school special ed teacher. I wasn't the school person in that video but boy, did I work with them! I stayed frustrated with the administrators and principals most of the time. I remember one conference where the psychologist told the parents that the only thing wrong with their son was that he was just a weird kid. His recommendation was for them to make him be normal! :001_huh::001_huh:


Oh, I did find the video amusing.

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Too funny. Dh is a special ed admnistrator, and his job is basically to go around and fix problems (abuse, neglect, lack of appropriate challenge, etc.) that special ed teachers and social workers cause for children with special needs and their families (or children who are being pushed into special ed even though they aren't, because their regular ed teacher doesn't like them.) He's seen plenty of this...

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THANK YOU for posting this. We have a special needs child in the school district right now and we're pulling him out because of many things; bullying by other special needs kids, no instruction most days, full length movies EVERY SINGLE DAY, etc. It's a glorified babysitting service. I've been fighting for the most basic services for years and have been completely ignored; I guess they'll stop ignoring me when I pull him out and they lose all that lovely special education money.:tongue_smilie:

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  • 4 months later...

Hilarious (and yet so sad)...


The "final straw" that led to our decision to homeschool was the IEP meeting I had with 12 (!!! :001_huh:) administrators and staff from our local school elementary school. My son did not yet have a diagnosis but he had struggled significantly enough in preschool that we went through the district's "Child Find" program and qualified for an IEP for his entry into Kindergarten. All 13 of us crowded around a conference table - a couple more school staff members showed up but were turned away because they had run out of chairs (standing room only at my child's one and only IEP meeting - I guess I should be proud!! :tongue_smilie:). The whole thing was so incredibly ridiculous and surreal (and of course came with reams of paperwork). As I walked out to my car afterwards, still stunned, I decided I couldn't go through that again and called my DH and informed him we were going to homeschool. We never looked back...

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I loved the speech teachers at the public school that worked with my DS. However, when it came time to start kindergarden and I knew he would need additional assistance, it was not productive at all.


That was our only meeting for more than speech therapy. We knew we'd likely homeschool, but the IEP meeting really set it in stone for us.


That clip was hilarious, sad, and all too true!

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Ours went like this:


"Your son is fine. There is nothing wrong with him. He is just like other first graders."


"He is 8.5!"


"He is fine. Look at how good his writing is. He is on grade level in writing."


"He copied that from somewhere."


"No, he wrote it independently."


"He couldn't have - he doesn't even know his letter names, so someone couldn't even spell it orally for him to write. He doesn't know his letter sounds, so he couldn't have written it on his own. He can only copy."


*crickets chirping*


"He is fine. He doesn't have a language disability. He doesn't qualify for speech therapy."


Sheesh....4 months later I am getting weekly notes from his teacher:


"I am worried about Logan's reading. He works very hard but is not progressing. We may need to look into more help for him":tongue_smilie:

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That would be funny....if it wasn't so true.

I am grateful for the SpEd people that are working with my daughter but I have worked with the ones that are JUST LIKE THAT...I hated referring kids because even after 1 on 1 instruction on reading they still didn't make it past the Kindergarten level at the end of 1st grade...yet they knew their alphabet letters because I worked on that like crazy so they didn't qualify...it was AWFUL.

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Thank you for posting. I laughed and cried.

It makes me sad that parents are still going through this uphill battle.

I am also so happy that I no longer have to be my childs advocate through the public school system.

It is such a hard and lonely journey (ours was 12 years and 4 school districts, not all in same state).


Homeschool gets hard sometimes but never lonely!

Thank you to all of you and SWB. The light is always on at the WTM Forum!

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