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Prayers for my mom, please.........................

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Cannot believe this:


I arrived home this evening (had to drive dd30 to her doctor in Alexandria) and was looking at caller ID to see who had called (my cell phone is fried and has not been replaced yet) and there are 6 calls from my daughter, Stacey, - 6 calls in like 30 minutes - THAT is never good.


My mom was walking up the stairs and she tripped and fell and broke her leg and ankle in three places - she will have surgery tomorrow (trying to get it moved from afternoon to morning b/c of the pending snowstorm in NJ) -


My mom is 76, fit as a fiddle, weighs almost nothing -- but does have high blood pressure issues -- prayers please.


I will travel there next week with the kids at stay at my sister's house (where my mom lives) and take care of her while my sister figures out care for my mom while my sister is at her office in the day.


Thanks for your prayers -- oh, and my grand-daughter Allison (7 y/o) fell yesterday and needed 5 stitches on her chin -- she was SO brave. Prayers for Allison are appreciated as well.


Thanks --:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:



Edited by MariannNOVA
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:grouphug: and prayers!


Uh, and when you get to NJ, be careful OK? It seems to be doing a good job of kicking the rears of people who share your name!


I know! And, boy, you guys are going to get clobbered with more snow - hence the reason for me hanging back here in Va till the weekend. Take care. Thanks for the prayers!:grouphug:

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She's fortunate that she's not living alone and that you can go over and help out. I'll be praying.



Thank you - yes, my sister sounded so relieved when I called and told her that I would go up there and stay next week while she figured out a more 'permanent temporary' care solution. Thanks for the prayers.:grouphug:

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Your mom is the same age as my mom would be. You and your family sure have been through the ringer lately. I'll definitely be praying for you all. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


Oh, Kathleen -- Thank you so much -- and, yes, it does feel that way around here.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


PS -- I will add a photo of my mom with my three youngers in my original post.

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oh my word, Mariann!!! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I hope God gives you all a break, and SOON!!! (not the best choice of words. Sorry!) I'm sorry your family is experiencing such devastation.


Please keep us posted.


I have a feeling your sister won't need to decide on care for your mother for awhile. Don't you think she'll be transferred to a rehab facility for PT once she's released from the hospital?


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oh my word, Mariann!!! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I hope God gives you all a break, and SOON!!! (not the best choice of words. Sorry!) I'm sorry your family is experiencing such devastation.


Please keep us posted.


I have a feeling your sister won't need to decide on care for your mother for awhile. Don't you think she'll be transferred to a rehab facility for PT once she's released from the hospital?



Denise: That was pretty funny!:D We are hanging in there -- you know, the loss of Stacey's baby was the worst -- this stuff, we can deal with. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. And as far as a rehab facility -- nope, it will never happen. My sister is monkeying around with the OR schedule so my mom will have surgery in the a.m. rather than the p.m. tomorrow as a snowstorm is headed for them. That way my mom can be home tomorrow night. You don't know my mom, unless Loehmann's, Lord and Taylor's, or Nordstrom's has a rehab facility, she isn't going!:glare:


Praying! It sounds as if your mom is in good health, so I'm hoping her recovery is speedy! Be careful heading to NJ! :grouphug:


Jen -- thanks -- she is in good health -- and I'm thankful for that. The kids and I will head to NJ on Monday -- dh is going on travel, the pooch will have to go to the Pet Hotel. It's always something. Thanks fo much for your prayers.


Praying for you all, Mariann!!
Oh sweet girl -- I would never have been able to get through the past two months without your hearfelt words that motivated me to get help. Thank you!:grouphug:
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Prayers being said!!!

Did she need pins or anything?

Safe travels for you, too--



Chris (and I was driving by your house again today and I will be going by tomorrow too -- grey hummer -- pls wave)


Yes, she has having pins -- apparently a nasty break. I broke my ankle 3 years ago but it wa a clean break -- this apparently was not the case for my mom.

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Cannot believe this:


I arrived home this evening (had to drive dd30 to her doctor in Alexandria) and was looking at caller ID to see who had called (my cell phone is fried and has not been replaced yet) and there are 6 calls from my daughter, Stacey, - 6 calls in like 30 minutes - THAT is never good.


My mom was walking up the stairs and she tripped and fell and broke her leg and ankle in three places - she will have surgery tomorrow (trying to get it moved from afternoon to morning b/c of the pending snowstorm in NJ) -


My mom is 76, fit as a fiddle, weighs almost nothing -- but does have high blood pressure issues -- prayers please.


I will travel there next week with the kids at stay at my sister's house (where my mom lives) and take care of her while my sister figures out care for my mom while my sister is at her office in the day.


Thanks for your prayers -- oh, and my grand-daughter Allison (7 y/o) fell yesterday and needed 5 stitches on her chin -- she was SO brave. Prayers for Allison are appreciated as well.


Thanks --:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


OH MY!!! Does it ever end? I am so sorry!!!! Of course I will pray for your Mom.



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I think I love your mom.


Where in NJ will you be staying?





:lol::lol::lol: I will be in Woodstown -- just over the Delaware Mem Bridge. It IS gorgeous - cows, sunsets, etc......but good grief, it IS the boonies. The kids and I will get ALOT of school done b/c there is NOTHING else to do there! (No offense to anyone who lives there -- I used to live in Vineland, NJ -- I just really prefer a faster pace........and places to spend $$$.)

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I will be in Woodstown -- just over the Delaware Mem Bridge. It IS gorgeous - cows, sunsets, etc......but good grief, it IS the boonies. The kids and I will get ALOT of school done b/c there is NOTHING else to do there!


I love driving through those pretty towns, but as much as I often think it would be nice to get away from it all and buy a house in the country, I know in my heart I'd be bored to tears within a few days. I'm too hyper to be far away from some action! :)



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I love driving through those pretty towns, but as much as I often think it would be nice to get away from it all and buy a house in the country, I know in my heart I'd be bored to tears within a few days. I'm too hyper to be far away from some action! :)




THAT is me. Even if I want to do nothing, I need to know that there is stuff going on nearby. The last time we were up there when we went to stay with Stacey for the week, we had gone to ShopRite to pick up stuff so we could bake cookies -- and we were driving back to Woodstown (I think the Shop Rite is in Mullica Hill - which is a really cute town) and dd11 says to me: 'Mom! You used to live here??????? I can't believe that!':D I told her that the Lord brought me there (actually to Vineland) so that dh and I could meet and get married and have them.:)

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