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Ever felt like you........

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Sorry you have had a tough day. I understand where you're coming from, it's tiring to feel invisible. But if you *were* really invisible, they would certainly miss you!!!


What exhausts me is being the one who has to *think of everything*. As in, if I don't think of it, it won't get done/remembered/packed/purchased/put away/mailed/fed/watered/washed/swept/found/etc/etc/etc.


My kids and dh are great, and helpful when asked. But if it weren't for me (the contingency planner who seems to always be the one on finger-in-the-leak duty), sometimes I think the whole place would fall apart.


Or maybe they'd be content to eat canned beans and wear dirty clothes....


Anyway, on those days when I start to long for *me* being the only one I have to be responsible for dressing/feeding/educating/getting somewhere on time/etc/etc, I think about how much I am sure to miss them when they are grown and gone.

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Sorry you have had a tough day. I understand where you're coming from, it's tiring to feel invisible. But if you *were* really invisible, they would certainly miss you!!!


What exhausts me is being the one who has to *think of everything*. As in, if I don't think of it, it won't get done/remembered/packed/purchased/put away/mailed/fed/watered/washed/swept/found/etc/etc/etc.


My kids and dh are great, and helpful when asked. But if it weren't for me (the contingency planner who seems to always be the one on finger-in-the-leak duty), sometimes I think the whole place would fall apart.


Or maybe they'd be content to eat canned beans and wear dirty clothes....


Anyway, on those days when I start to long for *me* being the only one I have to be responsible for dressing/feeding/educating/getting somewhere on time/etc/etc, I think about how much I am sure to miss them when they are grown and gone.


:iagree: Today felt like an entire week.


And OP, :grouphug::grouphug:.

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Nicole Johnson wrote a book The Invisible Woman - When only God Sees, A Special Story for Mothers. This book is a great encouragement to me when I am feeling invisible (which is often, I think every Mom feels this way often).


Here is a You Tube link to Nicole doing a sketch that is an exerpt from the book - I hope it will encourage some of you who are feeling invisible today. (CC)

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Nicole Johnson wrote a book The Invisible Woman - When only God Sees, A Special Story for Mothers. This book is a great encouragement to me when I am feeling invisible (which is often, I think every Mom feels this way often).


Here is a You Tube link to Nicole doing a sketch that is an exerpt from the book - I hope it will encourage some of you who are feeling invisible today. (CC)


I will have to take a look at that.


and, yes, to answer the OP's question. Last week (a particularly trying one as I had a knee injury and I was supposed to be off my feet - yeah, right), I put dinner on the table, and ds9 was saying grace and he had something to say in thanksgiving about everyone EXCEPT me.:001_huh: And, I have felt that way for awhile.

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I had a talk with my family about this the other day.


I am going to KY to visit my family -- by myself -- for one or two weeks ASAP.


I have not gone anywhere without the kids for 17 years and I need a break.


I hope that while I'm gone, my family will realize that none of them are 6 years old any more and they can do some things for themselves. If the males decide to turn DD into me (ie., maid and cook), heads will roll.

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Ultimately.....we are responsible for doing this to ourselves.

I know, I have felt it many times myself.

I try to take responsibility and do something for myself- skip making dinner and go visit a girlfriend instead and let the family cope without me.

They always do! ANd i am recharged and better able to cope.

It's up to us, ladies. No one else is going to take care of us...if we dont prioritise self care, we can become embittered, disempowered and exhausted. Do whatever you need to do to take care of yourself. Being a martyr for the family is of no benefit to anyone.

(And i know its harder with babies and little children but it's almost always possible to do something).

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What exhausts me is being the one who has to *think of everything*. As in, if I don't think of it, it won't get done/remembered/packed/purchased/put away/mailed/fed/watered/washed/swept/found/etc/etc/etc.


I don't feel invisible, but I oh-so get the above!!!! My dh and one ds have adhd, and they are absolutely incapable of thinking of all of the above! (said with great affection)



Ultimately.....we are responsible for doing this to ourselves.

I know, I have felt it many times myself.

I try to take responsibility and do something for myself- skip making dinner and go visit a girlfriend instead and let the family cope without me.

They always do! ANd i am recharged and better able to cope.

It's up to us, ladies. No one else is going to take care of us...if we dont prioritise self care, we can become embittered, disempowered and exhausted. Do whatever you need to do to take care of yourself. Being a martyr for the family is of no benefit to anyone.

(And i know its harder with babies and little children but it's almost always possible to do something).


BINGO! Just what I was thinking. Next Saturday, I'm taking the entire day to travel to a fun mall an hour away ALONE and dh will watch the kids.

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