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What's the deal with Dr. Mercola?

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I found this man's website quite by accident some years ago. At first I was interested, but the more I read, the more I felt like he was just a big quack with a lot of opinion and a gift with marketing.


Is he for real? I ask in all seriousness.

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Popcorn means I am sitting here eating popcorn to see what happens to thread


Mercola is a controversial person. *L


I never found him to be controversial but his site spammed me to death. I lost interest in anything he had to share when there was always an ad to buy something with each message,

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I used to subscribe to his daily messages until I realized one day that this man thinks that everything is going to kill us! I mean, every day it would be a different food or different gadget or pollution or whatever. It got to the point that I wanted to just crawl in a hole! I kept thinking, "What do I eat?" Even the air that I breathe is toxic! I quit reading his daily emails for fear I might go on a permanent fast!

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For real, very opinionated, and a good marketer. I've gotten his emails for a few years, too, and I've learned to just overlook the major advertising. He does seem to think that everything is going to kill us, and that gets old. Some things are just too far out there for me to believe. However, I do find enough good in what he sends that I keep getting it.


I know people who have taken their autistic children to him, and they can't say enough good about him. Their kids have improved significantly by following the advice he gave them. Seeing the difference his advice has made in their kids makes me willing to give him the benefit of any doubts I may have about him.

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He has a lot of good things to say and for the average person on the street eating the average American diet, looking into him my seem scary and nuts, but what he suggests will get some results. I don't agree with his on many things, but he is not a quack- he is a good marketer though.


Yeah, thats about where I sit with him too. Probably good for a lot of people. Comes up with some interesting stuff. Not a quack, although I definitely don't agree with all his opinions. I am allergic to that type of marketing though and it does turn me off- I can't bear to watch his videos, but every now and then his articles come up with something interesting.

Actually, whats more interesting than what he says, is all the responses he gets underneath. Many people disagree with him and I have found some interesting opinions and links from the responses.

As a naturopath myself I am a bit cynical of all approaches which claim to be the best and only approach, the truth, and all that. There are many ways to health, not one. But I am interested in varying viewpoints and Mercola's is one I read. He is on the high protein low carb bandwagon (with variations) which has always struck me as a fad, personally. Next decade we will move onto something else.

He is ok, but I wouldn't send people to his website.

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He is such a big quack he should be renamed Dr. Duck!!! In Illinois he has stolen several autistic patients from legitimate medical doctors be convincing their desperate parents that the kids would do better on his "treatments" than by taking any nasty real medicines. One boy, progressing and beginning to talk while on Depakene and Prednisone, was switched to Mercola and meds removed, simply because the parent thought meds "unnatural". Never mind that they were helping her son!!!


Some folks may have imbalances, etc. that Mercola can treat. BUT to claim to be able to treat autism, epilepsy, etc. better than a conventional doctor - !!!! quackquackquack.


Does my anti-Mercola bias show???;)

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I know people who have taken their autistic children to him, and they can't say enough good about him. Their kids have improved significantly by following the advice he gave them. Seeing the difference his advice has made in their kids makes me willing to give him the benefit of any doubts I may have about him.


Yes - some kids on the autism spectrum DO respond well to what he has to offer - some kids also respond to a GFCF diet, etc. Not all - my concern is Mercola claiming to be able top treat kids who are not like that , who DO need meds (like mine, and the friend's boy I mentioned in my other post.) Not all kids with autism are the same, or have the same underlying symptoms,or benefit form the same treatment.

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I haven't really given the man nor his articles/opinions much credence in the past year or more. He is just too much for me, and like Sue G, I wind up feeling like I can't breathe - literally - because it might kill me to do so. I can generate enough negatives about the kinds of foods we eat and the air we breathe on my own without Mercola in the mix. And, it troubles me that he propagates fear with health. Counterproductive, imho. But, maybe not for the more conventional consumer.


What kind of doctor is he, anyway? I'm afraid to go back to his website to look :D. A well-meaning friend forwarded a Mercola "tip" last night, which is why I am suddenly asking these questions.



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One of my pet peeves is listening to people go on and on and on about how this is going to kill us or that is going to kill us. Every week it is a different tragedy. I finally had to distant myself for some people because their "chicken little the sky is falling" attitude.


One thing that does cause disease is stress. So are you really gaining anything by stressing over the latest finding that will be overturned in a short time??


Life is about balance. Be aware but do not let awareness paralyze you.

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