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Okay, it's my turn now to ask for prayer....

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PLEASE can you all pray for my ds9. He is really sick with some kind of bad virus. He started throwing up last Sunday and had a high fever. He stopped throwing up on Tuesday and the fever was starting to go down so I thought he was getting better, but he still wasn't eating. Now the fever is back and he still hasn't eaten anything since Sunday. The doctor says there's nothing she can do for him since it's a virus. His lungs are clear, he has no ear infection and his test came back negative for strep. Can you just please lift him up. His name is Josiah (which ironically means Jehovah heals). He is profoundly Autistic and has trouble eating anyway, but he's eaten literally nothing since Sunday afternoon. He's lost 12 pounds and I'm freaking out. Please pray for him to get well and to eat and drink and to take his medicine which he keeps spitting out. Thank you all so much for your prayers. :grouphug:

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Praying for Josiah. Popsicles? If he's fussy it doesn't matter what it is so much as just getting fluids. I'm so sorry.

Oh yes! The boys had something last year (so did my nephews) and their fevers were OUTRAGEOUS. The only thing that would bring it down was sucking down popsicles like crazy.




What a good idea Starr :D

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Praying for Josiah. Popsicles? If he's fussy it doesn't matter what it is so much as just getting fluids. I'm so sorry.


He won't eat them. :( He doesn't like cold things. I gave him a glass of juice which he drank, but then he threw it all up. :( I gave him a bath in warm water and let the water cool a little around him to bring the fever down and now he's in bed sleeping. He won't take the medicine the doctor prescribed for him. He just keeps spitting it out and wont' swallow it. :( Thank you for your prayers. :grouphug:

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He won't eat them. :( He doesn't like cold things. I gave him a glass of juice which he drank, but then he threw it all up. :( I gave him a bath in warm water and let the water cool a little around him to bring the fever down and now he's in bed sleeping. He won't take the medicine the doctor prescribed for him. He just keeps spitting it out and wont' swallow it. :( Thank you for your prayers. :grouphug:

Does flavor matter? Would he eat jello? It's not frozen, but it's refrigerated....




Now, I'm praying for wisdom ;)

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Have it ready for when he wakes up. Sleep is good.


I wonder if it's possible to slip his medication in there... You couldn't boil it in, but I wonder if, once it's cooled, but not jelled, you could add it in.


I made some just now. I did the quick set method with ice cubes instead of cold water. Ay, I think it's too late to add the medicine. I don't know how I would control the dosage anyway. :confused: His dad is at the store right now buying more of the medicine that he was taking before so hopefully he will take it again. He can sometimes get Josiah to take things when he won't take them from me so maybe he will succeed where I couldn't. Mostly he has a vicious cough and he's feverish and mucous-y and won't eat. I think he has a sore throat, but since he doesn't talk he can't really tell me what he feels I just have to guess. :(


Thank you all for your prayers for him. :grouphug:

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Oh, Jen, I'm sooooo sorry!!! I will pray for Josiah. My family had a stomach virus over Thanksgiving, and while we didn't throw up for more than a day, the diarrhea and stomach cramps lasted anywhere from 5-9 days for each of us. :(


Keep us updated!!!!

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Oh, Jen, I'm sooooo sorry!!! I will pray for Josiah. My family had a stomach virus over Thanksgiving, and while we didn't throw up for more than a day, the diarrhea and stomach cramps lasted anywhere from 5-9 days for each of us. :(


Keep us updated!!!!


Thank you so much sweetheart. And I'm sorry I haven't gone to the post office yet. I will, I promise! :grouphug:

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:grouphug: Praying for Josiah. I second the recommendation for anti-nausea suppositories. Would your doctor call in a prescription for you?


The doctor's office is closed right now, but I could call tomorrow. Do you really think he needs it? I think the mucous or maybe his throat is what's causing him to throw up. Would the anti-nausea suppositories help that? I'm willing to try anything to make him feel better.

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The doctor's office is closed right now, but I could call tomorrow. Do you really think he needs it? I think the mucous or maybe his throat is what's causing him to throw up. Would the anti-nausea suppositories help that? I'm willing to try anything to make him feel better.


They couldn't hurt, and he may feel more like trying to eat if he didn't think he was going to throw it up.

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The doctor's office is closed right now, but I could call tomorrow. Do you really think he needs it? I think the mucous or maybe his throat is what's causing him to throw up. Would the anti-nausea suppositories help that? I'm willing to try anything to make him feel better.


Isn't there a doctor on call in the evening? It would be worth a try to see if they would call in a prescription for you.



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Isn't there a doctor on call in the evening? It would be worth a try to see if they would call in a prescription for you.




No there's no one on call or anything like that. They have some extended hours but they were closed already. Anything more than that has to be done at the emergency room. I'll call them tomorrow morning. I'm sure she'll phone in a prescription if I ask since she already saw him today.

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No there's no one on call or anything like that. They have some extended hours but they were closed already. Anything more than that has to be done at the emergency room. I'll call them tomorrow morning. I'm sure she'll phone in a prescription if I ask since she already saw him today.


I'm praying that he'll be so much better by tomorrow, that you won't even need to call the doctor.



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I'm praying that he'll be so much better by tomorrow, that you won't even need to call the doctor.





Me too! Hope the little guy wakes up good as new! Praying for you too!:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


Thank you. :grouphug:


Okay I have an update: Dad came home with the new medicine and he drank a dose. :hurray: He looked like he was going to throw up again and gagged a little bit, but managed to keep it down. He took one bite of jello and wouldn't take anymore. He drank one small glass of apple juice and so far hasn't thrown up again. His fever came down a bit from the bath I gave him and is holding. DH is taking the day off of work tomorrow to help me with him (I'm sick too with a fever) and we're going to take turns monitoring him throughout the night and taking his temperature. Thank you all so much for your helpful suggestions and for your prayers. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate it. :grouphug:

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Thank you. :grouphug:


Okay I have an update: Dad came home with the new medicine and he drank a dose. :hurray: He looked like he was going to throw up again and gagged a little bit, but managed to keep it down. He took one bite of jello and wouldn't take anymore. He drank one small glass of apple juice and so far hasn't thrown up again. His fever came down a bit from the bath I gave him and is holding. DH is taking the day off of work tomorrow to help me with him (I'm sick too with a fever) and we're going to take turns monitoring him throughout the night and taking his temperature. Thank you all so much for your helpful suggestions and for your prayers. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate it. :grouphug:


Great!! He might continue to have a low-grade fever as long as he is dehydrated. Keep pushing fluids, even ice chips or sips of any liquid. Hang in there!! Even though I'm a nurse, a stomach virus makes me run for the hills!! I HATE IT!!!

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:grouphug: For 3 years in a row, my DD got a stomach virus and it lasted for 7-10 days and has ended up in the ER twice because of dehydration. She cannot even keep down a sip of water. One time I counted and she threw up over 100 times, like every 15 mins ALL DAY.


My doc would never give anything. She would lose so much weight and I would freak out. They said it was a virus and needs to run it course. I just keep pushing a tsp of gatorade or water every 15 mins no matter what. She would throw it up more often than not, but at least it was something.


I know how scary it is, and annoying the docs cant/wont help. I will pray for your son.

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Thank you. :grouphug:


Okay I have an update: Dad came home with the new medicine and he drank a dose. :hurray: He looked like he was going to throw up again and gagged a little bit, but managed to keep it down. He took one bite of jello and wouldn't take anymore. He drank one small glass of apple juice and so far hasn't thrown up again. His fever came down a bit from the bath I gave him and is holding. DH is taking the day off of work tomorrow to help me with him (I'm sick too with a fever) and we're going to take turns monitoring him throughout the night and taking his temperature. Thank you all so much for your helpful suggestions and for your prayers. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate it. :grouphug:

What a relief! I'll continue to lift you three up in my prayers. Have a blessed day :D

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Great!! He might continue to have a low-grade fever as long as he is dehydrated. Keep pushing fluids, even ice chips or sips of any liquid. Hang in there!! Even though I'm a nurse, a stomach virus makes me run for the hills!! I HATE IT!!!


Update: Okay, his temperature stayed in the normal range all night long. He hasn't thrown up again, but is still not eating. I called the doctor's office this morning and talked to her nurse about the anti-nausea suppositories and I'm waiting for a call back from her.


Nakia, How long can they really go without eating? I'm going to ask the doctor that too when she calls, but since you're a nurse I wanted to hear your opinion as well. He was 80 pounds and as of yesterday's dr.'s visit he's now 68. She said he is not dehydrated though. She told me to bring him back if the fever persists, but his temperature seems to be holding. But if he doesn't eat anything eventually, I just can't see him going on like this, kwim?

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:grouphug: For 3 years in a row, my DD got a stomach virus and it lasted for 7-10 days and has ended up in the ER twice because of dehydration. She cannot even keep down a sip of water. One time I counted and she threw up over 100 times, like every 15 mins ALL DAY.


My doc would never give anything. She would lose so much weight and I would freak out. They said it was a virus and needs to run it course. I just keep pushing a tsp of gatorade or water every 15 mins no matter what. She would throw it up more often than not, but at least it was something.


I know how scary it is, and annoying the docs cant/wont help. I will pray for your son.



Oh my gosh that is so scary!! Did your dd have to get an IV? Did she have to be hospitalized?

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Keep your worries on hydration, the food will come. Did your doctor tell you how to check for hydration? We've been through this. You go from fluids to applesauce(soft easy to digest foods), to bland foods (chicken)... He won't go for pizza today. After all of the uproar his stomach will want a bite or two, not a meal. I'm so glad the fever is down! Poor all of you!

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Update: Okay, his temperature stayed in the normal range all night long. He hasn't thrown up again, but is still not eating. I called the doctor's office this morning and talked to her nurse about the anti-nausea suppositories and I'm waiting for a call back from her.



It's a good sign that his temperature is normal and that he's not vomiting. It may take him a few days to start feeling hungry again, because his stomach is probably pretty messed up from all the vomiting. I have a very weak stomach, and if I've been sick, I can't even tolerate carbonated drinks -- I have to stir the fizzies out of my Coke and ginger ale! I can't even think about fruit juices, because they're too hard on my stomach.


I know you're concerned about the weight loss, and I would be very worried, too, but I'm just suggesting that you take it very slowly and don't push any food on him for a day or so, to give his stomach a bit of a rest. You don't want him to start vomiting again. He might be able to tolerate a saltine or a few Goldfish crackers, and something like chicken broth (with or without a few noodles) would be good for him if you think he'd try it, but I wouldn't go much heavier than that.


I hope you're able to get the anti-nausea meds.



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Update: Okay, his temperature stayed in the normal range all night long. He hasn't thrown up again, but is still not eating. I called the doctor's office this morning and talked to her nurse about the anti-nausea suppositories and I'm waiting for a call back from her.


Nakia, How long can they really go without eating? I'm going to ask the doctor that too when she calls, but since you're a nurse I wanted to hear your opinion as well. He was 80 pounds and as of yesterday's dr.'s visit he's now 68. She said he is not dehydrated though. She told me to bring him back if the fever persists, but his temperature seems to be holding. But if he doesn't eat anything eventually, I just can't see him going on like this, kwim?


Don't worry about food at all. He just needs liquids right now. Keep the small sips and ice chips going until he tolerates those. Then offer him a bland diet, such as the BRAT diet: bananas, rice, applesauce, toast. Oh, and something salty might be what he wants, and that's fine. I know it sounds weird, but when I've been really sick, one of the first things I can tolerate is a few chips. I learned that when I was pregnant. Saltines are good too. His body will let him know when he is ready for food. I know you are scared, but he will eat again. And I'm sure he will bounce back quick. :grouphug: Hang in there.


ETA: If his mucous membranes are moist (inside his mouth) and pink, his skin still has elasticity, and he is urinating, he is not dehydrated. To check skin elasticity, pull up the skin on his lower arm. If it goes right back, he is not dehydrated. If it tents, he is getting dehydrated.

Edited by Nakia
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Okay, I have some weird not so normal ways of dealing with this with my son...LOL Here they are:


As far as for pain when he is throwing up and cant keep tylenol down, I use tylenol suppositories, our pharm had them beind the counter, we just had to ask for them.


For nausea when he couldnt keep anything down, I used a dose of Emetrol (which is an over the counter anti-nausea med) every 15 mins as directed if it is really bad. When it calms down enough I give him a dose of benedryl. Dont ask me why, I have no idea why it works but our Dr. recommended it to us once and it has worked ever since.


Now, I dont know why this works either but I offer McDonald french fries. I think it has something to do with the salt but they seem to calm an upset stomach. I know of several people who find relief with the fries as well. If your offering apple juice you may want to dilute it a little bit...the juice may be a little hard on the tummy.


Hope this help, I know it sounds unusual...LOL Good luck and I pray he feels better and you have some comfort!



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PLEASE can you all pray for my ds9. He is really sick with some kind of bad virus. He started throwing up last Sunday and had a high fever. He stopped throwing up on Tuesday and the fever was starting to go down so I thought he was getting better, but he still wasn't eating. Now the fever is back and he still hasn't eaten anything since Sunday. The doctor says there's nothing she can do for him since it's a virus. His lungs are clear, he has no ear infection and his test came back negative for strep. Can you just please lift him up. His name is Josiah (which ironically means Jehovah heals). He is profoundly Autistic and has trouble eating anyway, but he's eaten literally nothing since Sunday afternoon. He's lost 12 pounds and I'm freaking out. Please pray for him to get well and to eat and drink and to take his medicine which he keeps spitting out. Thank you all so much for your prayers. :grouphug:


praying for your poor baby.



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