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iPads -- I have questions!

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Ok, I'll admit it. I was not going to get an iPad. I wasn't jumping on that bandwagon, not me, no way, no how. We've already got computers in almost every room of the house. We don't need another one. I've been in the Apple Store quite a bit lately, and I haven't even looked at iPads. Nope. Not going to be tempted. I stayed strong.


But then ds was looking at video games at Walmart, and there it was. The iPad display. Right there in a glass case in front of me.


How could I not look? And besides, it was only for a minute. What harm could that do? What could possibly go wrong?


Well, now I want the stupid thing. At least I think I do.


Please talk me into or out of it. I would mostly be using it for internet stuff, not for music or movies. I go out for lunch or coffee quite a bit and am thinking that I can bring the iPad with me. I can have coffee and visit this forum -- how cool is that? (Ok, I can do it now with the MacBook Pro I'm using right now, or one of our other laptops, but the iPad is smaller and lighter and... yes... cooler.)


Should I put one on my Christmas list? And if I should, do I need the 16gb, 32gb, or 64gb version? I know the WiFi one will be enough for me, because we have access almost everywhere we go in our area, so I don't need to get the 3G one.





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Which GB?


How will you use it?


Do you already have an iTunes library? If so, how many songs are in your library?


Will you want to watch movies on it? Most movies use around 2GB, but then keep in mind, most people do not keep movies on it long term.


Will you want books on it? Books vary in GB, but for an example, the Bible, both Testaments, uses about 1GB.


How about photos? Any documents you will be saving in it?


For someone just using it for internet accesss on the go, 16GB is plenty.


If you plan to start adding books, photos, etc, and think you will really incorporate the iPad into your daily life, better go with 32GB.


Nothing worse than having to decide which favorite song, book or photo to delete in order to free up some GB to add something.

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I can't tell you how much I dig ours. It gets used constantly. And the whole thig still feels like "magic" to me. The touch screen is so natural. The big screen conbined with the light-weight thinness and the lack of heat, make it portable in a way a lap-top just isn't.


It is a very (very) cool device.


At this point I might ask for an IOU rather than getting one for Christmas. A new iPad2 is in the offing. The rumors were that it would be January, in recent days the rumors are that it may not be until Feburary or (gasp) even March. I don't know if Apple is trying to amp up Christmas sales by making the roll out of the new versions seem further out (or not) but I think I'd wait.


The new machine will have cameras (for Skype and FaceTime) and super-high resolution Retina screens like the iPhone 4. And even if you wanted an original iPad you might find one at a discount when the new ones are released. If you need it now...let's just say I'm quite happy with the one we've got!


The only downside of the iPad is the cost.


I think the 32 gig model is the "sweet spot." A 16 gig model I'm afraid would get filled up. The 64 would be preferable but $$$.


Best wishes.



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Thanks!!! You've given me a lot to consider.


I have heard that a new 2nd generation iPad is supposed to be coming out in March or April, but that the main improvement will be the addition of a camera, which I don't care about. I've also heard it may be cheaper and more powerful, which I would like.


Decisions, decisions.


So I'm thinking that maybe I should be cheap and go for the 16gb wi-fi version now, and if I really love it, I can always upgrade to the new model if it gets great reviews when it's released, or more likely, a few months after that because I'll want to know if it has any weird quirks before I buy it.


I won't be putting photos or music on it, because I have an iPod Touch for the music and other computers with my photo editing software on them. I might watch movies on it occasionally, but I can't see myself saving them on the iPad.


I think I would mostly use it for things like email, eBay, online shopping, and this forum. (I know I'll need to download an app to use eBay, but what about other shopping sites like Amazon and department stores?)


I'm also a bit confused about all of the apps. I know I have to buy most of them, but I'm wondering how pricey this iPad will turn out to be, and which apps I "need."


I also know the iPad doesn't support Flash, which means I can't watch tv or movies on sites like Hulu, but does the lack of Flash make it difficult to view a lot of other web pages? I know that when I learned web design, we used a lot of Flash!


Sorry to ask so many questions!



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DH just surprised me with a 16GB 3G model. I was a little perplexed, as it wouldn't have occurred to me to spring for 3G model. But he explained that he thought I might want to use it while the kids are in homeschooler activities with no nearby WiFi. Good point. :D And I'll definitely sign up for 3G during the months we travel a lot (Nov/Dec).


My GPS unit is about to die on me anyway, so we may end up using 3G access to get GPS navigation when we're traveling out-of-state.


I won't be putting a lot of MP3s on it, nor will I put a lot of photos on it, so I hope the smaller size won't be an issue. Frankly, it'll keep me more accountable to myself. My MP3 players are BIG, and I've got stuff on them that I'll probably never listen to again. That's kind of silly.

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I love mine also and am using it right now. I'm not a gadgety person but dh surprised me with it for my birthday and I've been really happy. I have a 16 GB wifi and it's plenty for now. I will say that I'll probably upgrade in a few years and hand this one down to my dc. It is easy for me to shuffle books, photos, and music onto my computer when they aren't needed on my iPad anymore which helps with space. I currently have 11 GB free. My apps and files (docs, spreadsheets, etc.) don't take up much room. The boys probably take up more space with all of their apps.


If I didn't already have this one, I'd probably wait for the upgrade and get more memory because I would love the camera but that's just me. Not sure it would be worth the wait otherwise.

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Thanks!!! You've given me a lot to consider.


I have heard that a new 2nd generation iPad is supposed to be coming out in March or April, but that the main improvement will be the addition of a camera, which I don't care about. I've also heard it may be cheaper and more powerful, which I would like.


Decisions, decisions.


So I'm thinking that maybe I should be cheap and go for the 16gb wi-fi version now, and if I really love it, I can always upgrade to the new model if it gets great reviews when it's released, or more likely, a few months after that because I'll want to know if it has any weird quirks before I buy it.


I won't be putting photos or music on it, because I have an iPod Touch for the music and other computers with my photo editing software on them. I might watch movies on it occasionally, but I can't see myself saving them on the iPad.


I think I would mostly use it for things like email, eBay, online shopping, and this forum. (I know I'll need to download an app to use eBay, but what about other shopping sites like Amazon and department stores?)


I'm also a bit confused about all of the apps. I know I have to buy most of them, but I'm wondering how pricey this iPad will turn out to be, and which apps I "need."


I also know the iPad doesn't support Flash, which means I can't watch tv or movies on sites like Hulu, but does the lack of Flash make it difficult to view a lot of other web pages? I know that when I learned web design, we used a lot of Flash!


Sorry to ask so many questions!




If you don't plan to load up the iPad with a lot of Photos or Music or Videos, 16 gigs is plenty for a mostly Internet/App/E-Reader type use.


The no Flash thng is an annoyance at times. It has been less impactful than I would have thought, but I don't have a "mission critical" site that uses Flash.


You can watch Hulu on the iPad, they just stick you with some sort of subscription fee. The ABC app is awesome (and free). And you can also use Netflix streaming and You Tube.


More and more sites (I suspect) will encode their websites with both Flash and HTML 5 and swith to give you the right format due to the popularity of the iPad. This has started already.


The vast majority of the Apps we have are "free". Almost all the paid Apps are pretty inexpensive, often a dollar or two. We have done very little "damage" buying Apps. Goodreader (for PDFs) is about the only paid App I'd call "essential" for a home educator, and it costs $1.


The "thrill" has not worn off for me. I love our iPad.


Bill (sent from iPad)

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If you don't plan to load up the iPad with a lot of Photos or Music or Videos, 16 gigs is plenty for a mostly Internet/App/E-Reader type use.


The no Flash thng is an annoyance at times. It has been less impactful than I would have thought, but I don't have a "mission critical" site that uses Flash.


You can watch Hulu on the iPad, they just stick you with some sort of subscription fee. The ABC app is awesome (and free). And you can also use Netflix streaming and You Tube.


More and more sites (I suspect) will encode their websites with both Flash and HTML 5 and swith to give you the right format due to the popularity of the iPad. This has started already.


The vast majority of the Apps we have are "free". Almost all the paid Apps are pretty inexpensive, often a dollar or two. We have done very little "damage" buying Apps. Goodreader (for PDFs) is about the only paid App I'd call "essential" for a home educator, and it costs $1.


The "thrill" has not worn off for me. I love our iPad.


Bill (sent from iPad)


Thanks so much, Bill -- you've clarified so much for me! I have been doing a lot of reading about iPads this morning, and your posts have been more helpful to me than any of the "professional reviews." :)



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I have a 16 GB wifi and it's plenty for now. I will say that I'll probably upgrade in a few years and hand this one down to my dc.


That's part of my Evil Master Plan, too! ;)


It is easy for me to shuffle books, photos, and music onto my computer when they aren't needed on my iPad anymore which helps with space. I currently have 11 GB free. My apps and files (docs, spreadsheets, etc.) don't take up much room. The boys probably take up more space with all of their apps.



It sounds like you're using it similarly to the way I'll use mine, so the 16gb should do the trick. Also, it's the cheapest way to go, so I won't beat myself up for overspending if the new version comes out in a few months and I can't live without it.



Edited by Catwoman
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For someone just using it for internet accesss on the go, 16GB is plenty.


If you plan to start adding books, photos, etc, and think you will really incorporate the iPad into your daily life, better go with 32GB.


Nothing worse than having to decide which favorite song, book or photo to delete in order to free up some GB to add something.


Thanks for all of the help! The more I think about it, the more I think 16gb will be fine for me. I don't plan to try to use the iPad like a "regular computer" so most of my photos and important documents won't be on it, anyway. I am more of a "real book" person, so I don't anticipate having too many e-books, and again, I doubt I'd want to save something like a novel after I've read it, anyway.



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Thanks so much, Bill -- you've clarified so much for me! I have been doing a lot of reading about iPads this morning, and your posts have been more helpful to me than any of the "professional reviews." :)




I'm glad I could help. Fair warning, if you have a WTM addiction now, the iPad could make it quite worse. Just saying :D



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DH just surprised me with a 16GB 3G model. I was a little perplexed, as it wouldn't have occurred to me to spring for 3G model. But he explained that he thought I might want to use it while the kids are in homeschooler activities with no nearby WiFi. Good point. :D And I'll definitely sign up for 3G during the months we travel a lot (Nov/Dec).


My GPS unit is about to die on me anyway, so we may end up using 3G access to get GPS navigation when we're traveling out-of-state.



I don't think I need the 3G model, because I'm almost never out of wi-fi range in my area, and when we travel, I can always use a separate mi-fi if I need it. Our cars all have navigation systems and the MBrace system where you can press a button in the car and a concierge comes online and can give me more specific directions or recommend and reserve space for me at hotels and restaurants, so I don't really need the iPad for that stuff.


I'm definitely thinking the 16gb will be fine for me. (DH will be shocked and amazed that I don't want the one with all the bells & whistles... ;))



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My only suggestion is that if you are going to get one for you, consider getting one for the kids or they will steal yours!




Ds is getting a new laptop for Christmas, so hopefully he won't swipe my iPad when I'm not looking!


I read books, watch netflix, play games, check the internet news, log on here.


My perfect thing would be to have one of those docking stations for it with a keyboard because, while I have gotten pretty good at typing on the iPad, a keyboard is better for longer things.


I was wondering how difficult it is to type on the iPad, but I figured that if other people are doing it, I guess I'll manage, too! :) I know someone who has the keyboard, and she doesn't like it. She says it defeats the entire purpose of having a nice, compact, portable little iPad!



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My perfect thing would be to have one of those docking stations for it with a keyboard because, while I have gotten pretty good at typing on the iPad, a keyboard is better for longer things.


I thought (being of a certain age) that an external keyboard would be an "essential" add-on for *me*. But I quickly came to delight in the virtual keyboard, and am pretty fast my my standards (which are not those of a 20 year old "texter", but not bad).


In the past weeks I've have had a few really weird "auto-fills" that I caught before posting here. I do wish there were "virtual" arrow-keys in the band above they "keyboard" on the right-hand side (in the same band where the "Previous/Next/Autofill" are now). This would make text editing much easier than the finger selection mode in some cases. Small complaint, but a feature I wish they would add.



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I was wondering how difficult it is to type on the iPad, but I figured that if other people are doing it, I guess I'll manage, too! :) I know someone who has the keyboard, and she doesn't like it. She says it defeats the entire purpose of having a nice, compact, portable little iPad!




I suppose this post is redundant, but I'd be in the "it defeats the purpose" of the iPad camp. I have no trouble typing, and I'm a dinosaur.


A way freaking cool 21st Century dinosaur, but still :D



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I do wish there were "virtual" arrow-keys in the band above they "keyboard" on the right-hand side (in the same band where the "Previous/Next/Autofill" are now).


Does that mean there's no backspace or delete key? When you make a typo, do you have to go back and highlight the entire word so you can re-type it, instead of just backspacing to replace an offending letter?



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Does that mean there's no backspace or delete key? When you make a typo, do you have to go back and highlight the entire word so you can re-type it, instead of just backspacing to replace an offending letter?




There is a "delete" key. But no "non-destructive" virtual arrow keys. To insert a cursor you use your finger (the text auto-zooms" to make insertion easier whic is a pretty nice feauture). Sometimes this is fine, other times I still hanker for arrow keys. Especially when I want to move way back in a document. Then finger scrolling is a mind pain. Small stuff.



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Is 16GB enough to stream Netflix? (Is there a required "virtual memory" to stream if you aren't saving onto the iPad itself?)


I have read quite a few articles that say you'll need extra memory if you're planning to store a lot of movies on your iPad, but it sounds like you'll have no problem with something like Netflix, where you're just watching streaming video.



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Is 16GB enough to stream Netflix? (Is there a required "virtual memory" to stream if you aren't saving onto the iPad itself?)


I'm sure there is some memory overhead for streaming Netflix, but unless you load the iPad with media (photos, music, and video) in quantity you would be fine with 16.



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Although I usually want the "biggest and the best," I am now convinced that the 16gb will be fine for me.


My ds just asked me what I was posting, and I said I was asking questions about iPads because I was thinking that I might want one for Christmas.


He nonchalantly went straight downstairs to my husband's office to, "talk to Dad about something." :D


I know they have something else up their sleeves, but try as I might to pump them for information, neither one will rat the other one out. :glare: ;)



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I promised myself I would wait til the 2nd generation of Ipad comes out but it is so hard! There are so many wonderful aps that would help my boys and since I'm completely infatuated with my Ipod touch a bigger version could only make me even happier.


But I think I'm only going with the 16 G wi fi when I do get one.


But the Ipad lust is strong here. :sigh:

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I adore my iPad.


Since dh bought it for me, WEEKS go by where I don't turn on a computer.


I can read, Internet, ebooks, news - whatever


Check emails, including documents.


Eta:I can also watch netflix on it!






Other than printing and flash video and a camera, I can do just about anything. And in a font size that doesn't make me go cross-eyed like on my iPhone.


Love, love, love mine.

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I'm a little late to this discussion, but wanted to add my bit...


LOVE my iPad.


My wonderful dh stood in line for me the day that the 3G version came out. I wanted a 32 GB, but those were sold out, so he bought me a 64 GB (poor me).


I love it. I have about 3,000 pics on the iPad, a few movies & tv shows, a bunch of books and lots of apps.


I create docs, edit photos, watch movies, read books, surf the net, play games, cook and relax with the iPad.


It has been a wonderful purchase. I don't regret it one bit. I was fortunate enough to be able to sign up for the unlimited 3G service before AT&T did away with it.





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Just a 16gb.

No 3G, which means I have to use wifi. But that's really not a problem for me. And we don't want the expense of adding a data plan anyways.



Thanks, Martha!


I don't want the expense of a data plan, either. It seems like a waste of money when we have wi-fi available just about everywhere we go.



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I was fortunate enough to be able to sign up for the unlimited 3G service before AT&T did away with it.



Thanks, Val -- the unlimited 3G service was a great deal, but of course, I didn't get in on it, and I think it's such a pain to have to keep track of how much of the service you're using.



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I have a 32 3G. I wanted it specifically so that I could surf the net while waiting for kids at their activities. Turns out we have no more activities that the kids cant get to themselves. But it is great. I took it to Bali last month and there is WiFi all over the place. Sure beats internet cafes in Asian countries with dodgy old computers.


I use it to download and read books, and its great for watching You Tubes in bed or listening to other downloads that I need quiet and time away from family to absorb. Great for checking email in bed too. In fact, mine lives next to my bed and I often use it instead of my ipod. I find the speakers on the ipad much less tinny than the ipod so often use it to listen to things (without earphones).


I am about to buy an Apple computer- not sure whether to get a Mac Book Pro or an IMac...dh reckons I should get a Mac BOok Pro and sell my ipad. But I am rather attached to it. As you say...going to a cafe with an ipad in your handbag is definitely more ocnvenient than lugging a laptop.

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We have wifi and access at most places (where i don't I can always use my iPhone).


I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my iPad (whose name is MiPad). I rarely get on my computer anymore. I have hundreds of songs, books, pics, apps, etc. and mine is maybe half full. I have also done the live streaming Netflix movies with no problem.


As far as typing, there is a backspace to take out a typo. I find I type fairly well on it (typing on it now).


I will probably get a 2nd generation when they come out, but my apple geek at the store said it could be summer, so if you really want one, I'd get it now and just hand it down to the kiddos when you get a new one. I promise you they won't be disappointed!!

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I am about to buy an Apple computer- not sure whether to get a Mac Book Pro or an IMac...dh reckons I should get a Mac BOok Pro and sell my ipad.


I have both, and I use the MacBook Pro a lot more than I use the iMac. The iMac is great because it has a huge, beautiful display, but it's not exactly something I can move from room to room in the house whenever I feel like getting on the computer.


I wouldn't get rid of the iPad in favor of a MacBook Pro, because of the difference in size and weight. If you're only using it at home, it wouldn't matter as much, but start lugging the MacBook Pro around the mall a few times, and you'll really miss that iPad!


My husband uses his iMac all the time, and loves it.



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I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my iPad (whose name is MiPad).




It's so cool that you named yours! :)




PS. I think dh may have ordered one for me last night. He was asking a lot of questions about iPads, and then he and ds got on the computer in his office... More than just coincidence? I hope so... :D

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Thanks, Val -- the unlimited 3G service was a great deal, but of course, I didn't get in on it, and I think it's such a pain to have to keep track of how much of the service you're using.




Just chiming in... I also got the unlimited 3G before it was discontinued... For me, that service plan was almost 50% of the iPad's appeal. It was a one-of-a-kind data plan and I was really unhappy when AT&T pulled that bait and switch. I'm grandfathered in, but have to pay the $30 every single month or I will lose it. Ugh. Totally NOT the easy pay "when you need it" plan that was advertised. (I use it a lot, so I pay. Still grumpy about it, though.)


Anyway... With the wifi only version of the iPad, you can STILL get a 3G/4G plan if you need to later on. Many carriers sell MiFi devices (portable hotspots) that can connect up to 5 wifi devices at a time. Drawbacks are battery life on the MiFi device, inconvenience of having to carry 2 devices, and the slog of having to compare & laugh at all the different plans. Some plans are *really* BAD, like $30/month for 1G of data. Please.


There is only one carrier i know of that currently offers *unlimited* 3g data for

$40/month in the US: Virgin Mobile. The upside is that you can connect any wifi device to it; so if you're out you can be on your iPad while the kids can connect their iPods (or dsi's or whatever) within a certain range of the MiFi device. These devices also make it almost possible to use an iPod Touch with Skype running in the background as an iPhone alternative.


I do wonder about the next generation iPads & if/when they will be enabled to access 3G or 4G from a variety of carriers natively. :lurk5:


Anyway- none of this really matters if you generally have access to lots of wifi. But if you know you're going somewhere with no wifi access and would like to still connect your iPad, the MiFi devices are the current solution. Given the change from the original unlimited AT&T plan, I think the wifi-only iPad plus the Virgin Mobile MiFi is the best deal currently. Edit: Best deal for unlimited 3g access. There are less expensive plans if you don't mind a data cap. (Subject to change very quickly, depending on the whims of the mobile industry.) ;)

Edited by Mekanamom
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There is only one carrier i know of that currently offers *unlimited* 3g data for $40/month in the US: Virgin Mobile. The upside is that you can connect any wifi device to it; so if you're out you can be on your iPad while the kids can connect their iPods (or dsi's or whatever) within a certain range of the MiFi device. These devices also make it almost possible to use an iPod Touch with Skype running in the background as an iPhone alternative.


Thanks for the info -- that would be a great alternative if I know we'll be traveling someplace that may not have a lot of wi-fi hotspots. One of my husband's clients was here yesterday and his new mi-fi thingie was teeny-tiny, and I think you could use up to 5 devices with it at a time. (I could be remembering incorrectly, though, because I wasn't really thinking of buying one until... well... right now! :tongue_smilie:)



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