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Flurries in south Alabama!

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I heard about this earlier...though we're just south of B'ham and I haven't noticed any. Though, I'll admit, I'm not looking intently and certainly not going outside to investigate.


Anyway, this morning I joked the flurries were hallucinations. Strange things happen when hypothermia begins to set in...which happens around 40* to folks in these parts :p


This transplant will not fight you for the snow though. I didn't like it when I lived in IL or KY. I don't like it living in AL. :tongue_smilie:

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The part of NE I'm in has snow with more falling as I type.


When is it going to turn to ice?:D


Just couldn't resist. The southern ice storms are beautiful though, don't you think?


Sigh. I envy you. I've never seen snow in my life. :( I'd like to see it just once. sniff.

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