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CC - Difference in opinion on Bible versions.......

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If you are a KJV user only and you were researching and thinking about using a curriculum only to find that they not olnly suggest other translations but strongly disagree with the KJV being the infallible word of God would you use it?(yes I am pretty sure that was a run on) I like everything about this program but after I inquired if I could use only my KJV (because that is how we feel) I was told that I could.Then the author sent me a link to a site that really bashed KJV only users. Each to their own on this but I have done alot of research on this subject and feel very strongly about the version we use. I have used other programs which use other versions and that has not bothered me. We just substitute with KJV where needed. But the author's response has really thrown me for a loop. So tell me your opinions on this.

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I was KJV-only for a long time (and still prefer it) so I understand where you are coming from (to some extent)


It depends on what other options I had.


My first opinion would be "of course I won't give her my money -- she just bashed ME"


But then i'd look around and if this is really what I believed/God told me would help my kids the best, I would swallow my pride and do it anyway. But I think I'd really struggle to keep the bad feelings out of it.

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I will use programs whose authors think a non-foundational belief of mine is ridiculous so long as it doesn't show up in the material itself, or the program is so good at what it does that I think editing it or explaining the bits I disagree with is worth it. If it is a foundational belief, then it depends a bit more, as that is likely to influence the whole program whether it is overtly included or not.


Personally, I'd don't see translation choice as a foundational belief, and it wouldn't bother me. They think I'm wrong, I think they're wrong - I'll just agree to disagree :tongue_smilie:.

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yes. but imho the KJV is a valid translation...it's not a paraphrase. there really is no reason that the author should be so outspoken & opposed to it. *why* it wouldn't work within the context of this specific curriculum seems very strange to me. even if the quotes are from the NIV, the KJV should still be doable.

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Well, if you think about the KJV being SOOOO different than when it was translated, what you are using is a "NKJV" just not as new as the current "NKJV" anyway.... (Just a thought) Also, my dad, as a theologian much prefers to use his hebrew and greek testaments when reading the Bible. (And that would hopefully be more accurate than the KJV, right?) Just another thought.

As far as them disagreeing with the KJV as being "The authorized translation" I would think that most curriculums would not agree with that thought. But, If that was somehow my opinion, I'm not sure.

Here's as close as I can get to thinking about it... with another curriculum..

I liked a curriculum and then read what he thought about circumcision and vaccines. Anyone who doesn't do it .... was uneducated and not wise. Since I am exactly opposite in thinking than what he put, I was put off. BUT, I liked the curriculum and used it anyway, and tried to remember why I liked it in the first place.


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If you are a KJV user only and you were researching and thinking about using a curriculum only to find that they not olnly suggest other translations but strongly disagree with the KJV being the infallible word of God would you use it?(yes I am pretty sure that was a run on) I like everything about this program but after I inquired if I could use only my KJV (because that is how we feel) I was told that I could.Then the author sent me a link to a site that really bashed KJV only users. Each to their own on this but I have done alot of research on this subject and feel very strongly about the version we use. I have used other programs which use other versions and that has not bothered me. We just substitute with KJV where needed. But the author's response has really thrown me for a loop. So tell me your opinions on this.


The author probably erroneously assumed that you had not researched it yourself and were just going along with your pastor or the way you were raised and she took it upon herself to "enlighten" you. ;)

I would e-mail her and let her know her error and that it could potentially cost her customers. But if you really think the curriculum will be a good tool for you I would still use it.

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yes. but imho the KJV is a valid translation...it's not a paraphrase. there really is no reason that the author should be so outspoken & opposed to it. *why* it wouldn't work within the context of this specific curriculum seems very strange to me. even if the quotes are from the NIV, the KJV should stillbe doable.

There is a huge difference b/w saying that the KJV is *a* valid translation - which the author affirmed by saying the OP could use it - and saying that the KJV is the *only* valid translation, which is what KJV-only claim, and what the author was refuting. And, yes, some people (my dh is one) are rather passionate about refuting KJV-only for various reasons - the author probably meant well in sending the website link, but maybe could have picked a better one if the one she sent was on the bashing side of the coin.


Anyway, I've gotten good ideas from people who are militant atheists, who think my belief in Christ is the epitome of unenlightened, superstitious nonsense. I've decided that a good idea is a good idea, even if the person who gave it to me thinks I am an idiot who is brainwashing my children :001_huh:.

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I'm confused:confused:


Why can't you use the translation of your choice with this bible study??:confused:


I'm not sure why the author discourages that? Or is it just that the author disagree that KJV is the only acceptable translation? I agree with the latter thought, but see no reason why you couldn't use whatever translation you prefer within the context of any bible study.



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I'm confused:confused:


Why can't you use the translation of your choice with this bible study??:confused:


I'm not sure why the author discourages that? Or is it just that the author disagree that KJV is the only acceptable translation? I agree with the latter thought, but see no reason why you couldn't use whatever translation you prefer within the context of any bible study.



My reading of the OP is that the author said yes to using the KJV in the study, but disagreed that the KJV was the only acceptable translation, and sent a website link about the latter that was apparently rather inflammatory. (Although websites on both sides of the issue tend to get rather inflammatory ;), so maybe that was the best of the bunch :001_huh:.)

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There is a huge difference b/w saying that the KJV is *a* valid translation - which the author affirmed by saying the OP could use it - and saying that the KJV is the *only* valid translation, which is what KJV-only claim, and what the author was refuting. And, yes, some people (my dh is one) are rather passionate about refuting KJV-only for various reasons - the author probably meant well in sending the website link, but maybe could have picked a better one if the one she sent was on the bashing side of the coin.


Anyway, I've gotten good ideas from people who are militant atheists, who think my belief in Christ is the epitome of unenlightened, superstitious nonsense. I've decided that a good idea is a good idea, even if the person who gave it to me thinks I am an idiot who is brainwashing my children :001_huh:.


Yes, I agree with you. I'm not a KJV only person, nor do I see it as the only true translation. I guess I misread her post. I thought the author was bashing her translation preference & discouraging her from using it with that particular study. That didn't make sense to me. It seems most bible studies I've participated in can be used successfully with multiple translations. I just misunderstood I suppose.

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I would be concerned that the response was to send a site that bashes KJV. I might also worry that the classes would follow suit and THAT would be something that would keep me from using it.


I know there are some versions that are considered really bad, because the differences can change the diety of Christ, but KJV is not one of those.


Maybe, you could respond and ask them if part of their study was a commentary on the various translations. If it is, I would get a different program (esp. since you already know that it would be counter to what you believe).

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I've decided that a good idea is a good idea, even if the person who gave it to me thinks I am an idiot who is brainwashing my children :001_huh:.


I've had a good bit of experience with that too...lol.


I think for me it would depend on what other options I had, and how much the objectionable point of view actually appeared in the materials (which is sometimes hard to tell before you buy). I will say that there's a particular homeschool book distributor that I avoid patronizing because they also promote and sell books that not only bash my faith but do so with wildly inaccurate "information". But I also know that I purchase many of my homeschool materials from people I am sure find my beliefs ridiculous. It's nice when they're at least polite about it, though.

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Wow you guys are fast! Let me clear this up... the author did say I could use the KJV and even stated that some of her quotes were from KJV. However she then sent me an email with a link included about the KJV only. http://www.kjvonly.org/ here is the link. I have no problem with ones who chose to use other versions.. My main question is how I feel about her sending me this link. It clearly bashes KJV only users and even references them as a cult in one place. If the author feels that strongly about someone who chooses to use only the KJV I am not sure I want to support her. I hope this is coming out correctly.

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There is a huge difference b/w saying that the KJV is *a* valid translation - which the author affirmed by saying the OP could use it - and saying that the KJV is the *only* valid translation, which is what KJV-only claim, and what the author was refuting. And, yes, some people (my dh is one) are rather passionate about refuting KJV-only for various reasons - the author probably meant well in sending the website link, but maybe could have picked a better one if the one she sent was on the bashing side of the coin.


Anyway, I've gotten good ideas from people who are militant atheists, who think my belief in Christ is the epitome of unenlightened, superstitious nonsense. I've decided that a good idea is a good idea, even if the person who gave it to me thinks I am an idiot who is brainwashing my children :001_huh:.


:iagree: I could have written this post.

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The creation of (especially in earlier times) Bible versions are largely *political* decisions rather than spiritual or theological ones. I encourage you to make curriculum decisions based on the quality of academic content, match for your children's learning style and whether is a style that fits with your family's lifestyle.

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The creation of (especially in earlier times) Bible versions are largely *political* decisions rather than spiritual or theological ones. I encourage you to make curriculum decisions based on the quality of academic content, match for your children's learning style and whether is a style that fits with your family's lifestyle.


Thank you for this!

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Well, I went browsing in there as I kinda knew some about this but didn't really know. I found the site very enlightening, and not bashing at all. They're nit picking, of course, but when you're talking translation differences, that's to be seen as a good thing, no?


That said, for years my ear was trained towards the KJV, and that habit was the worst thing to break-not the thought of seeing it as the only infallible version.

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I'd probably let it go. She is not the author of the website and maybe in a misguided way thought she was being helpful to "enlighten" you. She might not even know it's a *bashing* site.


Is this a bible study curriculum, or a regular other curric that uses the bible throughout? I ask because if I am using helps to study scripture, then I want my version to match up and I'd want to know the beliefs of the commentator. But if it's a history curric for example, that just uses scripture as an add on, I would probably not worry about it too much. I personally like to use materials that don't use too much scripture because I believe it's so often taken out of context. I'd much rather do indepth study than have it tacked on to math or something, so if it's just


Anyone else curious about what curric we are discussing?:bigear::lol:

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I have no problem with ones who chose to use other versions....If the author feels that strongly about someone who chooses to use only the KJV I am not sure I want to support her. I hope this is coming out correctly.

Well, if you have no problems with people who use other versions, then I really don't think you fall under the category of KJV-only that the site was against.


My understanding of straight-up KJV-only, which that site is refuting, was that *no* other English translations are acceptable, period (sometimes even that the KJV is *better* than the original language texts). So if you believe that the KJV is the *best* English translation, but not the *only* valid translation, then, really, the site isn't directed at you in the first place :grouphug:.

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Why would you not use the curriculum? I don't really get it. If you think it's the best you could find, I don't follow the logic of passing over it because the author disagrees with you about something.


I'm missing why you felt like you needed to ask whether you could used KJV in the first place--were you asking about how much she is anti-KJV in the curriculum? She said she doesn't bash the KJV--she uses it in some places in her curriculum even if she doesn't believe in KJV only. So I guess I'm not quite getting the problem.

Is it that you don't want to use a curriculum written by someone with different beliefs? I've used Tapestry of Grace though I am not Reformed; however, I considered the curriculum worthwhile and I simply didn't teach anything I disagreed with.


Or were you insulted at being proselytized on the KJV issue? I once attended a house church and they wouldn't let me open my own Bible because they were KJV only. Realllly condescending. Just to say: KJV onlies proselytize too. If you don't like her, you don't need to buy her curriculum. But I think it's important to weigh whether your dislike given the proselytizing outweighs finding a curriculum you otherwise really liked and sounds like it will work. If you're going to have bad feelings every time you use it, then it's probably wise not to buy it. There is no "principle" at stake here, though, that I can see.

Edited by Laurie4b
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Every curriculum I've ever used has had at least one area where I've disagreed with the author (even math - not 2+2=4, but in how something was presented). We use them anyway if I feel they are the best choices for us. To a large extent, I want to raise my boys seeing different things from different people since other views are out there and they are likely to encounter them in their lives. Where we disagree I explain why we believe differently than the author, but then also mention that others have the right (and often reasons) for their point of view.


Would I still use the material? Yes, if I thought it was the best fit for us. But then again, I'm rarely offended by anything someone says, does, or believes differently, so I might be biased in that aspect.

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Well, I went browsing in there as I kinda knew some about this but didn't really know. I found the site very enlightening, and not bashing at all. They're nit picking, of course, but when you're talking translation differences, that's to be seen as a good thing, no?



Same here, a lot of good, relevant information for understanding why there is not one version that is a perfect translation of the original. I don't see the bashing attitude on the website. That said, the author's attitude is a bit odd, not something I'd care for, but that wouldn't necessarily stop me from buying the curriculum if I thought it was the best choice for my kids.

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Thanks for all the replies. This is a all in one curriculum that does not include math and every other subject is focused from the Bible. I am going to think and pray on this a bit more. Like I said I have used other curriculum that quote other translations and we have just always referred to our KJV in those cases. However, if we read a scripture from KJV and another translation and they do not agree we do uphold the KJV. I understand some translations have updated their language and that is fine but when translations begin to change the meaning, leave out scripture, or add personal thought I have a problem with it. She does suggest another translation as the main spine to the program. I guess I was just being overly sensitive and maybe took her reply the wrong way. That is why I wanted other opinions. I think I will give it some time and prayer and see where it takes us. Thanks ladies!

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Wow you guys are fast! Let me clear this up... the author did say I could use the KJV and even stated that some of her quotes were from KJV. However she then sent me an email with a link included about the KJV only. http://www.kjvonly.org/ here is the link. I have no problem with ones who chose to use other versions.. My main question is how I feel about her sending me this link. It clearly bashes KJV only users and even references them as a cult in one place. If the author feels that strongly about someone who chooses to use only the KJV I am not sure I want to support her. I hope this is coming out correctly.

I understand. All the same, as long as her fear of KJV only users doesn't get taught in the class, then I think I would be alright with using it.


I would, if I were you, reply to her that I found the site offensive. If anything, she may think twice before she sends it out again.

Thanks for all the replies. This is a all in one curriculum that does not include math and every other subject is focused from the Bible. I am going to think and pray on this a bit more. Like I said I have used other curriculum that quote other translations and we have just always referred to our KJV in those cases. However, if we read a scripture from KJV and another translation and they do not agree we do uphold the KJV. I understand some translations have updated their language and that is fine but when translations begin to change the meaning, leave out scripture, or add personal thought I have a problem with it. She does suggest another translation as the main spine to the program. I guess I was just being overly sensitive and maybe took her reply the wrong way. That is why I wanted other opinions. I think I will give it some time and prayer and see where it takes us. Thanks ladies!

We do the same. I've found that some newer words are not as meaningful as the old fashioned ones ;)

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