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It's official! I've lost my mind completely. I just made this proclamation

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"Hear ye, hear ye, by order and proclamation of the queen mother of this duchey...males of all ages are required to report to Mount Laundry with every sock they own...all unmated socks will be burned at the stake! All in-bred socks found hiding in the forests will be burned, all hiders of socks will be reduced in title to SERF!"


Seriously, I'm sick to death of unmatched socks. Literally, just sick of hanging on to socks in the grim hope that someday, their long lost spouse will appear. I've had ENOUGH! Dh doesn't know what to think because I've already made a pile that isn't just going to the garbage; they are going into the wood boiler outside!


The next time I buy socks ever single male in this family is getting the exact same black sock...the exact same brand, style, color, shade, hue, tint, fabric......as far as I am concerned, the little guy can just wear his socks twenty times tooo big...this woman no longer possesses enough mental to deal with it.


Faith - Singing, "I'm dreaming of a far-off college dorm...the kind I used to attend myself. Where the Resident Director posts signs that say 'Your mother doesn't live her anymore' and the cafeteria must feed all of the males on campus. I'm dreaming of a far-off college dorm...the kind that doesn't have good cell-phone reception. May it be far enough away that my children can not come home to do laundry or harrangue me for money or pizza. And may all of my golden years be free of male socks, male underwear, male blindness.....".


It's too bad you all aren't here. I can sing the above verses quite nicely to "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas" and the boys want to know why I'm singing Christmas music. They have no idea!

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And when the time actually comes that they're headed to a college dorm, you'll be sobbing your eyes out.


That's assuming you're anything like me though :blushing::smilielol5:


Around here, one of the biggest problems with socks is thievery. Princess, who is 4, attempted to claim a pair of MY socks, because they're pink and fuzzy and soft. My socks constantly go missing...the white ones anyways. I've gotten to the point of only buying myself funky coloured socks so they don't 'mysteriously' vanish out of my drawers!

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Faith, you're killing me today. And I am so sorry that I am laughing at your expense. I feel guilty about that. Really, I do. It's awful of me.


FWIW, the cloned socks from a single specimen has been done. The method works, I tell ya! (At least until some sabotaging homewrecker gives one of the kids a colorful, interesting pair for a birthday or something. Then the madness starts again.)

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My solution to the sock mystery...each male gets one style/color of socks (with exception to uniform socks) Sorting is easy as I don't pair socks, but simply put dh's socks in his pile, ds#1's socks in his pile, etc. Uniform socks get treated differently as they need to be a certain required style, color, etc.


Uniforms I hang up together on one hanger (shorts on clips on the bar, socks paired & laid over the bar, shirt on the hanger, & wool jersey on top of the shirt, with the scarf on top of that) When I didn't hang the complete uniform up together we would get to scout night & all I would here is "where are my socks? Where is my scarf? etc. Sport uniforms & school uniforms get treated the same way.


As I use my dryer only 3-4 times a year socks get less chance to disappear as I hang them on the line in pairs, sending my dc to look for the missing socks when I hang laundry & put them into the hamper for the next load immediately. I have more problems with one sock in a pair getting holes. Since I've started buying a certain style / color for each member in the family I don't worry about holey socks as everyone can grab a pair of socks & I weed out the really holey socks a few times a year.



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Must be the time of year for sock sagas. I just exploded over the same matter.


That whole 'my kids don't wear them' thing doesn't quite work here. See, mine will put them on to come upstairs, then apparently remove them, never to be seen as a pair again. One child is especially known for this.


Each child has their own kind of sock, different from one another, so that I know the guilty party when I see a stray sock (or three) about the house. I refuse to buy more socks though, so the aforementioned child can often be seen wearing mismatches. Whatever. It irks me, but I've had to let it go. I can't handle all of it. So, I figure if he needs socks, he'll figure something out, either mismatches or he'll dig around in his room and find the rest of his socks.


MIL was recently visiting and bought everyone new socks. Apparently she'd had enough of my children saying they couldn't find a pair of socks when it was time to leave the house. I totally understand. But, like I said, I just refuse. Within a week of my buying socks, they're all (or at least half) lost again, so I've given up.


I hate socks...for my children.

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Am I the only one here who knows about Sock Locks? Or just the one OCD enough to use them?


I had a little sock break-down yesterday, too, but the conclusion of mine was that each child has to put sock-locks on his own pair before they make it to the laundry basket. Blue for dh, White for 11yods and Red for 6yods.


I've had those gadgets for ages, but I had only managed to train dh to use them. 2011 will be the Year All the Socks Were Permanently Mated.


Also, I'm big on black socks only for males.


Here's a song..."Black socks, they never get dirty, the more that I wear them the blacker they get. Some day, i think I might wash them but something keeps telling me don't do it yet."

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I have two full shopping baskets...of socks.


Socks are the bane of my existence. I would rather wash pukey sheets than match socks.


My dh is pretty good about putting his socks into the Container Store sock clip things that go from washer to dryer, to drawer, socks on feet, off feet, then back into the clips and into the dirty clothes. I just need a whole lot more of them.


I'm wondering if I can get the littles to do this? Hmmm.

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I used to stress over lone socks. I used to keep a basket of them, hoping they would find their mate. I used to sit down with the basket and try to pair up the odd ones periodically. I gave all that up, and it is wonderful.


I found that I was the only one who cared about the lonesome socks. I found that many of their mates were in the sock drawers, and their owners really didn't care. I found that at least one of my children purposely wears mismatched socks.


Now clean socks get returned to their owner, and it is up to the owner to pair or not pair when putting them away. No more odd sock bin! Every person's sock drawer is in essence their own personal odd sock bin.


Socks are generally color-coded so I know who has which ones. And I love the multi-pair packs, because it makes everything easier.


Everyone gets a few pairs of new socks for Christmas, most years.


I cannot tell you how freeing it was to give up the endless tasks of sock-pairing and odd-sock-finding. All is well, peace reigns.

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I don't mate socks. Each person in the house has his/her own brand of white crew socks. I sort by brand, conveniently printed on the soles of three of the four brands. Socks are stashed in sock drawers unpaired. Pick any two, they match. When new socks are needed, I buy more of the same brand.


I always know who left his socks in family room, dining room, or elsewhere.

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This must be a sock-burnout season. I was just fuming about it yesterday.



Me too. I have been thinking about just not matching them anymore (except mine). Ds and dh don't care if theirs are matched anyway. I could just designate a sock bin and put it in one of the shoe cubbies we all share. Hmm, the more I think about it, the more I like it. And it would free up the end table in the family room that is currently the repository of unmatched socks! I'm off to find a basket the right size...

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You know, I used to laugh at those sock-lock things, back in the days when I only had one tiny little pumkin who had tiny little socks. "Hahahahah, look at those things. How anal would you have to be to use them?" Oh man, do those things look good to me now. They are clearly the world's smartest invention and WHY DON'T THEY JUST COME WITH THE SOCKS because clearly, anybody in their right mind would want to use them :D

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Oh, heavens ..........I am late to the sock hop! ;)


This is what I do here (to save what little is left of my sanity):


I match my socks and dh's.


The kids' socks go in a pile in the middle of my bed. When they come in to get their folded pile of clothes, it is THEIR responsibiity to match their socks and put them wherever it is they keep them (I assume it is in their sock drawer, but it truly matters not to me). Orphans get tossed in a basket - those get tossed on the bed each time socks have to be matched. The process continues.


DD10 will wear unmatched socks which is fine with me -- I truly do not give a hoot about it.:D

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