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You know, MariannNOVA, I thought about this thread a lot today because it was a lot of fun - and I got to thinking about the cabana boys and your dh looking like one. Then I had an ephiphany! You want to know the real reason your neighbor cut down your hedge??? It was so she could gaze at your dh without having to stick her head in the shrubs! She wants her own cabana boy for her pool! She just never considered that your dh was your loyal cabana boy or that you would be so upset and unwilling to share! :D;)



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What did you DO exactly to entice the boy into your cabana?


You know, that's funny -- he was a youth pastor and my two dds started going to his youth group b/c the group had such a great reputation in town and such a following.


I have his name (yes, my dh's name) and old phone number written on the back inside cover of my Bible b/c when I called the Church to find out info about the youth group, that's where I wrote it down. And the woman who was the Church secretary at the time is now my dd31's mil. :tongue_smilie:


Anyway, the first time I saw him, I thought to myself, if THAT guy is single, these kids are going to be heartbroken when he meets someone and these kids don't have a youth pastor any longer.

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OK, now let's sort this out.......I cannot drive, and the Hummer is mine. I am fairly certain that no one here can drive either. The gentlemen in the swimsuits (not the senior member of the bunch) can drive.......but they have to be sure they don't have any sand on them.


I can drive and I took the Hummer and am driving it to the US Open where I am going to play with the ball boys because I don't do the beach and cabana boys are overrated.

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Jennifer.........Oh, Jennifer in MI.........are you there?


We are going to have to re-think the cabana boy. Look what D.A. got at the tennis court! I'm going over to the tennis side. I will run over there in fact.;)




OK, and for my 5000th post, here is the joke my dd9 just asked me:


Why are penguins good on the internet?
















Because they have webbed feet.:lol::lol::lol:

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Need I say more?


<waits for the 5,000th post>


Nance: I think Dragon Academy has something, there. Don't you?;) I can give up cabana boys for multi-millionaire tennis champions.


'Night all -- I have to put ds9 to bed. And we have lacrosse tryouts early in the a.m. for dd11.


I am flattered and honored that you all joined me here to get, celebrate, and witness my 5000th post - which is now, as they say: HISTORY.

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Nance: I think Dragon Academy has something, there. Don't you?;) I can give up cabana boys for multi-millionaire tennis champions.


'Night all -- I have to put ds9 to bed. And we have lacrosse tryouts early in the a.m. for dd11.


I am flattered and honored that you all joined me here to get, celebrate, and witness my 5000th post - which is now, as they say: HISTORY.


Would it be too greedy to want both?




I thought so.


You should bookmark this thread and drag it up for your 10,000th post. It can be, like, the thread that never dies. (Scary thought, I know).


Nite :)

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I am extremely disappointed in you ladies.


I joined this forum because I wanted to read posts about homeschooling and classical education; but instead all I ever see are posts about Nutella and shopping carts and crock pots! And the entire second half of this thread was full of pictures of half-naked men... you all should be ashamed of yourselves!!!


I just wasted too much of my time reading this thread, and will not waste any more of my time on this forum. I am leaving and will not be back!












:lol::lol::lol: JK - Thanks for the laughs! :lol::lol::lol:

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I am extremely disappointed in you ladies.


I joined this forum because I wanted to read posts about homeschooling and classical education; but instead all I ever see are posts about Nutella and shopping carts and crock pots! And the entire second half of this thread was full of pictures of half-naked men... you all should be ashamed of yourselves!!!


I just wasted too much of my time reading this thread, and will not waste any more of my time on this forum. I am leaving and will not be back!












You no good............... take this:




OP/troll - here's your cabana boy . . .



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why is it every time I see the word crock pot in this forum I think crack pot?


I didn't know there were hot guy pics. now I need to go back and see what I missed

This is why you keep thinking CRACK pot:



OP/troll - here's your cabana boy . . .




Now you see your hot guy. Look no further.


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Congrats on 5000 posts Mariann!! A party with cabana boys - you are one lucky lady. :party:


I'll bring the Nutella.


Tammy, if you search through the posts you'll see that Mariann has switched her tastes. She no longer desires cabana boys, she likes tennis boys. Do I have that right? You'll need to go search.


Did you see where I wished you sweet dreams last night? :lol:


ETA: Oh shoot. That's right. She is MARRIED to a cabana boy.


Please be nice. I have brain issues. :blushing:

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I hope not. Thankfully I still have all the hair stuffed in my bra. Hey, if I share it with the poor crack pot, and he stuffs his woman panties, do you think they'd stay up better?:tongue_smilie:

Well, hair can make some things slippery so it might the situations worse. I personally believe I have viewed enough there.


Since you have goat hair in your bra, can you tell me how you made that one horn curl seductively down while the other one goes up?

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I hope not. Thankfully I still have all the hair stuffed in my bra. Hey, if I share it with the poor crack pot, and he stuffs his woman panties, do you think they'd stay up better?:tongue_smilie:


Completely disgusting.


And this is why I am really leaving now.


I mean it this time.

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Well, hair can make some things slippery so it might the situations worse. I personally believe I have viewed enough there.


Since you have goat hair in your bra, can you tell me how you made that one horn curl seductively down while the other one goes up?


I Just Can't Share Those Types Of Secrets.;):lol:

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Please stay. I'll behave. I'll even share the nutella. But I won't share everything.


No, I'm afraid it's too late. I am determined to leave. You can keep your Nutella and everything else.


This is the last time you will ever hear from me. Good-bye.


Okay, I have reconsidered your offer.

I will take the Nutella and stay...


but I will not look at any more retired cabana boy's cracks.

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I am extremely disappointed in you ladies.


I joined this forum because I wanted to read posts about homeschooling and classical education; but instead all I ever see are posts about Nutella and shopping carts and crock pots! And the entire second half of this thread was full of pictures of half-naked men... you all should be ashamed of yourselves!!!


I just wasted too much of my time reading this thread, and will not waste any more of my time on this forum. I am leaving and will not be back!












:lol: JK - Thanks for the laughs! :lol:


You no good............... take this:


This is why you keep thinking CRACK pot:





Now you see your hot guy. Look no further.



I hope not. Thankfully I still have all the hair stuffed in my bra. Hey, if I share it with the poor crack pot, and he stuffs his woman panties, do you think they'd stay up better?:tongue_smilie:




I admit I over-used it. Sometimes I just get a little....... giddy. I crack myself up.


HEY, I can use the WORD, I just can't post the pic. ;)




I am going to die laughing. Really. Dead. My face is beet red.

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1:freaking 20 in the morning????????? You were all still at this at 1:freaking 20 in the morning????????????


OMH!!!! We all SO need help!!!!! I don't have television here -- what is everyone else's excuse???????:D


I was asleep literally 15 minutes after I left here -- Shred and a run with the dog are apparently all I need to be asleep b4 my kids!


Have to go shred -- then get to LAX tryouts to watch dd11.


And, ds9 just paid me a compliment: He said that every morning since starting the Shred, I look like someone is erasing me from the top down - WHAT a SMART little boy!:D Wonder what he wants.

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1:freaking 20 in the morning????????? You were all still at this at 1:freaking 20 in the morning????????????


OMH!!!! We all SO need help!!!!! I don't have television here -- what is everyone else's excuse???????:D


I was asleep literally 15 minutes after I left here -- Shred and a run with the dog are apparently all I need to be asleep b4 my kids!


Have to go shred -- then get to LAX tryouts to watch dd11.


And, ds9 just paid me a compliment: He said that every morning since starting the Shred, I look like someone is erasing me from the top down - WHAT a SMART little boy!:D Wonder what he wants.


Hey, *I* wasn't at this at 1:20 in the morning. It was all those other crackpots! hehe.


Ooh what a good compliment from your son! Is this the Jillian Michael's thing you are talking about...?

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Hey, *I* wasn't at this at 1:20 in the morning. It was all those other crackpots! hehe.


Ooh what a good compliment from your son! Is this the Jillian Michael's thing you are talking about...?


Yes, the 30 day shred (and I am proud of you for leaving the party early).


Day one was of course not that bad. Day two kicked my butt - I could not move the entire afternoon and evening. Day three, I woke up feeling amazing and I was able to do the entire thing all the way through.


Took off Friday b/c we had co-op and a million other things. Did it yesterday - Day 5 - did it all the way through - I could not do ONE push up on Day one and yesterday I did 2 sets of 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As a former half marathon runner (back in the day) THAT is amazing!



Yesterday, I was so worked up after doing it, I took the dog and went for a walk/run - probably just shy of 2 miles.


Today, my calves are slightly sore but I am going back downstairs to do shred for today.


I DO NOT see a difference in how I look (but then again 40 pounds up/40 pounds down - do any of us really see the change on our own bodies?) but dh and ds say they see the change. I will say that I DO see that my chest (and I am at my best weight NOT well endowed (I can borrow dd11's bras if I need to)) is not as inflated above my books - you know......like my chest area above my books is being deflated -- and I do know that we lose it TOP DOWN so I am encouraged by that.


While I do not SEE a difference per se, I FEEL a difference. I do remember how I feel when I am running and I can feel my hips and I have flexibility that I do not feel when I am not active.


I have ordered her fat/metabolism dvd from netflix so I can alternate with that when I am finished with the 30 days - I figure I will alternate and do 30 day shred - level 3 and then a run on some days and her f/m 40 minute dvd on the other days. To me she is a lifesaver b/c she is making me do strength training which I never had time for after doing like 75 minutes on the elliptical. She is truly giving a total body workout.

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I never could do even one single measly pushup. I don't know if I could do a program like that lol. I'm doing the Leslie Sansone Walk Away The Pounds DVDs here and there while I wait for my appt at the gym. Leslie is much kinder than Jillian lol. But maybe once I get a little further into this I'll check out some of those Jillian DVDs.

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I never could do even one single measly pushup. I don't know if I could do a program like that lol. I'm doing the Leslie Sansone Walk Away The Pounds DVDs here and there while I wait for my appt at the gym. Leslie is much kinder than Jillian lol. But maybe once I get a little further into this I'll check out some of those Jillian DVDs.


Coincidence -- I bought LSWATP and Shred at the same time. I am going to try to do Shred in the a.m. and LSWATP in the p.m.

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