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If you have read Stuart Little. . .

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After reading the first chapter of Stuart Little, did you assume that Mrs. Little delivered Stuart and that a human having a rodent child is part of the fantasy element, or did you assume that Stuart was adopted? I haven't seen the movie, but I have read that in the movie he is adopted. I figured this was just a divergence from the book that is common with movies loosely based on books. I'm wondering if another adult who said that Stuart had mouse parents and was adopted into the Little family had only seen the movie. What do you think? Thanks! Btw, it wouldn't really matter, but dd is doing a big project on this book for school (she is in public school) and I don't want to get it wrong! Thanks!

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After reading the first chapter of Stuart Little, did you assume that Mrs. Little delivered Stuart and that a human having a rodent child is part of the fantasy element, or did you assume that Stuart was adopted? I haven't seen the movie, but I have read that in the movie he is adopted. I figured this was just a divergence from the book that is common with movies loosely based on books. I'm wondering if another adult who said that Stuart had mouse parents and was adopted into the Little family had only seen the movie. What do you think? Thanks! Btw, it wouldn't really matter, but dd is doing a big project on this book for school (she is in public school) and I don't want to get it wrong! Thanks!


I would assume a person who insisted Stuart was adopted had seen the movie and not read the book. To me, it was a clear fantasy element that the Littles had a mouse for a son. Nowhere does the book imply Stuart was adopted.

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We didn't really question Stuart's origins either. It was part of the fantasy. Not an issue at all.


We purchased the movie on a whim (and major sale) after reading the book - and promptly freecycled it. The messages the movie sends about adoption are not acceptable in our family (that Stuart's birthmother is his "real" mother, that birthparents can come and take a child away from a family, and if I remember correctly, Stuart's birthparents were far from the loving, courageous people that are my son's birthparents).


...We love the book, though!

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