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Snowmageddon 2011

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On Monday night, we got about 5-6 inches on top of the 12-18 that's been sitting around for weeks, then last night, the temp warmed up a bit and we got pelted with freezing rain for hours. Everything is covered in an inch of ice. During the night, it was still warmer, so huge chunks of ice and snow were sliding down the roof and scaring the tarnation out of me. I'm a light sleeper, so I was the only one who was kept up all night by the falling ice. I'm very tire today! I am SO done with winter. I need to see grass.

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We have accumulated at least 10 inches and the wind is drifting it. I'd say, between the fact that the snowplow insists on blocking our cars in with huge snowpiles, and the significant wind drifting, we'll just possibly dig out around April!


The ducks are sitting out in the swirling wind, swimming in their water pans which have a heating element so their water doesn't freeze, and quaking up a storm. So, at least some living thing on this property actually likes this weather.



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All that snow all over the place and my girls are wearing shorts today. Its February for pete's sake! It's not supposed to be this warm!


It's 4 degrees here, we got 8" of snow (but with the wind there are bare spots and 4-5' drifts al around), and I have 2 dd's that think it's the perfect weather for shorts! UGH!!!

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Yes. I love snow. I don't have any. :( I must get my snow fix from other's photos. :D


LOL, please share. I'm anticipating being thankful I DON'T live further north! :lol:



This all pretty much came in one storm. We'd had more earlier but it melted because Dec/early Jan was so warm.


The first is out my back yard. Note the snow on the neighbor's garage and the trench we had to dig with the snow blower for the dog. It is over his head. He is a Basset hound wannabe.




The second is out my kitchen door. It is not an accurate representation because my snowblower blows snow in that side yard.


This is off my front porch. That pile is about 4 feet tall.


This on is at the end of my driveway. You can see where the sidewalk snowblower had come through. Yes, the city has a sidewalk snowblower to clear the sidewalks. They are very proud of it.


The last one is my front porch. That snow is left over from the storm. I've not gone out there and swept it off yet.



We are starting to get what is left from Snowmagedden. We should get about 3" per hour. I'll have to get out there sometime this afternoon and clear the driveway.






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We are in the Tulsa OK area and we got around 10 to 12 inches of snow, on top of about an inch of ice. Just north of here, where we are building our new house, they got 22 inches of snow on top of at least an inch of ice.


I am from OK but have lived all over the place (Syracuse, Boston, E. Hartford, Dallas, Houston). They are not very quick at digging out around here. Today is the second day we are homebound and it may be another day or two. I'm not complaining though.:001_smile:

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Some of us here in Washington are envious. We only got one good snow before Thanksgiving with a whopping 3 inches or so. We broke our disc sled and bought a new sled in anticipation of a la nina winter with more snow...and we've got nothing.


In fact, we've had sun and relatively warm temps. DS and I went for a nice long 4 mile walk yesterday at the local wildlife refuge because they opened a brand new boardwalk yesterday. It was a nice walk with lots of great sightings...but snow would have been nice. I blogged it yesterday if you want to see pictures of blue skies.

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Well, for someone who can only see bare, brown ground, I would love to share some of your snow. It was 8 degrees this morning, and the only thing that can make that okay is if I have snow to look at. I don't even see any on the foothills! Not that I want the blizzards but a few inches would make happier about the freezing cold weather.

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Dh didn't have to go to work! That never happens. The stores and libraries and such are closed, though we couldn't get to them if we wanted to.


Dh was restless, so he did my monthly pantry and fridge cleaning for me, built a shelf I've been wanting, and cleaned up anything of his that has been sitting around the house.! I will now be praying for snow emergencies every day. :001_smile:


We are sad though, because dd's linguistics competition was canceled and can't be rescheduled. There will be no winners from the midwest this year!

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