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Any subject in particular? Or the company in general?


I can tell you that the math program is fabulous-LOVE it!! The company is also full of wonderful ppl.




I love in this order:

1) Math


3) Reading



Not crazy about SS &Science though. The math is definitely the best.

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Could I get pros and cons for CLE? I am liking it and would like some more input please :001_smile:


LOVE: CLE reading, math and LA.

eh : Bible

Can't stand the science or social studies


I do a lot of the early grades orally. Too much writing for my littlies. the LA need supplemental writing but otherwise is very systematic and complete. I use many more hands on manipulatives with the math...but my kids need that, and again, I do much of the writing because my little guy reverses numbers and I want him to consistently see them correctly. My 4th/5th grade, it is pretty independent.


the only con is I find it takes up way too much of our day if we do everything...I am still trying to figure out how to remedy that.



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We love CLE math. It is similar to Saxon in its approach (incremental, plenty of review and reinforcement) but more age-appropriate (illustration of the steps) and more user-friendly (worktext, quizzes and tests bundled with each workbook, open-and-go).


I like certain things about the LA. My son has used it for 200s and now 300s. He needs a different spelling program, and we do italics for penmanship, so we just do the grammar. The grammar alone is worth the $32 a year, IMO.


My daughter did LA 800s last year and we really liked it. She's a strong student and the vocabulary, grammar, and spelling stretched her but weren't overwhelming.


We tried the reading but it is more preachy than I expected. The math has almost no religious content; LA has some but it's mainly virtues and bible verses. Reading is extremely religious - we couldn't get very far in the stories about heathens worshiping ugly idols.

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I used the first grade reading and wasn't thrilled. It's for sale now. The math looks decent if you want a spiral program.


I'm finding that I really just don't like curriculum designed for schools. There are homeschool specific curriculum now that I think are better for a homeschool setting, though something like CLE is good if your kids love workbooks and you need something independent due to life situation. For my family, though my son likes workbooks, it was a bit too much busy work.

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I am currently using LA and math with both my children (8th and 2nd). I think it is very thorough and covers it easily for us. Dd did the reading last year in 7th. I though it was very good, too, but she is using SL Core 100 this year, so I didn't think she'd have time. I've been disappointed with the study guides that go along with the books, so I am sort of wishing she would have done CLE 8th grade reading.


I actually have ds doing BJU's reading for the elementary years. I really like it, plus I already had several grades here. I will make the switch at some point to CLE for reading, but I haven't decided which grade. I like that the older grades are only half a year, so there's plenty of time for real books.


I don't have any experience with Bible, science, or social studies, but I know I wouldn't use anything that's not Sunrise Edition.

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We need something pretty independant for my 4th grader. She's used the math since last year and I love it (and so does she). Math was our hardest subject to figure out, in more ways than one. We are finally happy with a math program.


Math - love


We've also added the LA. I like it and think it's very thorough. I cross through some things but she does most of it.


LA - really like


She's using the reading program as well. I had never used a reading "program" and didn't really think it was necessary but I really like it. It teaches things I wouldn't have thought of.


Reading - really like


We *just* started social studies. She's using the 4th grade - geography. I'm not a fan of social studies in this format but we are using it b/c she wanted to and b/c I needed her to be more independant for a season. It's very thorough.


Social studies - for this grade - 4th, I like it pretty well. I've heard the Sunrise Editions (which this is) are better.


We have not used Bible or Science and have no plans to. Using CLE for 4 subjects is a lot of writing, more than my dd is normally comfortable with. She has ADHD and hates the physical act of writing. However, she loves the Light Unit format and has asked for more LU's. Now she's doing her work as soon as she wakes up (which is early!). I do cross out some of her work or have her answer some of it orally.


You can look at samples on their website if you have not done so already.

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We love the Math program. Open and go. Spiral. DS loves getting a new workbook every 3 weeks.


We tried LA last year but hated it. Too much busy work. DS hates LA far too much and the design of program killed us. We are much happier with SWO and Rod and Staff.


We liked the 200 level science and social studies (used for reading comp and independent work). I haven't been as happy with the 300 level.


The preschool and kindy programs are good. DD likes to have "homework." Their program is good, not overwhelming, and inexpensive.

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We love the math (well, dd8 does). We tried LA and Reading (300) and called it quits after four LU in each. The LA is very thorough, but the workload was too much for dd (tears from my perfectionist girl). We dropped CLE Reading partly because dd wasn't enjoying it and partly because the stories were sometimes disparaging of other beliefs.


I love the independent nature of CLE worktexts, but CLE math has been the only keeper for us. :)

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We've used CLE Math 100 & 200, Language Arts 100 to 300, Reading 100 to 300, and Learning to Read. We like them all, especially the math and reading. Their overall style is a good fit for our family. The content is interesting and attractive, but not flashy or silly. This is good for children who are easily distracted. (It's also helpful to parents who enjoy stories about wildlife, but are sick and tired of reading about a frog eating a hot dog on a log, or a raccoon playing basketball in outer space. :glare:)


The language arts does have a high workload. It seems to work best for my children when I cross out about half the exercises. I'll also typically cross out some of the math exercises, but less so than with language arts. We also supplement both subjects with other materials from time to time. The Lightunits are still worth it to me, for the convenience of having daily practice that's portable and pretty much ready to go.


The only thing I can think of that I dislike about CLE is their excessive use of the schwa sound. This applies to both the reading and the language arts. Practuhcuhlly evuhry vowuhl sound in thuh Engluhsh languuhge is turned intuh uh "uh." Okay, I'm exaggerating, but not by much. I skip or cross out most of those exercises, and just make sure the children understand how to read the phonetic spellings so they can pass the tests.


We also have some of their music materials, but I'm not sure if we'll end up using them. They use shape notes, which I thought would be like the square notes in Gregorian chant, but in fact are completely different. I'll have to learn more about this system. It looks confusing to me, but does seem to have a strong track record in teaching sight-singing.

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I did not expect to like CLE. I didn't want a workbook, I didn't want spiral, I didn't want a Christian curriculum but guess what... my kids like it and are thriving on it. My 4th grader especially has thrived. He had no concept of sentence structure/parts of speech/punctuation. And not for lack of trying to teach him. Now he is doing well. We were using RS math which I loved but he just wasn't getting it. He has vastly improved there too. I gave my 1st grader a trial of both curriculums and she chose CLE. The reading does have religious content but we used it as a jumping off spot for discussion. I'm also not as in love with dictionary markings as they seem to be but otherwise it has worked really well for us.

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I love Math and LA and reading. I plan to continue with these LA and Reading through grade 8. I prefer starting Reading in 4th grade, bc it is a one semester course from then on. Our 2nd semester can focus on classic whole book studies. Plus, we use something else for phonics and in 4th grade onward, the phonics instruction isn't included. We add WWE for writing, and we plan to use all of Peace Hill Press writing programs as they are published! We also add original Wordly Wise for vocab/SAT prep.


My daughter will move on to Chalkdust Algebra in 8th grade after CLE Math 7 and a review of the 8th grade LU/tests. My son is working a year ahead in math so he will complete CLE Math 8 in 7th and move on to Chalkdust Algebra. I like the spiral math - my children have done so well with that. I feel like they are getting a firm foundation to prepare for higher maths.


I'm not a fan of SS and Science bc I prefer the WTM ideas for those subects. However, I plan on using the 5th grade science for my son next year with the experiment kit from Home Science Tools. It looks excellent:


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I love CLE Math. My daughter started halfway through the level 2 series and is now using level 4 and I still love it.


She's been using CLE LA for about as long and I'm not as happy with it as the math, but it is okay. I'm considering switching her to R&S grammar next year for 4th grade, along with a streamlined version of SWR for spelling, but I haven't made up my mind.


I'd like to give the reading a try, but there are only so many hours in the day.



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The only thing I can think of that I dislike about CLE is their excessive use of the schwa sound. This applies to both the reading and the language arts. Practuhcuhlly evuhry vowuhl sound in thuh Engluhsh languuhge is turned intuh uh "uh." Okay, I'm exaggerating, but not by much.


You really aren't exaggerating very much. :lol: There were several words where I said "I say that with the proper phonetic pronunciation.", so we had to skip them. Now I did look up "hippopotamus", because they used a schwa for the first 'o', and I say a long 'o' there (like in "hippo")... The dictionary online does give it an "uh" sound for that 'o', but I see no need to teach an "uh" sound if we say it how it is phonetically spelled. My son is more likely to remember the spelling if he says it with a long 'o' there (that may even be why I say it with a long 'o'). Who says "hippuh" when shortening the word? It just makes sense for that to be a long 'o', though I can see where people would easily convert that sound to an "uh" sound. It just drives me nuts that it's *supposed* to be that way when it clearly should be pronounced with a long 'o'.


But I digress... Really, that schwa was my nemesis. :lol:

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I have used CLE in one grade or another for almost every subject. Here is my rundown...maybe the abbreviated version:


CLE Reading: Wonderful, solid, a great program. I continue to use it for my youngest son even though he does DITHR from HOD as well.


CLE Math: Thorough, complete, but very long lessons. My older ds who is really great at math got burned out after 2 years of the long lessons. He tended to miss a lot of problems in CLE (again, because of the long lessons and number of problems). My younger son could not keep up with the pace of the lessons and he spent most of his time in CLE crying.


CLE LA: I do not like this at all when compared to R&S. My degree is in English and the biggest difference for me was that CLE seemed to be all over the place with the lessons in LA, whereas R&S teaches in a logical sequence, same order each year(just more difficult/expanding on previous knowledge each year).


CLE Social Studies: Very Textbook. I did not like the history topics chosen in several grades - for instance 6th grade when you are studying Latin America for an entire YEAR.


CLE Science: Again, very textbook. You read the lessons, answer the questions. My kids did not have "fun" learning Science this way...and because of that, they did not retain much of what they learned.


Overall, I think CLE is a solid "school" type program. If your child likes learning with textbooks/workbooks, then CLE does provide a solid education. I love their reading, but the rest was just too "private Christian school" for me. What we use (HOD) is a living book curriculum with lots of fun projects, hands on learning, and lots of great literature to guide you on your way. I much prefer that style, but not everyone does. :)

Edited by Tree House Academy
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We tried Math (4th grade) and LA (4th and 7th grade) for the first time this year, and I love it! I wish I had known about these sooner.


While the lessons are written to the student, I like to do the new learning portion together. The rest they do independently. The lessons can be long if the student does all at one time, but the lessons can be broken into different segments. For instance, with LA, my 4th grader does the penmanship and spelling at a different sitting than the grammar.


Grammar was always a struggle for 7th grade ds, and it never seemed to stick (used BJU, EG, AG over the years). With CLE, it's finally sticking! :lol:


The price of these also can't be beat. Big fan here!!

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Where to buy it then is my next question? I think we will do the Math, LA and Reading and then do something else for the science and history.


Thanks so much for all the your input this is what I needed.


I purchased directly online http://www.clp.org/store/browse/31_curriculum


You can also view samples at this site. I live in CA and have always received my packages from them very quickly. Don't try to order on Sunday, however. The website does not accept orders on Sundays.

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The only thing I can think of that I dislike about CLE is their excessive use of the schwa sound. This applies to both the reading and the language arts. Practuhcuhlly evuhry vowuhl sound in thuh Engluhsh languuhge is turned intuh uh "uh." Okay, I'm exaggerating, but not by much. I skip or cross out most of those exercises, and just make sure the children understand how to read the phonetic spellings so they can pass the tests.



:lol: this made me chuckle. we used CLE LTR and loved it! i then purchased the second half of the program and sold it the next day. it was waaaay over the top. we're now using R&S to finish the year and love it.


as for CLE, we love their math, LA, and LTR (but not the second half). i purchased bible for my daughter next year, but we've not used it as of yet.

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We've used CLE Math 400-500, Reading 500-600, and LA 500-600.



-Math, Reading, LA get done consistently thanks to CLE. No planning; just do then next lesson.

-CLE is thorough.

-DD can work independently.

-The workbooks are portable so easy to do a lesson in the car if you are on-the-go.



-I strongly dislike the format of the answer keys. Seems like I often waste time trying to find the AK for the quizzes, tests because they aren't in sequential order which I find frustrating.

-we don't do CLE's spelling which is included in the LA

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I've purchased used and directly from CLE.



I don't recall if you mentioned placement tests before, but I definitely recommend you have your children take the free placement tests available on the website before you place your order.



I always purchase directly from them....and if you have any questions, their staff is great. We always get our books very fast...and the customer service is excellent.



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Late to chime in but have to say that WE LOVE CLE here.


We use reading, bible, and LA. Next year we may change LA to R&S. I've dropped CLE spelling and penmanship (one kid needs more, one less) so that leaves on LA. I think I can do 2 kids at one R&S LA and really tighten things up next year, so alas, we may change...


I love Horizons math too much to change. We did try CLE and I didn't find it as rigorous as Horizons. It was good - and better than most maths I've seen - but it just struck me as light and not having enough problems for my kids. The kids LOVED the speed drills though.


The history and science were terrible (IMHO). Textbook, but in a bad way.


For ordering I've always used the CLE website. Fast and easy.

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