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I don't recommend falling off a ladder while holding paint...

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Yes, this is my story.


We are re-painting the interior of our house and yesterday I began with our entry way. My 'job' was to cut in the baseboards and as high up as I could reach without a ladder. DH was going to do the ladder painting.


After a few hours I was exhausted and DH was ready to take over. We have 13ft ceilings in the entry and in the 'great room' it opens to so we have a tall ladder. We are also using a Wagner Paint Stick--- we love this invention as it makes painting go so much faster (usually). Last night was the exception.


I refill the paint stick for DH and he goes off to change into paint-worthy clothes. I'm chatting with dd18 about her making All-State Band as a homeschooler and for some strange reason I decide to climb the ladder while holding the paint stick. I only go up 3-4 steps and dd starts urging me to get down. I 'humor' her and start my descent. Well-- something terrible happened. The 'push' end of the paint stick FELL OUT! As paint started oozing out I lost my balance and fell SPLAT onto the floor (stained concrete). Miraculously I was not broken (except for my pride). I was DRIPPING in paint :lol: and almost in tears. The whole front of my body from my ankles to my nose was covered. The fall pushed the paint through my clothes too. DD yelled for DH and he-- after making sure he did not need to call 911--grabbed a pair of scissors and had to CUT my shirt and pants off to avoid paint dripping all over the house. While I ran to clean up the rest of me I could hear DH and DD laughing so hard while gathering the necessary cleaning supplies.


I joined them a few minutes later and the three of us spent the next hour scrubbing paint off of the floor and the closet door. (I can't imagine how bad it would have been if I would have had a paint try or worse yet an open gallon in my hands...)


DH says I'm not allowed on ladders EVER again.


I woke up this morning with some minor bruises and lots of aches...The upside is that I did not get paint in my hair and I like the new color!

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I'm glad you're ok and didn't get paint in your hair. Seriously, that was my first thought when I read your thread title. Did she get it in her hair? Did it come out?


We have a friend who, last year, fell of a ladder while holding a running CHAIN SAW! :eek: Miraculously he only broke his arm.


Ladders make me nervous!

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DD18 says I'm moving around like an old woman... everything from my ankles up hurts.


Looks like a visit to the chiro is in order this week!


DH told EVERYONE at church this morning-- I was working in the childrens area.... after church everyone I ran into asked if I had any paint in my hair!

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:grouphug::grouphug:I like the cutting of the clothes, so you dont spread the paint, what we will do(me included) to avoid extra cleaning.


I would have cut my own clothes too.


On an up note, where are the pics of the new paint on the walls.


Heal up gf and get to the chiro.

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I sort of did the same thing a few years back. Was painting the kitchen and using 3 step step stool. Had the tray in one hand and paint brush in the other. Lost my balance and in order to avoid falling completely, dropped the tray full of paint and jumped down. As you can imagine, paint splashed everywhere. Now I always make sure one hand is free for balance.


Glad you weren't hurt.

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