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Laundry question... when you buy new clothes

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What is it that you do with them to make sure that the colors won't run when in the wash with other clothes?


I can't believe that this has totally escaped my mind. :001_huh:


Dd has new shirts that are dark blue as well as new dark jeans and I want to make sure that they'll be safe to do with the rest of their laundry in the future. (I don't typically sort the kids' clothes by color- they all get washed together :o)


Not feeling very smart right now... :tongue_smilie:

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If it's something new and black that I'm afraid will run, I wash it with other black clothes only the first time or two that it is washed.


(Normally when things aren't new and I know they won't run, I can't be bothered separating my laundry into whites and colors, it all goes in together!)


If it's something that is new and RED, I will probably wash it alone as I wouldn't have enough other red things to do a whole wash of red only, and i certainly wouldn't want my whites turning pink :D

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I never seperate colors. I've never had any colors run in the wash.


Yeah like I said I almost never separate colors either...


...except for if it's new and black or new and red...


...because I HAVE had colors run in the wash...


...but that might be because I tend to procrastinate on my laundry and leave it sitting in the machine a bit longer than I should. :blushing:

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Wow, I am surprised how many people don't sort colors :001_huh:. I have 3 baskets in my room, whites/mediums/darks, and everyone's laundry goes in those. When one is full, I wash it. This eliminate most color-running worries.


However, if I have something brand-new that looks run-prone (dark denim, red, etc.), I usually fill the sink with water, soak it, ring it out, soak it again, and keep repeating until it no longer runs. Either that, or I just make sure that everything in that particular dark load is really dark (and therefore wouldn't be affected by the running color anyway).


And while I usually wash reds with the rest of the darks, I do periodically do a "red" load, being mostly dd's stuff (red, purple and pink, including her bed sheets). :tongue_smilie:

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OK, I might be a big cheater here, but I just toss the item on its own in the washing machine. Of course, I now have a front loader that only uses very minimal water so I am fine on that front.


I also do not -ever- sort my clothes. I have cold wash and fine wash! I do pre-wash or pre-rinse for soiled washes or washes with underwears and then I do a regular wash in cold water with extra rinse. I use Tide Coldwater, btw, and do a few loads every day.

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