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I am so sick of raking LEAVES!!!

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:glare: My neighbor's two huge (and overgrown) trees have dropped an insane amount of leaves on my front lawn (and only a few on his because of the lovely wind tunnel that our street is.). I've been hoping that he would offer to help with raking HIS leaves off of MY lawn, but today he just went out there and raked up almost a full bag off of his lawn and was done with it. I just spent the last hour or two raking up 9 full-sized garbage bags and I still have at least 3 more to go. Grrrr... I really wish he would trim some branches off of his trees so that there wouldn't be so many leaves to fall every year... okay... done with my rant... back to work. :rant:

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Can't you trim the part of the tree that is in your yard?


It doesn't cover our yard at all... but the wind takes his leaves right onto our lawn, and they never fall straight down onto his. I've toyed with the idea of getting one of those nets they use in football behind the field goal posts for between our yards :)

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My husband and kids went into our neighbors backyard a while ago and raked up all of our leaves from their yard, since they have no trees and all of the leaves were from our tree. The neighbor appreciated it, but certainly wasn't expecting it. He even said that our tree was an offshoot of one they had in their backyard at one point many years ago. I always wondered why someone would plant a tree that close to the fence and now I know - they didn't, they just let ot grow there.

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Have you considered mulching them instead? Our neighbor's tree does the same thing, and I know one of our trees does it to our other neighbor. We just get the lawn mower out and mulch them up. Good for the yard, saves the landfill, and doesn't take anywhere near as long as raking does.

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Leaves. We have snow. Lots and lots. Leaves. *kicks poster in the shins for complaining about raking instead of shovelling* :auto::tongue_smilie::lol:


LOL... Yes, you are right... leaves are definitely better than snow!


Have you considered mulching them instead? Our neighbor's tree does the same thing, and I know one of our trees does it to our other neighbor. We just get the lawn mower out and mulch them up. Good for the yard, saves the landfill, and doesn't take anywhere near as long as raking does.


Now THAT is a great idea!!! I hadn't thought of it!


My husband and kids went into our neighbors backyard a while ago and raked up all of our leaves from their yard, since they have no trees and all of the leaves were from our tree. The neighbor appreciated it, but certainly wasn't expecting it.


How sweet and thoughtful of your dh and kids :)

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Leaves. We have snow. Lots and lots. Leaves. *kicks poster in the shins for complaining about raking instead of shovelling* :auto::tongue_smilie::lol:


:iagree: I was going to say the same thing!


Have you thought of renting a leaf blower and sending them back his way? I would. Every. Single. Day. Early in the morning. :D

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Want me to send over my kids? I've been training them in the joys of raking.:D


The thing is, they would probably love doing it for someone else. It's just our leaves that are somehow too heavy to rake!~


Jean, I *SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO* wanted to respond earlier with:


Hey! Just have Jean send her kids over. They are trained in leave raking!!!


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If I were you... I'd be very tempted to box the leaves and then leave them wrapped up like Christmas presents all over his lawn. More work, but you're really just regifting what he's already given you. Get it? It's an insult, craftily concealed as a joke... :lol:


Or you could just dump them into his yard. Our neighbor does this... well, they do it with all of their leaves (and they do have trees of their own). We just don't care. We "mulch" it, which is to say, leave it alone.

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Goodness. I would say you are lucky to have all these wonderful leaves for your yard. When you mow/mulch them, they improve your soil. If you have a vegetable garden, then put them on it and cover with soil and you will benefit greatly next year. It is a shame that people throw leaves away. It is like throwing away vitamins for your yard.

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:glare: My neighbor's two huge (and overgrown) trees have dropped an insane amount of leaves on my front lawn (and only a few on his because of the lovely wind tunnel that our street is.). I've been hoping that he would offer to help with raking HIS leaves off of MY lawn, but today he just went out there and raked up almost a full bag off of his lawn and was done with it. I just spent the last hour or two raking up 9 full-sized garbage bags and I still have at least 3 more to go. Grrrr... I really wish he would trim some branches off of his trees so that there wouldn't be so many leaves to fall every year... okay... done with my rant... back to work. :rant:


Honestly, I'd get a leaf blower and put them back where they belong.



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Leaves. We have snow. Lots and lots. Leaves. *kicks poster in the shins for complaining about raking instead of shovelling* :auto::tongue_smilie::lol:


Hahaha.. oh yes. Sorry OP.. I'd rather have leaves any day than the amount of snow we've been getting lately. And NO SNOW SHOVEL EITHER!!! We manage with a broom and a short handled aluminium dust-pan!

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Why do people care if there is plant matter on the ground? I really need to know this so I can stop thinking venomous thoughts to the woman across the road who woke me up the other morning (I was manufacturing seratonin, just in case you think I was being lazy) blowing grass bits from mowing off the footpath ON A WINDY DAY.


I just can't get the hang of this suburban mindset; clearing up leaves (unless you are moving them to mulch your garden,) mowing grass that looks like it it was mown less than a week ago, daisies in the lawn being "messy," mowing grass that definitely hasn't grown since the last time you mowed because it is DEAD and has been for over a month.


Argh! I don't get it!


Rosie- needs to get out of suburbia and go somewhere they have nature strips instead of footpaths. Nobody blows grass bits off nature strips.

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