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If you exercise and have motivation issues..

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How in the world do you get over it?! i dont know what I am so afraid of! I guess I dont want to be the newbie again. Maybe I just dont want to put on my gym clothes and see how tight they have gotten... maybe it is all just an excuse bc NOT going and NOT exercising is so much easier than trying to do something. Maybe it is the idea of getting all four kids dressed and loaded in the van and taking them! I just dont know... DH wants to go and is begging me to go.


I just dont undertand why I used to run 12 miles and was training for a marathon, did spin clazses at the Y three times a week and felt GREAT!!! But here I sit...


I quit all that when I went to work full time last April. I quit working in November and still have not gotten off my butt to do anything... except make that dash to the drive thru for some much needed comfort food!!!!:glare:

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I just put it on my calendar and DO it. It is an appointment for me to keep. I though only go to 1 class at the Y right now---a Wed. morning water aerobics class.


I then generally had set times to walk with a friend, do fitness class at church, and then something on my own the other days.


This week has been terrible as dh had a heart attack last Saturday and emergency surgery. Next Monday though I will be back on schedule.


I have a goal to lose 20 pounds this year---I am already down 7 1/2 but it is easier to lose those first few than the later ones:lol: I really could stand to lose about 50 pounds and even 60 wouldn't make me too thin. I am just trying to take this one step at a time and make it a lifestyle change, not a fad diet/exercise thing.

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I don't have an answer for you, unfortunately, but you're certainly not alone! I sometimes think about joining our local gym for the variety and amenities, but in reality, I reallyreally don't want to leave the house to exercise--too much money, too much extra time, the childcare hours are too limited, etc. The treadmill in our basement and a yoga DVD are the best I can do these days. Can you try starting something at home for awhile and get yourself some momentum, then maybe start going to the actual gym?


My biggest problem right now is time of day. My best time of day to exercise is around 3:00. I have the most energy and stamina then. However, I need to get it done in the mornings before the kids are up and so I can shower and be ready for the day. Unfortunately, when I exercise in the morning, I can't go for nearly as long, I get winded much more easily, and it's so much more painful! If you have a solution for that one, I'd love to hear it :lol: Seriously though, maybe you can pinpoint a time of day when it's easier and more fun for you to exercise? Do you have a natural energy burst at some point in the day?


Good luck. I know it's not easy. Even my DH, who likes to exercise, has not been able to adhere to the routine he tried to set up at the beginning of the month. We were just discussing it this morning, in fact!

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This week has been terrible as dh had a heart attack last Saturday and emergency surgery. Next Monday though I will be back on schedule.


Oh, Ottakee, I didn't hear this! I'm so sorry :grouphug: It sounds like he's doing well though--that's good news.


I sometimes like to watch a motivational video on youtube before beginning. :)


What a great idea! Can you share any that you particularly like, or do you just search around for something?


twacademy, can you tell this has really been on my mind too? :lol: My original plan was to exercise when DH went to the gym in the morning (I intended it to be a surprise for him, that we were getting in shape together, kind of silly but it would mean so much to him). However, if HE'S not working out like he wants to, it means that I'm not either! :glare: I need to start shoving him out the door in the morning! :lol:

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I know how you feel. Until I was pregnant with my third child I was always at the gym. I had no problem meeting my trainer at 6am :eek: twice a week so I could go before DH left for work. And 2 other days I would take the kids to the very nice child care facility they have (that is included in the membership). I just made time for it, did it, and felt so good that I wouldn't dream of skipping it.


NOW...:confused: I don't know. Now I really need to go, still have those few baby pounds to lose, and I need the endorphins and general feel-goodness that comes with working out. But here I sit.


I really have no excuse. I could get up early and work out in our basement. We have an elliptical, all kinds of weights, and many DVDs. In fact, that is what I planned to do until I felt comfortable leaving the baby in the child care. But I keep saying....tomorrow...or on Monday...or whatever.


Just typing this out has made me realize how much I miss working out and how my mood is so much better when I do. NTM how much better my clothes fit. ;) I am going to do it in the morning. No really, I am!! :lol: I'm texting DH now, so he holds me to it, and to make sure he'll be around to keep an eye on the kiddos.


So for you...take that first step. You loved to run before, can you start running now? Either outside or on a treadmill at the gym? Make yourself a new workout mix on your ipod for inspiration, and just do it. I'll bet you'll feel good, maybe a few sore muscles, but you will remember why you liked it and will try to make the time. It is important to take care of mama!! Hope you can take that first (hardest!!) step. :001_smile:


I'm really doing it tomorrow.....

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How in the world do you get over it?! i dont know what I am so afraid of! I guess I dont want to be the newbie again. Maybe I just dont want to put on my gym clothes and see how tight they have gotten... maybe it is all just an excuse bc NOT going and NOT exercising is so much easier than trying to do something. Maybe it is the idea of getting all four kids dressed and loaded in the van and taking them! I just dont know... DH wants to go and is begging me to go.


I just dont undertand why I used to run 12 miles and was training for a marathon, did spin clazses at the Y three times a week and felt GREAT!!! But here I sit...


I quit all that when I went to work full time last April. I quit working in November and still have not gotten off my butt to do anything... except make that dash to the drive thru for some much needed comfort food!!!!:glare:




DH needs to watch the kids while you go ALONE. Start simple by putting on your running shoes. Get one cute outfit that fits now even if it isn't the size you want it to be. Just keep washing that one outfit until your other ones fit back on.


I highly suggest this line of running apparel www.skirtsports.com. Lightweight, very flattering, hides the flaws, and they are having a sale so you can get something affordable.


Seriously, BTDT. I've suffered loads of set backs because of injury. The foundation is there. You'll get up to stride in no time.


BTW, I hate most gyms and don't blame you for not wanting to go. But during the times when I feel intimidated about going, I remind myself that I care more about training than I do about being intimidated.

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all I can tell you is, just like my 10 year old and his math, sometimes we have to do things we don't want to do. How can we set a good example for our children, asking them to work hard in school and take care of their bodies, if they don't see us do our own hard work? If I don't move my fat behind because "I don't wanna" then how can I look my kids in the eye when they say they don't want to clean up their toys?


I HATE to exercise but I do it almost every day. I try to remind myself in homage to Dorothy Parker, that while I hate exercising I enjoy having exercised.


And remember, it does get easier because a body at rest tends to stay at rest but a body in motion..well, you know how it works.

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Although I have done the gym and various classes in years past, the way I motivate myself nowadays is I combine exercise with being outside in nature. Many, many times I motivate myself by just saying "15 minutes is better than nothing" and I give myself permission to walk for 7.5 minutes and then turn around and come back. Which I virtually never do because once I am OUT there, it's so beautiful! I have a regular walk I do that takes about 25 minutes, but if I want to I can extend it to 45 or an hour by walking further.

My main exercise is walking, and i walk in nature (we live near a wetlands) or through the suburbs looking at people's gardens. It's relaxing, feeds and soothes my soul as well as exercises my body.

I find gyms rather soulless and unmotivating.

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I lot of times I don't feel motivated I have to think about what I'm eating...If I'm eating a lot of processed foods, sugars, or (in my case) meat/dairy products, I start feeling sluggish and lose a lot of energy...


I'm not saying to cut out all the foods I do...lol but for my friend it's dairy products, and for most of us it's just choosing to eat something healthier that day (like a salad instead of fast food...)


I really think that diet and exercise encourage each other...sometimes making a good food choice that day helps put me in a "healthier" mind set and encourages me to be more active and make more good choices :001_smile:


That and if I don't drink enough water I get tired...


Other than those things...I still have my lazy days and sometimes those days start getting addicting and I then I loose more motivation and have more lazy days...So I just have to try and be consistent...


Hope it helps :001_smile:

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Remove the choice aspect of it. You have to start thinking of exercise the way you think of brushing your teeth or sleeping. It keeps you healthy, so it's not negotiable; it's mandatory.

:iagree: I've been exercising regularly for just over 4 years now. There are days and weeks where I'm just not motivated. Those are the hardest times. I usually run and I was injured recently while training for my first marathon. I was SO depressed and NOT motivated at all. I started going to physical therapy and I saw the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm now going through a motivated phase (after finishing that marathon!!) and I'm doing some cross training in addition to the running.


During those harder times, I treat exercise like brushing my teeth. You just gotta' do it.

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Is there any type of exercise that you really like and would WANT to do? I just made a list of things which are fun for me (part of my Happiness Project), and yoga and walking were two activities I really enjoy. (treadmill, not so much). So I am going to make sure I schedule those in. This morning, I did NOT feel like driving to the yoga class, but I kept reminding myself how happy I'd be once I got to class, and how good I'd feel after the class. It worked, and I got my butt out the door!

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I'm sticking with it because I have a running buddy. Actually, we keep each other going. We both know the other person will be out at the corner at 6:30 in the morning, so we both get up and going. Believe me, most mornings we say, "if I didn't know you'd be waiting..."


I'm always glad I went, but it is almost always really hard to get up and get going.


(Oh, and DH would not be enough of a running buddy to get me going.)

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I want to thank you ALL for your advice and experiences! I am so excited bc I signed up for WW and I found out my Y has a couch to 5K group starting next month and I am registering tomorrow!! I love the cycle classes and will go tomorrow!!!!!!!! Youve all motivated me! I will come back and let you know how it goes. I think I remember my bike setting!

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Look and see if any gyms around you have a Homeschool Program!!


The largest gym in our area does this for us :)


We go on Mon. & Wed. from 1-3. They take the kids for those two hours, they play games and sports, but also do P.E, like how to exercise and eat properly and they also get a 30 minute Health lesson.


Then, from 1:30 to 2:15 they assign the same personal trainer to "work out" the moms who want to exercise. And she WORKS. US. OUT! I feel like I'm back in the Army again, LOL!! It's hardcore exercise. I have become friends with some of the moms and DS has made friends, so you always feel obligated to show up...it's easier to work out with friends! So now, we will meet during other days of the week too, for like Zumba or Step class.


Because I am there a lot and know people, I go more often.


If your gym does NOT have this, then ask about setting it up! Our gym didn't have it until the leader of our "group" approached them and negotiated it. They just ran the promotion like it was their idea and it has grown pretty big.


Basically, we sign up and get Full memberships, but with a $10 discount, no sign-up fees. I pay $38 a month and for DS it's $18. We can go anytime, and also get 2 hours of childcare per day AND monthly parents night out (no extra charge). It has worked wonders for the gym and it's awesome to have P.E and Health covered :)

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Look and see if any gyms around you have a Homeschool Program!!


The largest gym in our area does this for us :)


We go on Mon. & Wed. from 1-3. They take the kids for those two hours, they play games and sports, but also do P.E, like how to exercise and eat properly and they also get a 30 minute Health lesson.


Then, from 1:30 to 2:15 they assign the same personal trainer to "work out" the moms who want to exercise. And she WORKS. US. OUT! I feel like I'm back in the Army again, LOL!! It's hardcore exercise. I have become friends with some of the moms and DS has made friends, so you always feel obligated to show up...it's easier to work out with friends! So now, we will meet during other days of the week too, for like Zumba or Step class.


Because I am there a lot and know people, I go more often.


If your gym does NOT have this, then ask about setting it up! Our gym didn't have it until the leader of our "group" approached them and negotiated it. They just ran the promotion like it was their idea and it has grown pretty big.


Basically, we sign up and get Full memberships, but with a $10 discount, no sign-up fees. I pay $38 a month and for DS it's $18. We can go anytime, and also get 2 hours of childcare per day AND monthly parents night out (no extra charge). It has worked wonders for the gym and it's awesome to have P.E and Health covered :)


This sounds awesome! Wish I lived near you! ;)

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Although I have done the gym and various classes in years past, the way I motivate myself nowadays is I combine exercise with being outside in nature. Many, many times I motivate myself by just saying "15 minutes is better than nothing" and I give myself permission to walk for 7.5 minutes and then turn around and come back. Which I virtually never do because once I am OUT there, it's so beautiful! I have a regular walk I do that takes about 25 minutes, but if I want to I can extend it to 45 or an hour by walking further.

My main exercise is walking, and i walk in nature (we live near a wetlands) or through the suburbs looking at people's gardens. It's relaxing, feeds and soothes my soul as well as exercises my body.

I find gyms rather soulless and unmotivating.



I used to "do" the gym as well. I refuse to now. I did P90xa few yrs ago as well and I refuse to do that as well. I combine exercise / being in nature and my family. I would rather spend it as a family and also raise my kids with the idea that active is just how you spend life. However, I also changed my philosophy of exercise, my goals are different now. I am for 2-5 hrs of steady exercise a week, 1 session of sprinting and bodyweight activities 1-2 x a week.


Sometimes I do above and beyond, sometimes not so much. Part of the success of it though is the same with food. I approach ever day as a new day. I accept that sometimes things won't work out the way I want but that doesn't mean I just give up for good. I try to figure out the whys and see if it is ok or I need to change something.


We all have different motivations and goals though and even then those things change over time and we have to change with it. You have to make sure whatever activity you pick is reasonably fun and something you want to do or learn to do or you won't stick with it.


There is no perfect activity to do, be it running, biking, swimming etc- there is no one perfect time to work out it all depends on what you want to do and will stick with- oh and like our good Chinese mother says- nothing is fun until you are good at it! You have to make yourself at the beginning because it will likely hurt- at least some- and you will be out of breath and you will feel like an idiot- you gotta keep going though!

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