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Update, recap, and prayer request

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I just wanted to update you and ask you to keep praying. The hole near the port is getting smaller. Pray it gets smaller by Monday morning when I go to the doctor. I'd love to see it closed up! If it is closed up, then I will be getting chemo as scheduled. Please be praying that IF I get chemo, that this time it won't be some hard on my digestive system and that I won't feel so bad. I didn't ask for prayer last time and it was awful, so I'm making sure I ask for prayer this time. :-)


We're having a surprise 80th birthday for my mother on 2/13. If I have chemo as scheduled this coming week, I'll feel up to participating, so that is why I'm asking for prayer that the hole close up.


This week marks two years since I found out I had cancer. I cannot let this time go by without giving Him praise as we stand in awe at what the Lord has done in these past two years. Doctors will tell you all the statistics, etc., but we chose to not listen to them. I AM NOT A STATISTIC in God's eyes and I refuse to listen to the what if's and predictions that the doctors say about my situation. As a friend told me early on in this walk, only God knows the day He will call each of us home.


One of the things that we've learned through this journey has been to truly be thankful for each day and use it for His glory serving Him, doing His will and walking with Him. Each day is not a guarantee, but truly a gift from above. It's so easy to get caught up on the merry go round of things that life throws at us, that we begin to keep God at arm's length and then He is put further and further away. He wants to be involved in our lives every day, not just when it is convenient or problems arise.


We're also learning that what used to bother or concern us, we just really need to put in the Lord's hands and let Him take care of it. He told us to not worry or have anxiety or fret, but to pray and watch expectantly to see what He will do. He told us numerous times in His word to not be anxious, so I've really tried to pray about things and just release them. With all the extra medical expenses this past year, I've had to really learn to let go of that care. We've been amazed to see His hand move. We were blessed several times with financial gifts because God knew we needed it. He is such a loving and caring God! He really does care about His children and all the details of our lives. I can't tell you how many times I'd receive a call, card, visit, meal, or gift just when I really needed it. Those things just confirmed to me how much He truly loves me.


We have also learned in the past two years about the power of prayer. We can look back over the past two years and see where His hand has moved in mighty ways. He has answered so many of our prayers I can't remember them all. YOU have been a part of those answered prayers and we are so very thankful for each prayer you've prayed on behalf of our family. This journey isn't just about us. Every person that has been a part of this journey is learning something new about the Lord. This is just an avenue He is using to draw us all closer to Him. How many times have you prayed for us and we got the answer and got excited to see how He answered it? God has been so good to us and He alone deserves all the glory, praise, and honor.


I am truly thankful to be alive today and to be feeling almost like I did before all this started. Praise Him with me! I do covet your continued prayers that I continue to do well and for complete healing. Pray that our faith will continue to grow as we trust Him with the future. There is still a battle to be fought in the mind, body, and for our faith. Pray that we will obey Him and leave the consequences to Him.


Thank you to each of you that have supported us through these past two years and for walking this journey with us!


Love you all,



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I was wondering how you were doing. I will definitely pray for the hole to get smaller and close up and for your digestive health to improve. Chemotherapy can be so hard on it. You are also on a prayer list at our church. Take care!

:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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