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2010 New Year's Resolutions. Did you make one?

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What's the 101 in 1001 plan? I have been having a hard time remember what day it is since we've been on Christmas break but girl, it's not even 1001!


I made a bunch of resolutions mostly regarding getting organized. The ONE thing that I'm still doing is using a day planner. I got the day planner and put it in a 5x7 (?) binder with a section for the day planner, a section for my menu/price planner, notes, and a thing with all my cards (dl, ss, et c), a pouch that has a zip lock kind of closure for my ck book and pen.


I'm still a disorganized mess and that day planner hasn't helped but what I love is when I take it out to pay or make note or something, ppl always say, "OH MY! You are so organized!"


It's my own private traveling joke.


I did resolve to be more organized and I think the first part was to declutter and make "a place for everything and everything in its place." That's the one I really wish would have stuck. I did do it for the kitchen and den but as much as I created the place for everything, no one else would put it back. I even went so far as to put lables in the bathrooms but to no avail!

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I LOVE New Years. Not for the party time. Not for staying up late. I love it very much because I was raised going to a New Year's Eve church event where we evaluated our hearts and lives over the ending year and wrote out what we were proud of and what we needed to change. It set up a pattern for life with me...


I really enjoy getting quiet and looking back. I forgive myself. I let things go. I pat myself on the back. I used to make out a categorized list of what I wanted to change in the upcoming year. But, each year ended up repeating. So, now I will look at just a few habits that I really want to work on...


... and that look like: wear make up more often and dress nicer, budget better to have bills paid and save money, and keep the home tidier on a regular basis.


If I add more I think it would take away hopes of improvement and chip away at hope... Sure, I would like to lose 20 pounds and exercise, drink more water and be as healthy as possible, but if I add all those to a list, I will just toss it aside and ignore it. I heard somewhere long ago that you cannot just wake up and decide to be perfect or to be different... you have to pick a couple things and work on those and take it a bit at a time.


And with all that, I say Good-bye 2010... it has NOT been my favorite year.

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I don't make resolutions I make goals :) I had personal goals in 2010 and financial goals and spiritual goals. I made progress on all I think although plenty to work on though. This past year I have gotten in the habit of making sure my basic daily cleaning is most always done, which was pretty good with a new baby and new to homeschooling. Before I was bad about super deep cleaning but then the laundry wasn't done. For 2011 my goal is that I am able to keep up with the deep cleaning as well. I have started motivated moms to help me plan that out better.


Financial goals we have a few 3 yrs goals we started last year, we are a bit behind on those but I think should be able to catch up in a few months with some belt tightening. We are continuing on with the 3 yr plan this year, next year will be the final year and then we will look at some new goals.


Lastly spiritual goals, I have had ups and downs. I am working on trying to be more virtuous. Not talking ill of anyone. Making sure if I say something that it is needed and helpful. Assuming the best of others, putting others first. Keeping my own moral principles no matter what.

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I forgot about health and fitness goals! We have really worked on being a more and more active family. We do hikes and walks together, bike together. That has been fabulous this year. For next year I want to add in more creative family time, I want to do more handicrafts. We started a quilt and I want us to learn to knit.

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Losing weight is number one. I had 2 back to back miscarriages in 2009, and then got pregnant at the beginning of 2010 with my son, so I have a lot of extra I need to lose.


Reading is number 2. I've spent way too much time on the internet, and not nearly enough time reading. My goal is 3 books a month, which is easily half of what I used to read, so it shouldn't be too hard, with some effort.

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I gave up diet coke in 2010! I was successful!!!! I have not decided my goals for 2011 - exercise has to be in it; just have not figured out how to make it happen with regularity. I used to be an avid walker, but after tearing my tendon in my foot, that is not possible. Any suggestions for low impact, low time commitment (meaning going to the indoor pool 20 minutes away is Not going to happen)?!

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Got called away and didn't get to answer my own question last night!


I was finally successful making a resolution. :) I had mostly given them up because I had good intentions, but always dropped the ball. Mid-January I decided to make one after all:

Say YES.


As much as possible, say yes to my kids, to new people, to new experiences.


Sometimes we ended up with 5-6 extra people for dinner, or sleepovers, so extra people for breakfast. We turned our sewing room into a spare bedroom so that we could take in more exchange students, and we took in a Christmas break student at the last minute.We've had some wonderful spontaneous hikes or outings to the park.


It has been a wonderful year.


And my other resolution, made clear back in January, was to clean the house top-to-bottom in the week between Christmas and New Year. I mean to really do it, the whole thing, not start it and get too busy to finish. Not sure how that one will turn out yet.



Edited by myfunnybunch
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... I didn't have any "New Year's Resolutions" in 2010.


We have had some goals for the year, though. My husband's company had promised him a significant salary increase in July... they lied. They did give him a promotion on paper. How nice for us. :glare:


As for goals that we have some control over -- such as solidifying and managing the budget to reflect our new reality -- we have made fairly good progress. I think that deciding to work on the money together was the key to being able to articulate our goals. Since we've been able to say, "We want to keep __________ spending at _________ level," it has helped us to have our budget a bit more memorized, so to speak. That has been good progress.


Looking forward to more in 2011.

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What's the 101 in 1001 plan?


The idea is that you formulate 101 goals with the aim of reaching them all within 1001 days. I split mine up into monthly sub-goals, then each month I schedule mini goals for each week. (That way I have a new start every week, which is helpful if you're prone to falling off the wagon: NYRs wouldn't work for me because I'd start off all enthusiastic, stuff up by about mid February and then have ten months to wallow in failure before repeating the whole shemozzle rofl!)




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I usually read 3 books (or 3 chapters in a book) every night to my DD. I want to add one poem to the night time reading.


My DH asked about doing the exercise were your keep track of every penny you spend. We do okay with our money, but we agreed we might find ways to do better, so I will be doing this too.


I think every year of my adult life, my resolution is to lose weight.

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