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Psssst... C'MERE! Want to join me on this next week???

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I have an idea. This was inspired by LibraryLover, who said:


"I love blogs, and I always give parents the benefit of the doubt. Most folks are doing the best they can. However. Sometimes it takes a whole lot of parental control to look good. Nobody every takes pix of their kids crying and being bored out of their minds, or having to scrub the bathroom floor as punishment, or the minivan filled with the toys that were 'donated' or thrown away because they didn't clean up well."


(the above text borrowed from this thread: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=240485)


So. Next week - from Monday, January 31st through Friday, February 4th- the goal is to take pictures of the WORST moments of the week. The messes, the tears, the bored faces, whatever comes up- all the behind the scenes stuff that we don't usually bother portraying on our blogs. And then we have to portray them on our blogs in an entry that must be posted by Monday, February 7th.


Come back to this thread once you've done so and post the link.


So? Are you in? C'mon, it'll be fun, and we can finally admit that none of us are perfect ALL the time ;)


P.S. If you don't have a blog, you can come back here and type a summary of the "Week's Worst Moments" and attach some pics.

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:001_smile: Fun!




Trust when I say that I would love to see happy children making messes in their happy homes. Spare me kids scrubbing toilets with toothbrushes because they didn't 'do their math'.


Don't worry.


It's much more likely that NOBODY will scrub the toilets.




There. I said it.



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what an AWESOME idea! I've been wanting to start a blog for quite some time now!!! I also wish I could post pics on WTM but I can't. I've tried and tried but the pics are just too big. I wonder if I'd have the same problem on a blog?


How long does it take to get a blog started?


Nance - I love your energy and I love your creativity, even if you got help!!! You rock!!! :D

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what an AWESOME idea! I've been wanting to start a blog for quite some time now!!! I also wish I could post pics on WTM but I can't. I've tried and tried but the pics are just too big. I wonder if I'd have the same problem on a blog?


How long does it take to get a blog started?


Nance - I love your energy and I love your creativity, even if you got help!!! You rock!!! :D


It shouldn't take long just to start something basic, then you can tweak it as you go and learn/feel your way. :)

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it's very easy to start a blog- go to a free platform, I use blogger (blogspot), super easy- go to the site, sign in, make up a blog name- check to see if it is available and click, it's there! You can pick a look for it too, find what you like. Adding photos is super easy, just click the button, browse your computer for it and add it. If I can do it, anyone can.


let us know if you do it!

Edited by Hen Jen
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Oh, I have photographed some of those moments in the past, LOL! On my blog you can find, already, the time my youngest whacked all the blossoms off a potted lily dh bought me. Or the time he wrapped the couch with an entire roll of scotch tape. Or the time he flooded the bathroom. The second time, I mean. Or the time he accidentally burned the couch, leaving a bright (flourescent) orange mark front and center. Or, or, or. I have lots of stories about him, LOL.


I don't normally tell on the big boys, mainly as they don't do that sort of thing anymore. But I am pretty transparent. I talk about the melt downs, and what I'm trying that week to help with them. And what's not working. And how sometimes it takes me months to figure out something really obvious.


But, I do have to balance that with respecting my children. My 13 yr old would be slow to forgive if I photographed him in the midst of a math melt down, and then posted it for all my blog readers to see. It's enough that I discussed it when we made the switch in math curriculum.


My 10 yr old would cry buckets if I photographed him and chronicled his worst fears, or his worst arguments with one of his brothers. It's enough that I do talk about the fact he has fears, and ask for help in overcoming them, and openly ask for advice when I have no clue how to help a situation.


I realize you mean this all in fun, but I will have to just say that I already am transparent enough without being too much. My boys are more important to me than whether someone reading my blog thinks I'm too perfect (and anyone reading my blog knows I'm far from it).


Still -- I do agree that often times we (in general) tend to censor our lives. Rich Mullins said it really well -- he said that we all think we know him so well, because of his public persona, but that in reality, we only know the him that he lets us see. I think it's important to realize that is the case about each and every one of us, every blog we read, every post on these (or other) forums, etc. We are only getting to know the "me" that each person is willing to put out in the public eye.


Still, I think we need to carefully balance reality (letting it all hang out) with idealism (putting the best foot forward). Too much of either the perfectly pressed laundry or the dirty laundry and one won't win many friends. A nice mixture of both = winning recipe all around, IMO.

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My boys are more important to me than whether someone reading my blog thinks I'm too perfect (and anyone reading my blog knows I'm far from it)...


....Still, I think we need to carefully balance reality (letting it all hang out) with idealism (putting the best foot forward). Too much of either the perfectly pressed laundry or the dirty laundry and one won't win many friends. A nice mixture of both = winning recipe all around, IMO.


Oh, I agree with you! I'm sure everyone will use their discretion and not humiliate their kids or do anything totally evil for posterity's sake, but still manage to chronicle some of their not-so-great moments of the week if they think they're able, in whatever way they're able.


I do mean for this to be fun and to show a balance of what real life's like while homeschooling (as opposed to ONLY the bright, shiny stuff), but not of course to upset older kids further by posting things that might embarrass them. I don't expect my 10 year old will have cause to cry this coming week. But my 5 y/o will, without a doubt. And a house that might have been nice and neat on a given morning will look like I never, ever clean it later that afternoon. And there will be tons of clutter in the background on the counters as we do schoolwork at the kitchen table. And there might be a bored look on my daughter's face while she does vocab. Or somebody might spill something all over the place. Or the cat might poop in the hall. Or the fridge might look way sparser than it should because you procrastinated on food shopping. And so on and so forth. Be creative. Have fun with it. Be honest at your discretion, but I certainly don't mean for anyone to humiliate herself or her family.



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Oh, I agree with you! I'm sure everyone will use their discretion and not humiliate their kids or do anything totally evil for posterity's sake, but still manage to chronicle some of their not-so-great moments of the week if they think they're able, in whatever way they're able.


I do mean for this to be fun and to show a balance of what real life's like while homeschooling (as opposed to ONLY the bright, shiny stuff), but not of course to upset older kids further by posting things that might embarrass them. I don't expect my 10 year old will have cause to cry this coming week. But my 5 y/o will, without a doubt. And a house that might have been nice and neat on a given morning will look like I never, ever clean it later that afternoon. And there will be tons of clutter in the background on the counters as we do schoolwork at the kitchen table. And there might be a bored look on my daughter's face while she does vocab. Or somebody might spill something all over the place. Or the cat might poop in the hall. Or the fridge might look way sparser than it should because you procrastinated on food shopping. And so on and so forth. Be creative. Have fun with it. Be honest at your discretion, but I certainly don't mean for anyone to humiliate herself or her family.




thanks for clarifying. That does sound fun, and of course I should have read the whole thread before posting -- seems like everyone but me fully "got" that in the first place :001_smile: I will just chalk it up to being the new girl around here, and maybe not knowing you as much as some of the others.


And, if you ever do want a laugh, just click on the "the adventurer" tab on my blog. Boy are there some funny stories about that boy...... :lol:


I'll keep an eye out for bloggable, real-life mommy moments next week. It does sound fun now that I realize (duh) we are all on the same page here. Thanks for being patient with the newcomer! :001_smile:

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LOL! Did anyone remember to take pictures this week? I COMPLETELY forgot until just this moment! Oddly, this has been one of our better weeks. Last night the children were keeping themselves busy by scrubbing the floors and pretending they were my slaves. It was their idea!:D


I'll try to get out the camera tomorrow and see what comes up.

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I think the words that go with this picture are along the lines of:


"Hey you don't want to pick up the clay then you have to deal with it sticking to your papers...hey careful with that glass of....oh... Grab a towel and wipe it up then PLEASE sit down so we can finish this stuff up. No you can't have a snack you just had one...yes sweetheart your baby can ride in the bucket, can you put it on the couch though? {Wailing begins here because baby needs to do school to}."


SIGH, some days are so fantastic aren't they? ;)


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