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What should I ask DH to bring back

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My kids would love to have maps. They like for dh to point out where he went and then tell stories about what he saw and experienced at that place. Pictures, post cards, stamps, etc. from the region would all be made into a scrapbook. A writing sample in the dialect of the area would be much sought after. Inexpensive but unusual stones or mineral samples from a gift shop plus the Indian name for each....yeah, my kids are geeks.


For myself, I would want recipes or a cookbook (translated of course) so I could reproduce some of the foods for the kids and some fabric samples. I'd be likely to put on an "India" evening at home once dh had a chance to recover. We had an "evening in Togo, West Africa" with my parents after their last trip. It was so memorable. Well, okay except the part where they got out the huge python skin they brought back with them and my kids "HELD IT".....I almost barfed! Mom brought back fabric for shirts and wrap skirts so we were all "costumed".



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I was thinking spices. My sil brings me curry powder from her native Malaysia and it is wonderful. I'll bet India has some great stuff you can't get here (but picking it out and figuring out how to use it may be a challenge).


:iagree: YES! When we went to Greece, I brought back GREEK RED SAFFRON. I also found some unique soap (olive oil or goat's milk of course) and a very pleasant perfume called Bardaco, made from a Greek flower of the same name. The perfume is neat because it comes in a small Greek urn and Greece is the only place the flower grows, so it is very unique. Perhaps your dh could find an Indian perfume shop and pick up a unique item there?

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OMGosh --


Bangles or jewelry, hand-colored note cards

A coverlet for your bed. (There are gorgeous hand-sewn, mirrored ones...)

A Taj Mahal model in a box (they're amazing!)

Handmade wooden toys for your sons

A spice tin

Books about India



So many things... you might check out this link for a cross-section of possible items. http://www.cottageemporium.in/myccic/index.php?c_path=10089480_10089483





who brought back an embroidered bed coverlet, clothing, bangles, bindis, jewelry, pillow covers, wooden toys and a string of velvet elephants from Delhi and Mumbai. ;-)

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a sari

the pants and tunic outfits



bindi, lots and lots of bindi

any of the old british navigation equipment from the antique shops

there is a cashew liquor...


necklaces of semi precious minerals, rocks, etc, etc.

wood carvings of elephants, inlaid wood, oh.....


and anything you don't want, you can send along to us ;),


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They have some beautiful placemats and table coverings, both wooden and textile. My faves are some wooden ones that are diamond shaped dark and light wood pieces in a checkered pattern and woven ones with elephants and palm trees. :)


And DEFINITELY have him do your Christmas shopping for you! :)

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with him from India? He returns in two weeks.

DH just came back from India himself, but we'd been before so I had most of what I wanted ;) I love the clothes -- tunics (kameezes) especially, because I'm quite sure I'd look like an idiot in a sari, if I could even manage to keep it straight. LOL But I have several of those now. He bought himself a tiffin carrier for his lunch - much cooler than a bento ;) and the first time we went we got a lot of other little things as souvenirs.


One thing I adore is minakari jewelry. It's enameled... and the nicer pieces aren't cheap, but it's gorgeous. I have one bangle that is absolutely my favorite thing I got there.


If he's near Pune, he should bring back the Lakshmi Narayan brand of Chivda (snacks - like Chex Mix... only entirely different... LOL) -- I can NOT get that here! And DS says you should try the Takatak (like Cheetos but again, completely different) and "Magic Masala" chips.


DH also brought back a cricket bat and a couple jerseys - that was extremely cool. :)

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We just bring back chaat (spicy snack mix) for people, as it's inexpensive and easy to fit in suitcases.


You know, it's funny, we do have some of the things listed here, like cricket gear, but I don't know that I would do any big shopping if we left India. I would really miss the food, though. We have sent Indian sweets along with the kids when they visit their grandparents in France. The relatives seem to like them.

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And DEFINITELY have him do your Christmas shopping for you! :)



When we go on vacation we do our Christmas Shopping :) When we went to Niagara Falls, everybody got Hard Rock shirts. When we went to China, everybody got Chinese stuff. Heck, if we go anywhere they sell T-Shirts, we buy Christmas presents for everybody. Something about being done before school starts :D.

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