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Obama is...

Obama is the next...  

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I see celebrities endorsing him, and yet hear so many people that are against him and news outlets...I just don't know? Is anybody else out there confused as to why this guy is where he is?


I think it's because he's won the majority of the votes in the democratic primaries. Probably because people agree with his position on the issues.

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I see celebrities endorsing him, and yet hear so many people that are against him and news outlets...I just don't know? Is anybody else out there confused as to why this guy is where he is?


Too, I think people (myself included ;) ) want change in our country and believe that he can help instigate that change.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

In 2004, t-shirts that said "Obama in 2008" were being sold. He was being groomed to run for president. By whom? Why? (Insert Twilight Zone music)


All I know is he ain't the Savior.

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I see celebrities endorsing him, and yet hear so many people that are against him and news outlets...I just don't know? Is anybody else out there confused as to why this guy is where he is?


Well, the thing is that while the Dems are sitting around waiting to have a candidate the Republicans are out of the gate and ready to go.


They are going after Obama, because Obama is ahead in votes and there is no way Clinton can mathematically catch up.


So basically, McCain is practically getting a free ride at this point.

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Well, I'll be voting Obama/Clinton, Clinton/Obama, Obama/X, or Clinton/X. I guess what I'm trying to say is that, unless things get really weird and the Democrats run a klansman or something, I'll be voting Democratic in November.


I don't presume to know the future, so I didn't vote in the poll. My sincere hope is that whoever is the next president can turn things around.

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In 2004, t-shirts that said "Obama in 2008" were being sold. He was being groomed to run for president. By whom? Why? (Insert Twilight Zone music)


By people like me who watch a lot of CSPAN and are impressed by him. Unlike Bush and his Illuminati/Skull and Bones friends. eta: oh and his election stealing brother.

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I see celebrities endorsing him, and yet hear so many people that are against him and news outlets...I just don't know? Is anybody else out there confused as to why this guy is where he is?


I am. I hear sound bytes of "change, change, change." Well, what are you going to change? I am not impressed with him, especially after the whole Rev.Wright thing. Talk about throwing someone under the bus. Not very presidential behavior IMO.

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I am. I hear sound bytes of "change, change, change." Well, what are you going to change? I am not impressed with him, especially after the whole Rev.Wright thing. Talk about throwing someone under the bus. Not very presidential behavior IMO.


Are you saying he threw Reverend Wright under the bus? I completely disagree. I think he stood by him as much as you possibly can stand by someone who is claiming the US government manufactured the AIDS virus to kill black people. I'm amazed he kept his association with him at all. Have you read Henry IV parts one and two and Henry V? Throwing your old friends under the bus is usually the first thing you do as a politician.

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Are you saying he threw Reverend Wright under the bus? I completely disagree. I think he stood by him as much as you possibly can stand by someone who is claiming the US government manufactured the AIDS virus to kill black people. I'm amazed he kept his association with him at all. Have you read Henry IV parts one and two and Henry V? Throwing your old friends under the bus is usually the first thing you do as a politician.


Well, at least Wright hasn't been convicted of some crime and that does seem to be Presidential behavior

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I'm not taking anything away from your support, but I think it takes a lot more than impressed watchers of CSpan to propel a person to the position that Obama is in now.


Hey, have you been reading America's Secret Establishment too? ;-)

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I'm not taking anything away from your support, but I think it takes a lot more than impressed watchers of CSpan to propel a person to the position that Obama is in now.


Well, people like me and then you add in Oprah.


Hey, have you been reading America's Secret Establishment too? ;-)


No but I watch a LOT of documentaries and have read a LOT of books on such topics. :D

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I'm not taking anything away from your support, but I think it takes a lot more than impressed watchers of CSpan to propel a person to the position that Obama is in now.


Hey, have you been reading America's Secret Establishment too? ;-)


So you believe that all candidates are hand-picked and groomed? (No snark intended, just askin'. :))

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I see celebrities endorsing him, and yet hear so many people that are against him and news outlets...I just don't know? Is anybody else out there confused as to why this guy is where he is?


I'm confused by your question. Do you mean why is he running for president? Why has he won so many delegates? Why is there so much media attention focused on the comments of his former pastor? I'm not trying to be snarky, honestly. I just want to make sure I understand the nature of your query. :001_smile:

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I'm not taking anything away from your support, but I think it takes a lot more than impressed watchers of CSpan to propel a person to the position that Obama is in now.




We Democrats like our Presidents to be pretty and to talk pretty too.


If they aren't pretty and do not really talk pretty, then they at least should be a nice guy.




ETA: yeah well...Johnson wasn't voted in for his first term.

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there is probably a good reason not to discuss politics with friends.


But I really want to say...


I think Obama is nice man, who gives excellent speeches, and with well meaning plans for change.


I want certain change, not change for change's sake. I think I spend a lot of time telling my kids not to accept certain things because they are currently poplular- that doesn't end with politics.


The position of president makes hard, and sometimes unpopular decisions, I'd like someone who has made some before he/she gets there.

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I'm confused by your question. Do you mean why is he running for president? Why has he won so many delegates? Why is there so much media attention focused on the comments of his former pastor? I'm not trying to be snarky, honestly. I just want to make sure I understand the nature of your query. :001_smile:


I wasn't exactly sure either. I probably shouldn't have thrown in my opinion at all since it didn't really answer the inquiry.


You were gracious in your question of clarification.



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Guest Virginia Dawn

Not all, but many. I think it's possible that Hillary got where she is on her own steam, with a little help from her friends. That is one ambitious lady, evidence supports that she always has been.


I suspect Obama was, and George W. Bush. Can I prove it, no. I also think that it is odd that McCain is the Republican shoe-in after half the original candidates were far ahead of him in necessary support.

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Are you saying he threw Reverend Wright under the bus? I completely disagree. I think he stood by him as much as you possibly can stand by someone who is claiming the US government manufactured the AIDS virus to kill black people. I'm amazed he kept his association with him at all. Have you read Henry IV parts one and two and Henry V? Throwing your old friends under the bus is usually the first thing you do as a politician.


Suffice it to say, I completely disagree with you.:001_smile:


I am going to bow out here because I suffer from keyboard in mouth disease and I really like you and don't want to get into heated debate. I know that you are a completely reasonable person who is certainly capable of logical discussion. It's me. I freely admit that I take these political discussions too personally. I should have never posted to begin with. I'm sorry, Mrs. Mungo.:001_smile:

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Suffice it to say, I completely disagree with you.:001_smile:


I am going to bow out here because I suffer from keyboard in mouth disease and I really like you and don't want to get into heated debate. I know that you are a completely reasonable person who is certainly capable of logical discussion. It's me. I freely admit that I take these political discussions too personally. I should have never posted to begin with. I'm sorry, Mrs. Mungo.:001_smile:


I understand. I know the topics I can and can't discuss without taking it personally. Maybe I'm taking this one too lightly for some people.

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Here's a really good article about Obama, written by Shelby Steele.http://online.wsj.com/public/article_print/SB120579535818243439.html


I think Steele's description of black "masking" and whites trying to purchase innocence is very insightful. His description of bargainers and challengers really touches truth, as well. Here's a link to his book at amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Content-Our-Character-Vision-America/dp/006097415X/ref=pd_bbs_sr_3?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1209522861&sr=8-3 I read this some years ago, it remains really topical. Steele's also written a book about Obama called A Bound Man; really interesting reading.http://www.amazon.com/Bound-Man-Excited-About-Obama/dp/1416559175/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1209522911&sr=8-1

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Not all, but many. I think it's possible that Hillary got where she is on her own steam, with a little help from her friends. That is one ambitious lady, evidence supports that she always has been.


I suspect Obama was, and George W. Bush. Can I prove it, no. I also think that it is odd that McCain is the Republican shoe-in after half the original candidates were far ahead of him in necessary support.


You and my dh would have WONderful conversations. Is the book you mentioned before about this, that candidates are hand-picked?

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Guest Virginia Dawn

The book is one that my 14yo ds checked out of the library and I found myself reading with great interest. It is actually about the Skull and Bones, a Yale secret society. The book documents the influence that the members of this society have had on American history, especially in economics, politics, education, and religion. The current president, his father, and his grandfather are/were members of this group, so were many first presidents of many universities, large corporations, and banking firms. Supposedly, the members play both sides of the political fence in order to bring about conflict which is seen as the path to a synthesis or change in the structure of society. I don't know about intentions, but I think it is safe to say that Skull and Bones is a good old boy network of the highest magnitude.


Anyway, I kind of inherited an interest in stuff like this from my dad. He was a cryptologist in the Navy, and became totally cynical about everything political when he saw what was done with real information that could have made a difference in some past global political problems.

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Anyway, I kind of inherited an interest in stuff like this from my dad. He was a cryptologist in the Navy, and became totally cynical about everything political when he saw what was done with real information that could have made a difference in some past global political problems.


My husband (14+ year Army officer with combat tours) would agree with your dad. He won't even vote. He says "why would you play a game in which the outcome was already decided?"

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My husband (14+ year Army officer with combat tours) would agree with your dad. He won't even vote. He says "why would you play a game in which the outcome was already decided?"


Dh says the same thing. (24 years enlisted Army retiree) He does vote, though. But he's deeply cynical.


And Jay Leno said about the '04 election, "If God had wanted us to vote, he would have given us candidates."

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Guest Virginia Dawn
He won't even vote. He says "why would you play a game in which the outcome was already decided?"


Yep. That's my dad too.

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I agree with Mrs Mungo re the Wright/Obama thang.


My fave democratic candidate was Kucinich, which should tell you just how far left I am :coolgleamA:. I should also add that at no point did I really think he had a snowball's chance. Too bad.


As for Clinton, I like her a whole lot less then I did a year ago. Obama I like a whole lot more then I did a year ago. In fact, much to my surprise, I really like him. I hope he wins the democratic nomination, which barring some bizarre mathematics he will. If that math occurs, and Clinton becomes nominee, I doubt Obama would accept an offer for vice president if she offered it.


Obama is the one candidate who I feel has the most chance of actually bringing about change in the way government is done. He's already stood strong on his ideals of how a candidacy should be run.


Either way, Clinton or Obama, I will happily go to the polls and vote for either of them because I want Republicans OUT.

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I think if Obama wins, and if history repeats itself as usual, he will be the next scapegoat for all the problems the previous administration(s) have wrought. That goes for any of the candidates who win.


With the state of things as they are, all I know is that I would NOT want to be the one handed the burden of trying to manage this mess.

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I don't know, I think it'd be hard to lay these particular problems on anyone else's feet other then Bush's. He's the most unpopular president EVER and everyone knows what a mess he's made.


p.s. I'm only speaking for myself (as I'm the only one I CAN speak for) though the polls show.......

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Ok - we are Republicans, but it is fun watching the Democratic race! I figure, if Clinton gets the nomination, McCain will be president. If Obama gets it - McCain will lose. However, I would prefer Obama as the nominee if only to be rid of Clinton!!!!! I am not against a woman as Prez - just that particular one!!!!

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there is probably a good reason not to discuss politics with friends.


But I really want to say...


I think Obama is nice man, who gives excellent speeches, and with well meaning plans for change.


I want certain change, not change for change's sake. I think I spend a lot of time telling my kids not to accept certain things because they are currently poplular- that doesn't end with politics.


The position of president makes hard, and sometimes unpopular decisions, I'd like someone who has made some before he/she gets there.


This is where I'm at. I think he is impressive in his speeches and his plans, but, I haven't seen him around enough to see his decision making process. I'm usually a dyed-in-the-wool Republican, but, this year, I'm just struggling with the decision. We'll see.

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I think if Obama wins, and if history repeats itself as usual, he will be the next scapegoat for all the problems the previous administration(s) have wrought. That goes for any of the candidates who win.


With the state of things as they are, all I know is that I would NOT want to be the one handed the burden of trying to manage this mess.


So if we follow that logic out Bush was a scape goat for Clinton, Clinton was a scapegoat for the older Bush, Reagan was a scapegoat for Carter, Jimmy C was a scapegoat for Ford, and Nixon was a scapegoat for Johnson and........... :D ;)


There is always a mess...... I can not remember a president who left office with the country in perfect order and I doubt that there ever will be one who leaves the country with out some sort of mess when it is his or her time to pass the baton.


That said being from the Land of Lincoln and having Obama in public office here I can say that I have yet to see him on either state or national level clean up any mess of any kind. I do see and have seen a consistent voting record of present but but not a many yeahs or nays on issues and if I remember right when he was at the state level here he was not hsing friendly. Maybe being on the national level he has changed his thinking on the matter I don't know.


To be honest I have no horse in this race and have very little faith in any of the candidates no matter what their party.

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there is probably a good reason not to discuss politics with friends.


But I really want to say...


I think Obama is nice man, who gives excellent speeches, and with well meaning plans for change.


I want certain change, not change for change's sake. I think I spend a lot of time telling my kids not to accept certain things because they are currently poplular- that doesn't end with politics.


The position of president makes hard, and sometimes unpopular decisions, I'd like someone who has made some before he/she gets there.


This guy is really good at getting people riled up so they don't pay attention to his lack of a real constitutional plan. He's good at re-direct...would be great with toddlers!:D

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