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So we're joining the unemployment club

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Dh has worked for a very large entertainment company for 11 years. During the latest round of outsourcing and reorganizing, he and 15 other people were being interviewed for 16 new positions in the company to replace the jobs they have now. Only 10 positions were filled.


He has two months to find a new job, preferably with the same company. The perks are sweeeeeeet. He was supposed to start accruing four weeks of vacation beginning January 2011.


We'd appreciate your prayers. We know God is in control of all this, and that while we are filled with uncertainty, He is not. He knows we need to eat, wear clothes, and have a roof over our heads. He already knows where we will end up, and He's steering us there as we speak.


So we're working on rejoicing in the midst of trials. I'm very thankful that we were given two months, rather than two weeks, or two days, or two hours. We have time to tighten our belts.

Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials,

knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.

And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be

perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. --James 1:2-4

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dh recieved one week's notice last week. The company has restructured & his position no longer exists. We feel blessed that at least he'll recieve a month's pay in lieu of notice. At 60yo & with the economy here as it is, he'll most likely never get a fulltime job again. 2010 has really turned into a time of transition for us.

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