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You gotta see this....re: truck n*tz....

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That is silly. I think they're pretty crude, but it just seems a waste of time. Dh was joking about getting some for his truck not long ago. I told him if he did that I was going to make some b**bs for the front of my Saturn. I was just trying to illustrate how stupid they were, but he thought it was hilarious and dared me to do it. We both know there is no way in heck I'd do it. The real truck n*tz are much cruder than the tennis balls in pantyhose, but I can't imagine being so disturbed by it that I would feel the need for a law.

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Pardon me, but I have something really inappropriate to say...

































I had to google this to even know what y'all were talking about, but after a few images, all I could think was...















if your truck is that BIG & your n*tz are that SMALL...I don't think I'd be advertising. Hm?

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This is absolutely ridiculous waste of resources, both in passing the bill and in policing it!


I can't not imagine the cost to the tax payers! This law is liken to the "no pigs can walk on the side walk" type laws of the 1800's.


The thing about this that really bothers me is that the "truck nuts" are not displayed to be sexy....they are a joke. A silly red neck joke, that will now get more publicity and will become a hot item to buy because of it! I don't see them as any different than a crude bumper sticker.


The lady in profile with the huge booKs, is more suggestive, but lets see the powers that be try to mess with the trucking industry to get them removed from mud flaps!

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Whenever I see someone who has invested money and time and effort into affixing something so tacky to their vehicle, I consider it fair warning that this is a not a person with whom I wish to waste my own time.


Does anyone remember the old George Carlin bit about how they should make a law that encouraged drivers to shoot little suction cup darts with "Idiot" flags attached at the cars of other drivers? The (tongue-in-cheek) idea was that it would be helpful to police officers, who could simply pull over anyone who had a certain number of "Idiot" flags on his or her car and give that person a well-deserved ticket.


To me, things like the accessories being discussed here are self-imposed "Idiot" flags. Not worthy of a traffice ticket, perhaps, but definitely notice to other people of what to expect.

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This is absolutely ridiculous waste of resources, both in passing the bill and in policing it!


I can't not imagine the cost to the tax payers! This law is liken to the "no pigs can walk on the side walk" type laws of the 1800's.




Don't worry...they've got so much of FL taxpayer money from real estate taxes that they've got to squander it on something!! ;)

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I saw these for the first time recently on a yellow Hummer. A couple of days later, I saw a bumper sticker on a little car that said, "Nice Hummer. Sorry about your p*nis." I thought of that ridiculous yellow tank with it's fake reproductive organs, and laughed for a good five minutes.

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I saw these for the first time recently on a yellow Hummer. A couple of days later, I saw a bumper sticker on a little car that said, "Nice Hummer. Sorry about your p*nis." I thought of that ridiculous yellow tank with it's fake reproductive organs, and laughed for a good five minutes.


Oh, I LOVE that! I want that sticker for our Mazda 3. Think dh would go for it?



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aside from the obvious stupid use of taxpayer funds

aside from a preference for cops to actually work on real crime

I don't see how this can fly legally when there's billboards in every state with women's t*ts hanging out or nearly so and no one does a blessed thing, much less enact legislation.


I think it's tacky.


but you know what?


if a person can't be tacky in their own dadblummed house and vehicle - than what the heck is freedom of expression for?


this rates right up there with HOA "laws" that say you can't have garden knomes or paint your house any color that isn't an "earth tone".


and yes, I kid you not, before we moved into this house a year ago 2 areas we had looked in had such HOA silliness.:glare:

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I've never heard these called truck nutz, but always called "Bull Balls" because they were various sized replicas of bull "parts." So, either people are misconstruing what they are replicas of, or there is some new variety I'm not familiar with.


Honestly, I grew up a farm girl, and seeing the "bull balls" has never bothered me.


I'd much rather see these hanging off of people's vehicles, then have to see people's bits and pieces hanging out of clothing that is far from appropriate.

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