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Putting things on hold at the library

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For us, it all depends. It depends on if it is in at the library we regularly use or if it is checked out, when it is due back, how many other people have it on hold, how far away the other library happens to be, etc.


Usually it takes about a week. We use our library system extensively and currently have over 200 books checked out.

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well, all of them were available when I put them on hold yesterday, but a few had to come from another library. I just discovered that the "my account" page that shows all my holds online also shows when they're available :)


The things you learn!! I want to make better use of our library, but it was hard with a toddler. Now that I've discovered I can just put stuff on hold online and stop by to pick it up I think we'll use it a LOT more!

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well, all of them were available when I put them on hold yesterday, but a few had to come from another library. I just discovered that the "my account" page that shows all my holds online also shows when they're available :)


The things you learn!! I want to make better use of our library, but it was hard with a toddler. Now that I've discovered I can just put stuff on hold online and stop by to pick it up I think we'll use it a LOT more!


being able to do so much online, helps ALOT! You can probably renew online too.:D

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Yeah, it varies. If I reserve something online that they do have on their shelves, they will call me anywhere from 1-3 days later to let me know it's ready (usually 1-2 days).


If I have to order something through Interlibrary Loan (which I do by emailing the ILL librarian), that could take a week, or it could take a few weeks- it really does vary! I would say MOST of the time it's within 1-2 weeks though.

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Ours varies widely, depending on which of the half dozen or so branches the materials come from. If it is at my own branch they usually pull the materials and I get a call and email in a few hours. Some branches pull and send the same day, and others take 5-7 days before they even pull the resources. I find that the smaller, rural branch libraries are much faster at sending materials than the better staffed and larger branches.

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We're notified by email when the books are ready for pick up. If there isn't a bunch of people waiting, usually 2-3 days. If there are people ahead of me, it depends on how many copies of the books the district has. For instance, I was 7th in line and had to wait 2 months because there were only a few copies. Then again, I was 112 in line for the last in the Hunger Games trilogy and got the book in less than 20 days because the district has 70+ copies.

We live in a large city with many libraries. We are very lucky to have a great system.

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I place holds on the internet and my library has a drive through. We never go in anymore! Holds placed on books at the branch were I'm picking up are ready same day. Other branches of our local library, usually two day with the exception of one branch - they take 5 days for some unknown reason. ILL usually takes three days and the ILL through the university system is similar 2-4 days.


When I place a hold I can see if the book is available, checked out or has others waiting on it. All of those times are for available books.

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It depends on random factors at my library, I think. Most of the time I can request everything on Thursday and it'll be in by Tuesday, which is our usual day to go. This week, though, was odd and I didn't request till Sunday, and things were still ready. It was nice. If there's a hold on anything, though, I don't hold my breath. Even though people can't renew if there's a hold, there are plenty of people around here who don't mind paying the fines. :glare:

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Totally depends...


If it's at my branch library already, it might be ready the next day. (I try to just get it off the shelf myself, though.)


If it's at the main library, it can be anywhere from 2-3 days to 2 weeks, depending on when they get around to pulling the books and sending them over.


If it's checked out, who knows? Sometimes they get sent to me before they're re-shelved, sometimes the book gets re-shelved and then pulled the next time they pull requests.


If there's a wait list, I don't count on seeing it for a long time.



Edited by myfunnybunch
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If you read popular fiction, it's good to find out if your library will let you put books on hold when they're listed as "on order."


For example, there's a new Sookie Stackhouse book coming out in May. My library already has a listing for it in the online catalog with its status as "on order." I've already put a hold on it, so I'm currently 14 out of 43 on the holds list which means I'll get it pretty quickly - perhaps even as soon as the books come in depending on how many copies each branch gets.


Our library emails you when your holds are ready for pickup, but typically not until the end of the day, so if I think I'll be near the library on a particular day, I'll often check before we leave and see if it's in. They also email a couple of days before books are due (and 3 days after they're due).


I just wish we could put more books on hold. When we first moved here you could have 10 on hold. Now it's 3. With the two kids that gives us 9 hold "spots" but often fewer functional ones depending on how many longer term holds we have (like my Sookie book).


Another thing to thank the Ancient Romans for :)

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I love being to order holds online. My rural library is pretty small, but it's part of a great system, and I often get things in a few days. Occasionally, though, it will take a few weeks even if there are no holds (I think this happens when I order from smaller libraries further away). Some weeks I go in and have a few items waiting for me and other weeks a ton of my things come in at once.

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If you read popular fiction, it's good to find out if your library will let you put books on hold when they're listed as "on order."


For example, there's a new Sookie Stackhouse book coming out in May. My library already has a listing for it in the online catalog with its status as "on order." I've already put a hold on it, so I'm currently 14 out of 43 on the holds list which means I'll get it pretty quickly - perhaps even as soon as the books come in depending on how many copies each branch gets.



I just did that at my library... THANKS!!! It looks like they will get 6 copies and I am 5th in line. I'll get it as soon as they do.


I would never have thought of that!!


And to answer the OPs question: If the book is in, then I get it the next day. As long as the library that the book was at pulls it that day. I know one of the libraries is really good at that!

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I do it all the time. It depends on the book/DVD queue. I'm willing to wait for stuff. Have 7 items on hold now. Some will be ready on Tuesday. Others it will take longer - esp new releases that are popular.

I've only had to interlibrary loan one item- it was $1.50.

I live out of county and pay $60/yr but I LOVE our library system. We get way more value than $60/ yr out of it!

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