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I will no longer be home schooling :(

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My ds is in grade 8, but I mostly hang out on this board as he is accelerated in math and science. He let us know that he was NOT interested in dual enrolling at the CC at any time in the near future because he did not want to be in classes with people so much older than he. Supplementing with the CC had sort of been our plan all along, but his thoughts on this obviously threw a monkey wrench into that plan. After much deliberation and praying he will begin attending a charter school about 30 minutes from our home in January. Their focus is on maths and sciences, and they were very helpful and willing to work with us. It has been a HUGE blessing on many fronts for a variety of reasons which I won't go into here, but they will be able to meet his needs in an effective way. I truly cannot imagine a better match for us, and, for that, I am extremely thankful.


However, I am sad about no longer being a home schooling mom. It is what I have done for the last six and a half years of my life, and it is definitely a source of my identity. He is my only, so it isn't like I will have some children in a school setting and some still at home. We have been privileged to be part of a great home schooling group, and I am going to miss those women and their families immensely.


I will also miss hanging out at these boards, but I hope I will still be welcome to post occasionally, and, especially to ask questions as the college years approach. I have been blessed to receive incredible support and advice on these boards over the last several years. I would hate for that to come to an end completely. I know I would receive incredibly useful insights as we start our college search in the next few years and begin to go through the admissions process. There has recently been a thread on the general board dealing with the issue of ex-home schoolers still posting and whether or not that is appropriate. I wouldn't want to offend anyone.


Leaving home schooling was really not what I desired, as I fully planned to home school all the way through high school. I am trying not to take this family decision (and we did make our decision as a family) too personally, but it does feel a bit like being fired. I have cried and cried and been angry. My husband has described me as "volatile." LOL! Not an adjective to aspire to. I am starting to have some peace about all of this, but it is still hard.


Thanks for letting me be a part of this community for so many years. It has been invaluable to me.

Edited by Hoggirl
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You still belong here, both as a parent and in your own right as a self-educator.

Be comforted. We all have to retire from homeschooling eventually when our children graduate. Many of us are sad that that period of our lives is ending. You would have hit this spot sooner or later. At least your child is still living at home.


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Their focus is on maths and sciences, and they were very helpful and willing to work with us. It has been a HUGE blessing on many fronts for a variety of reasons which I won't go into here, but they will be able to meet his needs in an effective way. I truly cannot imagine a better match for us, and, for that, I am extremely thankful.


It sounds like a wonderful opportunity! It also sounds like the decision was made with a lot of thoughtfulness, prayer, and insight. While it's hard to let go of our plans, it's often the best thing to do. You're not being fired; you're moving on to a new job :-). Best wishes in your new "occupation" and I hope you continue to hang out with us.

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I feel the sadness in your post and want to give you a :grouphug:.


We never know what's just around the corner. I have several friends who sent their kids to PS and the kids decided they wanted to be back homeschooling. Others loved it and stayed. I guess I'm just trying to say I hope things work out for what's best for your son.

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After much deliberation and praying he will begin attending a charter school about 30 minutes from our home in January. Their focus is on maths and sciences, and they were very helpful and willing to work with us. It has been a HUGE blessing on many fronts for a variety of reasons which I won't go into here, but they will be able to meet his needs in an effective way. I truly cannot imagine a better match for us, and, for that, I am extremely thankful.



This does sound like a huge blessing for your family! Hopefully, by this time next year you will all be so pleased with your new lives that you will remember your homeschooling days with a smile and you will no longer feel like you have been *fired*.



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Truthfully, I'm envious. I wish I can have that option too. On the other hand, I will miss your presence on the board. I find your posts inspiring and encouraging. Anytime a mother will go out of her comfort zone, to scour the best materials, and faithfully teach to provide the best for her child/children is inspiring and admirable.


Please stick around.

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Wishing you and your son well as you both head off in new directions.


There has recently been a thread on the general board dealing with the issue of ex-home schoolers still posting and whether or not that is appropriate. I wouldn't want to offend anyone.



I'm grateful to those who continue to post after their children no longer homeschool -- if they were to leave at once, we would all miss out on a great deal of wisdom. (If you have a link to that thread, I'd appreciate seeing it.)




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:grouphug: ...especially about your feeling that you've been "fired". Maybe you can think of this as an unexpected early graduation. My son finished high school at home, and while there were lots of rewarding moments during the high school years speaking as the "selfish me" the best part of homeschool was from grades 4-8. (Ds attended ps K-3). It wasn't always easy untangling the roles of student/teacher/counselor vs. parent/emerging adult.


Can't speak for anyone else, but during the years my son was in high school, I'd have appreciated reading threads about the experiences of parents and students attending a good charter school. I hope you'll continue to read and post here. If you don't want to abandon your homeschool identity, is there room for you to continue to be involved at conventions or in monitoring legislation in your state? That might also be something you could do for your charter school. In NM, both charter and home schools find it prudent to keep tabs on the state legislature.

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:grouphug::grouphug: to you.


I know some of what you feel. My youngest has been very negative and rebellious towards me lately and I am contemplating putting her in school next yr if this continues.


I'll also be starting my masters degree either this summer or fall and school might be the best option.


But, I can identify with your anger about a decision that is somewhat forced upon you. I have to go back to school for family difficulties. If it weren't for that I could go back on my own time table, but now it is being forced. I think anger is a logical reaction when you feel forced into an option, even if it is for the best.



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Leaving home schooling was really not what I desired, as I fully planned to home school all the way through high school. I am trying not to take this family decision (and we did make our decision as a family) too personally, but it does feel a bit like being fired.


Cynthia, I've enjoyed our chats :001_smile: Please stick around! I've benefited tremendously from posts by people whose children have made the transition from home school to brick-and-mortar school. Yes, I was recently "fired," too -- my older son is now in public school for 10th grade (after doing 3rd-9th at home). It came out of the blue (although I knew he was restless at home and wanted a "broader canvas"). (My younger son is happy at home, for now!) I *did* feel hurt at being "fired" -- could I have done more to make homeschooling a better match for him? -- but in my better moments I see that he is "launched" -- that in homeschooling, like parenting, we should be working ourselves out of a job ... and he is like a kid in a candy store, taking part in high-school orchestra, music honor society, debate club, science club, math club, engineering club, military club, Harry Potter club, etc. He's even enjoying PE and may go out for track! (We've done many similar activities as homeschoolers, but it requires so much driving and coordination. At high school they are all conveniently under one roof :001_smile:)


The words from that poem by Khalil Gibran keep going through my mind ...


Your children are not your children.

They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.

They come through you but not from you,

And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.


You may give them your love but not your thoughts,

For they have their own thoughts.

You may house their bodies but not their souls,

For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,

which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.

You may strive to be like them,

but seek not to make them like you.

For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.


You are the bows from which your children

as living arrows are sent forth.

The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite,

and He bends you with His might

that His arrows may go swift and far.

Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness;

For even as He loves the arrow that flies,

so He loves also the bow that is stable.


It helps me to let go, even though it's hard. As someone pointed out above, at least he's still living at home. I think this will help me "let go" when he goes to college ... I also try to remember how *I* felt at 16, applying to colleges and eager to see the world ...



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Hugs to you as you transition and help your ds transition in the upcoming year. From my experience watching friends and a sister with kids in school, I think your life will still be very full, just in a different way. My friend even likes it better with her son, as she can be a cheerleader and encourager to him through his high school years, rather than the teacher/enforcer. :001_smile:


Many blessings,


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It has been amazing to me how I can seem to be at peace with this decision at one moment and in tears about it the next.


My dh has always been of the mindset that we take our home schooling decision one year at a time. However, we both felt like a bigger decision had to be made once we hit grade 9. I am glad the topic came up earlier rather than later. I think I always knew in the back of my mind that ds would not want to continue at home, but I just didn't want to admit it to myself. I have tried to be extra social this year having gatherings with other home schooling families, but it just hasn't been "enough." The setting and atmosphere at this charter school could not be any better. They could not be any easier to work with. We have some friends who have placed their children there, and they couldn't be any happier. I have told my ds that it won't be perfect, but neither would continuing to home school - at least not for our family.


Mostly, I feel like I have lost my "purpose," and I will need to pursue finding a new one.


Thanks for your understanding and encouraging words.


And, yes, Laura linked the right thread on the general board. Thank you, Laura. I am too much of a techno-idiot to link! :D

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(((Cynthia))) -- hugs for you, knowing this is a hard decision. Just want to encourage you to keep in touch here as you still have much to share with all of us!


Also, I'd like to encourage you with the thought that your family needs and situation could change again during the high school years, so this decision may be one that carries you through the next four years, or, it may be what is best for a season, and home schooling -- or some other great option! -- may also be in your high schooling future.


Blessings to you and your family as you discover the new things in store for you through this wonderful charter school opportunity. Warmest regards, Lori D.

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