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Why bother cleaning?

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Count me in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I console myself with the fact that one day, many years from now, my house will be clean and quiet, and I'll be bored and lonely. Not to mention very old :tongue_smilie:


But honestly I think the mess lightens up once they reach a certain age - at least it's easier to tell them to clean up their own mess without assistance.


Personally, I'm trying to be inspired by the other cleaning thread on the board today. If I could just get off the computer and stop them from chasing each other all over with the feather boas and cotton spider-webbing they found in the halloween box this morning, and get ds2 to turn off the water and leave it off, maybe there would be a chance...

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It's frustrating when it happens to me.


It's funny when it happens to dh.


I wonder why that is?


Just today, he and the boys tidied the living room in the morning. DH went out to a breakfast with friends, came home and said, "What happened in here? We just cleaned this room!!" while looking at all the boy junk that had found its way into the living room. (Don't look at me, I was busy making homemade pancakes and getting them dressed and me dressed, and cleaning the kitchen.)

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Why in the world should one bother cleaning while her 5 year old is smearing yogurt all over the kitchen counter while she mops the floor just a few feet away? :glare:


Why should we ever clean??;)



Ya know- I was walking through my house a few minutes ago- I did 5 loads of dishes, cleaned the kitchen 3x, living room 2x and you think you can tell? :glare: Guess I get to one more time tonight

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I clean because DH cares.



Same here. Yesterday we did school in the morning and rushed out to go the the pumpkin patch in the afternoon. When I got home I didn't have time for my usual "before dh gets home" clean-up. The first thing he says when he gets in the door- "How does this house get trashed so quickly?"!!! :glare: Seriously, what is the point?? Grrr.

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Why in the world should one bother cleaning while her 5 year old is smearing yogurt all over the kitchen counter while she mops the floor just a few feet away? :glare:


Why should we ever clean??;)


If you get a large dog, it will take care of that problem for you :)... And it will also love your children that much more!



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Guest Alte Veste Academy
If you get a large dog, it will take care of that problem for you :)... And it will also love your children that much more!




:lol: So true! In the 3 months between the passing of our yellow Lab and getting our chocolate Lab puppy, I realized just how much cleaning the dog does around here! I sometimes joke that I don't know how people without a dog even keep their floors clean. :D However, I will say I don't let him lick anything higher than chair-height.

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WOW! Did that ever take me back about 12 years when I was madly cleaning just before the family came to celebrate my son's 3rd birthday. I turned around and there was my son covered in yogurt. He had gotten into the fridge and took out one of those large containers of yogurt. It was too much for him to handle and oops, he was covered from head to toe! I took a picture of the event and can laugh about it now (but not so much then)!

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It does seem pointless on many days. It feels like I spend the majority of my time in disaster prevention mode. It is a constant battle to not let things get out of control.


This is why I am in love with Swiffer. They are expensive and end up in landfills at a rapid pace, BUT, with my Swiffer dusters, Swiffer wet jet and Swiffer dry vac, I can handle emergencies and keep the mountains of dust away in a flash. They keep me sane. When the kids go off to college, I'll go back to environmentally friendly cleaning products.

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Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one regularly completing an exercise in futility.;)


The only thing more painful than stepping on a Lego is nearly breaking your neck when you go spinning out of control after stepping on a stray drumstick that the baby fished out of the instrument basket and left on the kitchen floor. If I collected everything left on the floor after a day with wee Char, I could start an Ebay store. :lol:

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My boys are 16 years old. It seems like every day I recall what one of them said to me (to the vigorous agreement of his brothers) when he was 4:


"Mom, Mom, I figured it out! Eve was the first woman, so she was also The First Maid!"


That sticks in my craw, and I remember it whenever the other people who live here do not clean up after themselves. Especially when they are not at home to do it, and if the house is going to be clean, I have to.

Edited by RoughCollie
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