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who has anxiety/OCD?

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And if you do, how do you conquer it? Do you take a prescription medication, or something natural?


I have OCD. And high anxiety. I am currently on one med, and was just placed on another but I have not taken it yet.


I would like to explore other options before taking another medication.


I worry constantly. Especially about getting an incurable disease and dying. Sometimes, it can take over my whole day.


I have had this now since I turned about 40. (I will be 43).


Would love to hear from others. I hope I am not alone.

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Not alone. I have a version of the same.

I'm on Wellbutrin - it has been amazing. Took about six weeks to really work. I also saw a therapist for about 9 months to work on strategies, etc.

I still have to do everything in even numbers, but that isn't all that noticeable!

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And if you do, how do you conquer it? Do you take a prescription medication, or something natural?



Would love to hear from others. I hope I am not alone.


I've had anxiety issues all my life. I've never been able to conquer it. I just live with it.


I took SSRIs for several years, and while they worked very well for the anxiety, they caused side effects that became intolerable. I'm almost to the point of going back on, but really dread it.


Exercise helps enormously.

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I have anxiety with OCD and depressive qualities. It's something that just really kind of hit suddenly about a year ago. It *feels* like something biological, that it's more about my hormones than my brain. I tried treating myself with supplements and nothing really helped. Bio-identical hormones made things worse. My PCP and I tried to work it out with SSRIs--we did trials of a few, but nothing was ever right. And now I'm seeing a psychiatrist. He thinks I'm really sensitive to SSRIs and is convinced that a really low dose of Prozac is just the thing. I'm not sure; I've been taking it for about a month and a half and haven't noticed much of a difference. So now I'm working on diet and trying to get more exercise. I'm feeling pretty resigned to this being the way it's going to be through menopause. I just hope it isn't worse after menopause. My mom is mentally ill and got much worse after "the change".

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I have taken Buspar in the past for anxiety. I really need to get back on it again but I am having issues with dizzy spells while I try to work my dosage upwards. If it is severe, I can't imagine not taking medication at first and then going to a therapist for strategies. While you are taking the meds, you are more receptive to following behavior modifications and then can you back off the medications. I know that has helped me with the other depression and anxiety meds.

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I have relatively mild OCD that I've been able to control with behaviour therapy. I also have anxiety that I just deal with...sometimes better than other times. I mostly get along okay (although I'm not what'd you'd call laid-back by any means...) then sometimes it will flare up and I'm a mess until it gets a little better. I can't find any pattern or cycle to this other than that it gets worse when I'm most overwhelmed, and when I don't get enough rest.


I tried medication when I was younger and it's never worked well for me.


Oh, and I was way, WAY worse for the brief period I used hormonal birth control.

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I've had anxiety problems forever. Mostly I just live with it and have learned coping strategies like writing down what my worries are, talking myself through it, relaxation techniques, etc. At one point, when dh was traveling a lot, it got *really* bad and I went on Lexapro for awhile. It helped tremendously with no noticeable side affects for me - my bff is a psychiatrist and she has found Lexapro to work well for many of her patients without the usual side affects. After I had things under control, I was able to get off of it and just use my normal coping strategies. If it should get bad again, I would definitely consider taking Lexapro again.

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I also have anxiety and hypochondria. I take Lexapro - it's been wonderful for me, and has let me lead a normal life.


A book I love that was really helpful for me in dealing with the hypochondria feelings is Phantom Illness by Carla Cantor.


Also, any books by Claire Weekes, such as Hope and Help for Your Nerves and Peace From Nervous Suffering.


I found I still really needed medication though, since I'm fairly certain I have a chemical imbalance. I have several close relatives with the same issues.

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That would be me. Same issue as most here - hypochondria/OCD. I was just at my doctor absolutely sure I had cancer in my mouth when it was actually geographic tongue. I was SO relieved. While I was there, I had him check out a number of things I had questions about. I also asked a LOT about how to deal with my anxiety. He recommended therapy and a therapist as a first step. I haven't called the dr. yet.


I gotta' say, it's been getting a LOT worse in recent months. It's been HORRIBLE. AFter I saw my doc last week, I went through a brief time of feeling normal again. But, sure enough, I've now found different symptoms and I'm obsessing. Not as bad yet.


How do I deal right now? Well, I'm very open with my family about this disease. I talk a lot about my fear of the day. My kids usually laugh and my oldest will Google and find out why I don't have what I thought I did. For some reason, hearing people laugh at my fears really helps me. I mean, if they find it silly, maybe it really is? KWIM? My mom is the same way with me.


A friend told me about Holy Basil. It's an herb that has a relaxing affect. I took it a couple times and I definitely felt better. I'm now using that as my "drug" of choice.


But, I need more. I'm sick of being this way. Really, really sick of it.

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Well, I see a therapist and I am on Effexor XR. It does help. But not as much as I would like. I hate taking medicines and would love to be able to calm my fears in other ways.


I am glad to hear that I am not alone. I know I can go from 0-60 in seconds thinking the worse about everything.


I just get tired of worrying ALL the time. I seem to never be able to just relax and have fun.

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I have taken Buspar in the past for anxiety. I really need to get back on it again but I am having issues with dizzy spells while I try to work my dosage upwards. If it is severe, I can't imagine not taking medication at first and then going to a therapist for strategies. While you are taking the meds, you are more receptive to following behavior modifications and then can you back off the medications. I know that has helped me with the other depression and anxiety meds.


I know several people who have used this sucessfully without any side effects. I would defintely recommend it over SSRIs if it works for you.

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I have severe OCD but I can't take anti-depressants due to the fact that I am bi-polar. Luckily, my other meds really help with this. Fully half of my children have OCD as well. One of them is bi-polar but she takes Zoloft and it works really well for her in conjuntion with her other meds. Her problem was severe and a real risk to her physical health though. One of the girl refuses to take SSRIs so she manages with Buspar. She is still pretty OCD but she manages. The other girl just works with it. I would recommend trying Buspar first. Then possibly an SSRI. Xanax works really well but has a possibility of addiction. Behavioral therapy is supposed to work really well but it never helped me.

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I take Effexor for anxiety and it works really, really well. I was on Zoloft for a long time, and while it worked, it also made me gain about 30lbs. Not cool. My doc switched me to Effexor and it works so much better and no weight gain!


Dh has chronic depression/bipolar and takes Wellbutrin. It's like he's a different person. He's so much more laid back and happy and has tons of energy. Before the Wellbutrin, he tried Paxil and several others, but was like a zombie and only wanted to sleep all the time. We're all happy now that he's on Wellbutrin.

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I have anxiety but one of my anxieties is that taking medicine will hurt me so it is really a catch-22 here. :sneaky2:


:lol::lol::lol: It's so funny, in a way, isn't it? I'm the same way. I read the side effects and there's just NO way I'll take it. When one of my kids has to take a medication, I'm constantly asking if they're okay and making sure they don't get the side effects. Once, my current-10 yo had an allergic reaction to an antibiotic. I was in a panic!!!!


OP - do you exercise? I forgot to mention that when I exercise I feel normal. I LOVE that feeling. I run - a LOT!!! The feeling lasts for about an hour afterward too. I don't know what it is, but I'm able to think clearly when I get that adrenaline running through me.


I also found that a glass of wine at night helps me. I have limited myself to only having it on weekends as I could see how I could easily become addicted to it using it in this way. I justify it because I know the side effects are practically nonexistent for wine, but for any drug I'd take, they are there.

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I tried medications, but couldn't live with the side effects. Because my dh is very, very understanding and helpful, I am able to do well without any. I have bad times every few months, but I just give myself permission to have some down time.


It helps to let my doctor know. She is very understanding. For example, I went in with shin splints yesterday, and she ran an xray just to make sure it wasn't bone cancer or a fracture (my anxious worries.)


Also, I know this won't work for everyone, but it helps me to run to the very worst thing that could happen. Somehow, saying what could happen (I could drive off the bridge and die, I could have cancer and die, etc.) helps me to deal with it. I think through the worst case scenario in any situation and come to terms with it. Also, thinking it through rationally: I felt like I was haing a heart attack before, and I wasn't, so I'm sure I'm not now, OR only 1 in 500,000 people get that disease at my age, so statistically, it is very unlikely that I have it.


I eat a can of tuna in olive oil every other day, I take all my vitamins, I avoid eating a big bunch of sugar or carbs, I get enough rest 95% of the time. Those all also help. :001_smile: Sometimes when I am having a really hard evening, I just take a Simply Sleep and go to bed for the night. :001_smile:

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I debated whether or not to post, because many times when I acknowledge my issues they seem to get worse. My family basically laughs at me too. Mostly I have hypochondria and I'd say that I have OCD tendencies.


My current issue is sleep apnea. Do I really have it because I find myself not breathing at night? Or do I find myself not breathing at night because someone who's close to me was recently diagnosed with sleep apnea? Thankfully I have an appt with my dr in a few weeks, and I'm trying to to stress about it before then.


I take vitamins. I exercise regularly. I pray--a lot!

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I have high anxiety as well. My mother has it, her uncle had it. It can be debilitating. I constantly worry about symptoms. I am taking Celexa and it seems to be helping. I really appreciate this thread -- it helps to know that I am not alone in this! I really need to start exercising because I know that it helps and therapy also helps as well, but I don't manage well without medication. I also worry about side effects but it has gotten to the point that I can't function due to the anxiety.

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I debated whether or not to post, because many times when I acknowledge my issues they seem to get worse. My family basically laughs at me too. Mostly I have hypochondria and I'd say that I have OCD tendencies.


My current issue is sleep apnea. Do I really have it because I find myself not breathing at night? Or do I find myself not breathing at night because someone who's close to me was recently diagnosed with sleep apnea? Thankfully I have an appt with my dr in a few weeks, and I'm trying to to stress about it before then.


I take vitamins. I exercise regularly. I pray--a lot!


Oh man!!! I hear you!!! Whenever I open a health thread on this board, I get whatever the person was talking about. A while back I opened up a thread about someone feeling like they had something stuck in the back of her throat. Wouldn't you know it! It happened to me!!! Ugh.


I guess the good news is that with sleep apnea, it's not deadly unless it's untreated. So, even if you do have it, you'll live!! Does that help? That kind of thing usually helps me out. If my symptoms don't point to something life-threatening, I'm okay!

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I have anxiety over things that will never happen. I just over think to thepoint that the worse will happen. I finally learned that when I think of worse case it won't come to pass it's just my stupid thinking. Dh sometimes fuels my anxieties just for fun or if he sees me struggling he'll calm my fears with the right words but he lets me talk things out. Now my OCD drives everyone nuts. Before I leave the house when no one else is home I have to start at the back of the hosue and work my way to the garage checking faucets, lights, that things are unplugged and stove if off, even if I hadn't used it. I then have to wait at the corner to check that the garage door goes down. I have countless number of times I get a few miles down the road and have a need to go back and recheck everything. It's so frustrating and sad, sad, sad. I want it to stop.

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I've had anxiety issues, am mildly OCD, have perfectionist tendencies where I get really upset with myself and frustrated when I make mistakes, and go through periods of depression. I've never been able to conquer any of it. I just live with it.


The depression hasn't been a problem the past few years. I think a better diet, more sleep, and less financial strain has helped with that a lot.


I'm actually quite relieved to see how many other people have similar problems. I didn't realize how common it was.

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Inositol is a natural alternative to anti-depressants. It is a powder and has to be taken three times a day so not convenient but avoid the side effects of SSRI's (note: wellbutrin etc. with "lower risk of side effects" don't work for OCD). http://westsuffolkpsych.homestead.com/inositol_and_ocd.html


The OCD foundation has information about a supplement called N-acetylcysteine that is safe and cheap and has been shown to help OCD in those whose OCD didn't respond enough to anti-depressants. It's a new thought in the treatment of OCD and related anxiety disorders that seems to hold a lot of promise. Google has some studies. Here is information from the OCD Foundation http://www.ocfoundation.org/glutamate.aspx NAC particularly is mentioned in the 2nd section, fourth paragraph.


Non-medicine/supplement of course would be cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) which is the gold standard treatment. Ideally it's used with any OCD (or anxiety) even if meds are controlling. It's the one hope to function without meds eventually. The OCD foundation has lists of CBT therapists who specialize in OCD.

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Thank you all for sharing your experiences. I know Health Anxiety is def. at the top of my list. I know CBT is the best thing to help as well, and I am currently doing so.


And to the above pp, thanks for sharing that information, I will be looking into it:D


:grouphug:to all that suffer from this.

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