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I have nothing to do :(

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Okay, I know many of you won't have sympathy for me. I'll vent anyway. :tongue_smilie:


Oh, and this is not a DH bash. I love my DH and am not mad at him over any of this.


My college school schedule got messed up so I can't take classes this semester.


I've been researching homeschooling high school without using an accredited correspondence course because the amount of money is overwhelming, but DH put a stop to that. He doesn't want to change our plan so we'll continue using Keystone National High school.


My ultimate goal with college is to work with young children, under age 5. My degree major focuses on that. My degree will certify (or whatever word) me to work in a Montessori. But the thing is I don't care if I work in a Montessori or a plain daycare. I just want to work with baby and toddlers. So since I'm not in school, I thought about getting a job at a daycare. But DH said no because he doesn't want me working full-time and the only part-time daycare jobs are to handle the afterschool crowd of elementary aged students which I don't want to do.


In 2 days, my life has changed: no school, no homeschool research, and no working. Blah! He suggested I take up exercise. Um, really? :lol:


About the above decisions, I know he's right because he is my voice of reason since I make impulsive decisions that aren't always the smartest ones. Before i went back to school, I was bored. I don't do hobbies of any kind and could never find anything other than school or working at a daycare to be interesting. And now I'm that same boat again. Goodness!


He looked at me like I had two heads when I suggested I attempt an entire kitchen re-do. :D

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Could you do some academic reading?

Could you start making some supplementary Montessori materials? If you are going to be working with toddlers and babies, could you start some simple sensorial materials or practical life trays?


Could you blog?

Could you organize your home and become more creative in the kitchen (this would be what I need to do--LOL--you might be there already! :001_smile:)?


Could you visit the Montessori programs in your area and spend time observing?

Or, the daycare/preschools in your area? This is probably my number one suggestion. The time you spend observing will be priceless. Call some up and explain that you are going for your credential, have this semester off, and would like to come by. Some may not let you without some sort of screening, but some may--

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Want half my To Do List? :lol:


Anyways...I understand. My life is centered around homeschooling and couponing. Thankfully both keep me endlessly busy. If those were to be ripped away....I'd go little insane.


:grouphug: Good Luck finding something to take up your time. Could you volunteer somewhere?

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Could you visit the Montessori programs in your area and spend time observing? Or, the daycare/preschools in your area? This is probably my number one suggestion. The time you spend observing will be priceless. Call some up and explain that you are going for your credential, have this semester off, and would like to come by. Some may not let you without some sort of screening, but some may--


This. My DD is in a Montessori preschool. There are guides, assistants, office helpers, substitutes, etc. I'm sure there's some sort of screening process, but I'm also sure it's worth going through, especially since you'll have to do it eventually if you want to work in the field. Explain the situation, explain that you'd like to help, are available to substitute/help out in the mornings. I can't imagine they wouldn't be thrilled to have the resource.

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We downsized to a smaller house 5.5 years ago and I've had lots of time to declutter and organize. I'm not saying it's perfect but it's pretty much where I want it to be. I will take this opportunity to clean though. I deep cleaned my bedroom and bathroom yesterday. I'm going to do the kitchen today but I did it about 2 weeks ago so there isn't much to do. I'm going to clean the shelves in the refrigerator. Eww!


I'll see about volunteering at montessori schools and daycares. I have a feeling DH might not be happy about it though because it will only make me want to be there more. He wouldn't let me volunteer at the humane society for fear I'd bring home another animal. :tongue_smilie:


You guys give such good ideas but I have excuses for many of them. I'm not an outdoor, tools kind of person. I'll probably paint my kitchen simply because it's been the same color for 5 years and I'm bored with it. My girls don't like the idea because they helped pick the color and love how it looks. But I'm ready to go from spicy jalopeno red to a more neutral beigy type color.


I did martial arts. I'm a black belt. I don't want to go back because I'm so out of shape and my belt doesn't fit around my waist. :glare: That's embarrassing!


I do have a stack of books I want to read, including Montessori books, but I can't read in long sessions anymore. I think it has to do with my ADD. I get restless and I start thinking about stuff only to realize I've read a few pages and haave no idea what I just read. So I have to start over.


Ooh, that reminds me, I need glasses! My mom said it's middle age eye degeneration. Eek!


I spend hours playing Frontierville on facebook on 4 accounts every day. So that takes some time. :lol:


And of course I sopend time reading notes on every forum on this board, even the ones that don't pertain to me. I couldn't live without these forums!

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I'll see about volunteering at montessori schools and daycares. I have a feeling DH might not be happy about it though because it will only make me want to be there more. He wouldn't let me volunteer at the humane society for fear I'd bring home another animal. :tongue_smilie:



I don't think they let you bring the kids home, so tell DH it's all good! :tongue_smilie:

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Leave the kitchen paint alone. You'll miss that red, and so will your girls.


Time to start that Great Books independent study you've always wanted! Buy TWEM and get going! Add in Latin and exercise 6 days a week and you'll be healthy in mind and body and much more ready for school when you can reenroll!


:eek: and :ack2: Goodness that sounds like absolute torture! I'm not cut out for that type of academic reading and languages are one of the worst subjects I can think to study. :lol: But I can read every Montessori book I can get my hands on. I like child development type books too. Other than that, I read light cozy mysteries or kids books.

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sometimes the glass has to be empty before it can be filled with something new.... and "empty" must feel weird when you thought there were all these things you were going to be doing....


i'd take some time and walk outside, think about my life and the dreams i had when i was younger, and then begin to work on them....


what would i like to change?

is there somewhere i could volunteer that would help me develop as a person? as a teacher?


sometimes an empty glass is the greatest gift....




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:eek: and :ack2: Goodness that sounds like absolute torture! I'm not cut out for that type of academic reading and languages are one of the worst subjects I can think to study. :lol: But I can read every Montessori book I can get my hands on. I like child development type books too. Other than that, I read light cozy mysteries or kids books.


I was thinking that you'd still need to support your kids' academics, and you could get ahead of the game this way.

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UPDATE! :tongue_smilie:


I got an email from the Professor in charge of the new Montessori program at my school. They've decided to run the classes. I have no idea how many students there will be. I know they were hoping for at least 5. As the classes are blocked and in a certain order, once I join these classes, I will be part of this group until graduation in 2 years. I hope I like this group!! I'm a full-time student this semester afterall!


I've got several books on my must-read list. Mostly fantasy fluff I remember enjoying like 20 years ago.


I've got lots of cleaning done. I looked at some organizational books at Barnes & Noble but I've pretty much done everything I can at this point. I'm going to work on my Flylady routines today which I haven't tried in a very long time. But this will be another part of the structure I'm bringing into our family lifestyle that should keep me from feeling restless.


I'll be busy again! Yay!

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I was thinking that you'd still need to support your kids' academics, and you could get ahead of the game this way.


Ah.. we aren't using a classical education method though. I help the children with their work but I'm not in charge of it. We follow a traditional educational plan with a correspondence school.

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If you really want to work with children, volunteer. Perhaps you can't get a part time job working the hours you want, but I bet you could volunteer the hours you want! ;) Call daycares, hospitals, a mom who could use some help, a women's shelter, ect. The possiblities are endless.

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