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I'm NOT cool!!! (texting)

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Oldest ds sends thousands of text messages per month. I never quite understood the concept behind texting. Why do it when it is easier and takes less time than just picking up the phone to say what you just said in a text? I know that sometimes that would lead to other conversations...... especially for women. But really? I just sent my first text. Oldest ds called and I was busy so he sent a text. I responded through text, thinking I was pretty "cool." That text took SO long! And I never did figure out where the period was so I used all commas. I'm sick of the searcy, trying to figure out where I left the reading glasses last so I just couldn't see the period. I'm know it was there but the comma was more obvious to me.


Oh heavens, SAY PRAYERS FOR ALL THE KITTENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I always point out grammatical errors to my kids and then I send out a text with nothing but commas. :lol:


I ended my text to ds18 with, "this was my first text sent, it took forever, NOT COOL, and where the heck is the period button,"


:glare: but:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


I'm getting old!!!! Ds immediately responded with HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA. I guess he also thought I didn't know what LOL meant.:D


ETA: NOT COOL in my text was all lower case letters because I couldn't figure out how to capitolize. LOL

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That's how I was at first too. But it is so convenient for certain situations, and you get much faster. Especially if you have a Swype keyboard. :001_wub:


ds just told me I needed Skype. :confused: Now you're telling me I need Swype. :confused: All I want to do is make a call and periodically take a picture. Call me simple minded.:lol::lol:


One other gripe I have is this. I need a new phone and I'm getting one this week. I'm REALLY sad to see my purple phone go and hope I can get another good phone with COLOR. Anyway, I'd really like one of those touch screen phones but dh says I have to have internet with one for $30 per month. Well, I don't WANT internet on my phone. I won't use it.


See - more proof. I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOT COOL.:lol::lol::lol:

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:lol::lol::lol: I stopped texting about 18 mos ago -- in fact, two weeks ago, ds10 fried my cell phone by playing games on it the entire ride back to VA from NJ. Guess we will be looking for a new phone tomorrow --


.....and, Denise, yes, you are cool!


:lol: Are you getting an INTERNET phone? Those are ONLY for cool people. :D


I just read in another thread you had a blessed and peaceful Christmas (as did we) and I'm so glad to hear that!!!:grouphug:

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ds just told me I needed Skype. :confused: Now you're telling me I need Swype. :confused: All I want to do is make a call and periodically take a picture. Call me simple minded.

Skype is for talking to people with your computer.


Swype is a kind of keyboard on a cell phone.




I thought it would be hard to learn but it took about 5 minutes and now I'm a pro. It's really fun to use, and very fast.





One other gripe I have is this. I need a new phone and I'm getting one this week. I'm REALLY sad to see my purple phone go and hope I can get another good phone with COLOR. Anyway, I'd really like one of those touch screen phones but dh says I have to have internet with one for $30 per month. Well, I don't WANT internet on my phone. I won't use it.


Yes, you do! You really do! I have a Samsung Fascinate and I use internet all the time. Here's an example.


I was Christmas shopping last week, and found some moccasins that I wanted for dd at Famous Footwear, but they didn't have her size. So I used my barcode scanner app, which in 10 seconds told me that they had a pair, right color, right size, at the Famous Footwear across town. In another 30 seconds, I had put them on reserve and got directions to the store. So handy! Things like that come up all the time. I love mine.

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:lol: Are you getting an INTERNET phone? Those are ONLY for cool people. :D


I just read in another thread you had a blessed and peaceful Christmas (as did we) and I'm so glad to hear that!!!:grouphug:


Well, I am SO not cool, I guess I am not getting an internet phone -- I don't want an internet phone and most of all, I don't need a BB/internet phone/or anything like that.

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Skype is for talking to people with your computer.


Swype is a kind of keyboard on a cell phone.




I thought it would be hard to learn but it took about 5 minutes and now I'm a pro. It's really fun to use, and very fast.





Yes, you do! You really do! I have a Samsung Fascinate and I use internet all the time. Here's an example.


I was Christmas shopping last week, and found some moccasins that I wanted for dd at Famous Footwear, but they didn't have her size. So I used my barcode scanner app, which in 10 seconds told me that they had a pair, right color, right size, at the Famous Footwear across town. In another 30 seconds, I had put them on reserve and got directions to the store. So handy! Things like that come up all the time. I love mine.


ok, now that keyboard Swype thingie looks VERY impressive. But if I want internet, I will use it at home. And shopping? I hate to shop. I shop for Christmas or I adore browsing at specialty shops or antique shops.

but my first thought after reading your post was WOW! I would really like one of the new phones!!!

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Well, I am SO not cool, I guess I am not getting an internet phone -- I don't want an internet phone and most of all, I don't need a BB/internet phone/or anything like that.


I'm such a dork. I want a phone that's a pretty color. That's what matters most to me and I can't believe I'm admitting that. If the prettiest phone came only with internet service, well that's something I'd consider.:lol:For the color.:lol: I'm actually being serious and honest! :blush:

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I never quite understood the concept behind texting. Why do it when it is easier and takes less time than just picking up the phone to say what you just said in a text?


Two reasons:

You can send a text and the person can look at it and respond at her convenience. Receiving and answering a text makes no noise and can be done in situations when a phone conversation would be impossible or disruptive.

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I was with you at one point but I've got to admit that I love texting. Really, it is great in so many situations. I send thousands of text messages per month. I am embarassed to admit that but it is true. I think my kids are lucky that I understand how someone can have 1000 texts ;)


As an aside, I find that texting is a good way of communicating even for serious communication. I had a falling out with a friend years ago. We tried to talk it out. We tried to email. Somehow we got to texting about our situation and it was great. It was what we needed to work it out. It keeps you to short, pointed sentences so your meaning doesn't get lost in a bunch of extra words. It gives you a second to read what you've written before you hit "send". It is more immediate than email correspondence but you can take a few minutes to respond if you need to take a deep breath and get your thoughts together. I have a different friend who was able to have some breakthroughs with her husband through texting!


Of course, none of that applies if you are struggling to compose a message!


I know I got way off the point there but I do really like texting:001_smile:

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ETA: NOT COOL in my text was all lower case letters because I couldn't figure out how to capitolize. LOL


I answered a text from DS1 (my first text) and there were so many odd letters before the message that he couldn't figure out who it was from and what it said.


He showed me how to delete mistakes, but I no longer remember how. He showed me how to make capital letters, but I can't remember that either.


Also, it is not okay to use text talk on FB -- he wants to see proper vocabulary, grammar, and punctuation. I don't know what caused DS1 to become The Official Grammar Police Chief. He hated all that in homeschool, and I figured he was a Lost Cause.


It turns out that I am the Lost Cause. But I'm a smaller LC than DH is, because DH doesn't even know how to retrieve texts, much less answer them. I think DS1 finally gave up texting his father.


I finally understand why having a keyboard on a phone is important, though. I greatly dislike texting -- it is way too much trouble.



Coolest Parent

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I have gotten used to texting for the reasons mentioned above - I can respond when I want, no noise, etc. I also just got a new phone - a pretty bright blue one, Denise - and insisted on no internet. We have five phones on our line and I am NOT paying $30 per phone for internet!

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Swype is a kind of keyboard on a cell phone.


How does it know what word you are spelling? How did it know that after the "u", the "i" was the next letter? Or that after the "q", the "u" was next? Huh. Maybe the "qu" combo was programmed into the phone.


Or just maybe I'm not smarter than a telephone any more.

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ds just told me I needed Skype.


My mother (age 75) and my sister have been after me to get Skype. Why? I get 2000 minutes of long distance included in my home phone bill. Do they actually think I'm going to talk to them (or anyone) for that long?


I like email. Talking on the phone is too time-consuming and texting is an exercise in Complete Frustration.

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I was with you at one point but I've got to admit that I love texting. Really, it is great in so many situations. I send thousands of text messages per month. I am embarassed to admit that but it is true. I think my kids are lucky that I understand how someone can have 1000 texts ;)


As an aside, I find that texting is a good way of communicating even for serious communication. I had a falling out with a friend years ago. We tried to talk it out. We tried to email. Somehow we got to texting about our situation and it was great. It was what we needed to work it out. It keeps you to short, pointed sentences so your meaning doesn't get lost in a bunch of extra words. It gives you a second to read what you've written before you hit "send". It is more immediate than email correspondence but you can take a few minutes to respond if you need to take a deep breath and get your thoughts together. I have a different friend who was able to have some breakthroughs with her husband through texting!


Of course, none of that applies if you are struggling to compose a message!


I know I got way off the point there but I do really like texting:001_smile:


as I read your post I realize that my first text was not a good one. I typed away as if it was email. When I hit the send "paper plane" it sent in three messages.:lol: I would be able to text easily if I kept my readers on my face at all times. It's probably coming to that.

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I answered a text from DS1 (my first text) and there were so many odd letters before the message that he couldn't figure out who it was from and what it said.


He showed me how to delete mistakes, but I no longer remember how. He showed me how to make capital letters, but I can't remember that either.


Also, it is not okay to use text talk on FB -- he wants to see proper vocabulary, grammar, and punctuation. I don't know what caused DS1 to become The Official Grammar Police Chief. He hated all that in homeschool, and I figured he was a Lost Cause.


It turns out that I am the Lost Cause. But I'm a smaller LC than DH is, because DH doesn't even know how to retrieve texts, much less answer them. I think DS1 finally gave up texting his father.


I finally understand why having a keyboard on a phone is important, though. I greatly dislike texting -- it is way too much trouble.



Coolest Parent



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Anyway, I'd really like one of those touch screen phones but dh says I have to have internet with one for $30 per month.


I just got a new phone (LG Cosmos Touch) from Verizon. It is a touch screen with a slider to text - the best of both worlds! There is NO monthly internet requirement. (This is a change from last year - they dropped the data package requirement.) I LOVE this phone! If you have Verizon, I would highly recommend it.:001_smile:



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I'm such a dork. I want a phone that's a pretty color. That's what matters most to me and I can't believe I'm admitting that. If the prettiest phone came only with internet service, well that's something I'd consider.:lol:For the color.:lol: I'm actually being serious and honest! :blush:


My Blackberry is purple. I would prefer red, however. :D Color was important to me too.


I fought the whole texting thing for quite a while. I text a lot for work (I am a real estate agent), I text dh or my sisters when I have a quick question and don't want to get involved in a conversation, and I text another agent/friend when I have a question or need to talk to her (my usual text to her is Call me!). It has its uses, but I don't carry out conversations through texting.

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I just got a new phone (LG Cosmos Touch) from Verizon. It is a touch screen with a slider to text - the best of both worlds! There is NO monthly internet requirement. (This is a change from last year - they dropped the data package requirement.) I LOVE this phone! If you have Verizon, I would highly recommend it.:001_smile:




I do have Verizon. Thanks! I just read this to dh! Dh said we're going to go look at it!:001_smile:

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How does it know what word you are spelling? How did it know that after the "u", the "i" was the next letter? Or that after the "q", the "u" was next? Huh. Maybe the "qu" combo was programmed into the phone.



It doesn't always work, but if it doesn't know what you're typing it gives you a list of choices. If the top choice is correct (and it usually is) you just keep swyping and it automatically enters the word. If it isn't correct, you just tap the correct word and keep going. Occasionally, it doesn't recognize the word at all (especially with proper nouns) and then you have to tap it in the old fashioned way. But once you do that, it seems to go into permanent storage, because the next time you type it, it's recognized. The first time I typed my dd's name 'Bryn' I got a list of choices, none of which were Bryn. Now it recognizes 'Bryn' as a word in its lexicon and I don't get a list.


It's really pretty amazing.


It's easier to watch than explain.




Longer video, and I didn't watch the whole thing, but in the first few seconds you can see how fast he swypes and how he fixes mistakes.

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My mother just started texting a couple months ago when her old phone finally bit the dust. She's on our plan because it made more sense just to add her rather than have her try to navigate the cell phone world on her own. She fell in love with a purple phone of some sort (because PURPLE) and when DH told her that it came with a QWERTY keyboard and she could text us, she looked at him like he was an alien. I got my first message that night. She doesn't send the hundreds of messages that I send every month, though. I love texting. I can sit the boy down to do an assignment and answer a message and get back to it when I'm able. I can turn the sound off. Mostly, I don't have to call people (I am completely phone-phobic) unless it's absolutely necessary. Plus, when I do call people, it's generally for a specific purpose and takes about 2 minutes or less to resolve. If I can get that message out AND not have to talk to them, AND it gives them time to think about their response, why would I call? :)

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It's easier to watch than explain.


Thank you for the explanation and the links. Now that I've read and watched it all, I think I am too old for this. Yes, really.


Today someone posted here by using their phone, somehow, IIRC. That blew me away almost as much as my sister calling me from her iPod Touch (using a Skype app).



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I am giggling about the OP. That's how my mom's first texts were, and now I'm trying to teach MIL to text on the smartphone she received yesterday.


My argument for texting is that it is actually FASTER than a phone conversation. Why? Because you don't have to include all those necessary tidbits of ettiquette.


Phone conversation:

Me: Hi, is this (friend)?

Friend: Hey you! Long time no talk! How are you?

Me: I'm doing well. How are you?

Friend: Well, you know, it's all good considering.

Me: Well, hey. What are you up to tonight?

twenty minutes later.... we finally have plans made.



Me: Want to go to Target with me at 7pm tonight?

Friend: Yes, I can go. Do you mind driving?

Me: No prob. See you at 7!


I <3 texting. :)

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Skype is for talking to people with your computer.


Swype is a kind of keyboard on a cell phone.




I thought it would be hard to learn but it took about 5 minutes and now I'm a pro. It's really fun to use, and very fast.





Yes, you do! You really do! I have a Samsung Fascinate and I use internet all the time. Here's an example.


I was Christmas shopping last week, and found some moccasins that I wanted for dd at Famous Footwear, but they didn't have her size. So I used my barcode scanner app, which in 10 seconds told me that they had a pair, right color, right size, at the Famous Footwear across town. In another 30 seconds, I had put them on reserve and got directions to the store. So handy! Things like that come up all the time. I love mine.

I just got a Droid X and am still learning this thing. Now my new toy is swype!!!


And I should have remembered the barcode scanner today. We were out looking for cowgirl boots for dd and I could have used that to help me figure out who has them in what size, etc. Haven't done that yet, so I'm still not sure.


I LURVE my phone and so does dh. Why on earth should we figure we are too old for this stuff. Technology is not going away kids. Plus it's fun! My issue is the cost, but even that is relative. You don't have to do it all.

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Must be a red-letter day, Denise! I sent my first text message too!:party::hurray:


I did get a new smart phone with the internet and it is blue. Dh got the same phone the same color so one of us is going to get a cover thingy. The only two they had in stock the day after Christmas were hot pink or hot purple.

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I used think the same thing - just call. Then about 2 years ago we got my dd a cell phone for her birthday and added unlimited texting since I knew she would use it a lot. I learned how to text. Now we have 3 people using cells/smart phones on our plan and last month the text count was over 10,000 :lol: and I'm posting this using my phone.


I don't ever want to be too old to learn something...I think it's what keeps you "young"....so this almost 48 yo is always learning something new. I'm fixin' to figure out some of these XBox Kinects stuff that we got the kids for Christmas - it looks like fun and some good exercise too :tongue_smilie:


Oh - and I love getting new cases for my phone. I can change it out anytime I like for a new look. Right now it's in a pink/black Otter Box but I think I'm going to get a flip case for it next month. My old phone was a Razor and I always had a case for that one with lots of bling. :D

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Kudos on the text message. You are one text message ahead of me, as I have never sent one. I would have no idea how to even begin. I'm still back in the early '90's. :D


:iagree: I suppose I'll have to get up to speed at some point, but I'm putting it off as long as possible.


Dh has a cell which is the main one we use (when traveling, etc.). I have a cheap pay-as-you-go phone for emergencies which goes with whichever person is away from home.


If/when the kids ever get their own phones, I'll probably have to learn to text. Since I doubt we'll be able to afford (or justify) that until they have their own jobs, I'll still have a few years left ;).

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Must be a red-letter day, Denise! I sent my first text message too!:party::hurray:


I did get a new smart phone with the internet and it is blue. Dh got the same phone the same color so one of us is going to get a cover thingy. The only two they had in stock the day after Christmas were hot pink or hot purple.


HOT PURPLE??!!! I'll drive to ME for that! Put it on hold for Denisemomof4!!!:D

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This is crazy, but I could swear I saw your text on whenparentstext.com. If it wasn't yours, it was very close! (A mom asking where the heck the period was).


Warning: site has some language in some of the texts - funny though!


This site is hilarious. I am ROFLMAO, literally! Click on archives.


Here's an example:


Me: possible Christmas stocking stuffer….iPhone car charger

Mom: How can you charge a car with an iPhone?


DD just came downstairs. I was laughing at the texts on the site, so she practically yelled that she needed my help with something. I told her to go back upstairs and I would text her and she could reply in all caps and save my hearing. Then I picked up my cell phone, looked around on it, and realized I don't know how to originate a text. All I can do is reply. I had to walk all the way upstairs to see what she wanted -- that is not high tech.

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My mother just started texting a couple months ago when her old phone finally bit the dust.


My mom started texting too. She feels its the best way to keep up with her grandkids. And this is the woman who never did feel comfortable with emailing. In fact, computer saavy she is NOT. She said texting is much easier.

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