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Armadillo fact....for those who are interested.

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Armadillo fact:

Armadillos are one of the few animals who consume fire ants as part of their diet. Such an ability can make armadillos very beneficial to humans.


Just an FYI for those who enjoy making fun of those little critters. :D

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I did not know that. Sadly one of our armadillos bit the dust in front of our house a few weeks ago. He could have survived for years on our fire ant population.


eta: no I did not touch it, approach it, or drag my ds down to do a nature study. I couldn't remember the disease they carry, but I knew it was something featured in the bible....Leprosy...I just saw that poster in another thread.

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They also taste fairly good.




2 lbs. armadillo meat

1 stick oleo or butter

Lemon juice

Dash onion salt

Salt to taste

Pepper to taste

Lemon pepper to taste


Season with salt, pepper, lemon pepper, lemon juice, and rub with butter. Wrap in foil and bake at 325 degrees F. for approximately 45 minutes. Remove foil, add more butter and brown. For barbecued armadillo, baste with barbecue sauce over grill after removing foil.



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I have a thing for armadillos. :001_smile: I probably have close to 50 armadillos in my curio cabinet that have been collected from all over the place. I even have a small armadillo tattoo.


There is a story behind this between me and dh that started almost 30 years ago. I'm going to write it down and give it to my dil so that my dc will know the story one day (hopefully after I'm gone). They would be mortified if I tried to tell it to them.

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We were camping and I made a midnight run to the restroom. On the way back I heard something scurrying behind me, I shined my flashlight toward the noise and it was an armadillo running straight for me!


I freaked out and started running serpentine style back to our tent with the little bugger following me the whole way!


Someone told me later they're attracted to the light. I don't know if that's true...but it might explain why they so love to nap on the roadside.





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Unfortunately those little boogers trash your yard in the process.

My house backs up to a creek and no neighbor on one side but has an empty space that goes on for 1/2 mile of nature area. Recently I noticed my begonias were beheaded, and finally found a rather large pile of droppings, AHA! Deer. Then the flower bed and all around one of the trees in my front yard has been dug up. Every morning I would go out to find holes all over the flower bed and yard. Moles? Rabbits? What the...? My MIL finally said "I bet you have an armadillo!" My kids are freaking out, they want to see it, catch it, keep it, pet it, etc. They want a night vision/motion activated camera to try to catch it in the act of tearing up my yard!


I just want it to stop!:glare:

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They also taste fairly good.




2 lbs. armadillo meat

1 stick oleo or butter

Lemon juice

Dash onion salt

Salt to taste

Pepper to taste

Lemon pepper to taste


Season with salt, pepper, lemon pepper, lemon juice, and rub with butter. Wrap in foil and bake at 325 degrees F. for approximately 45 minutes. Remove foil, add more butter and brown. For barbecued armadillo, baste with barbecue sauce over grill after removing foil.





You might be a redneck if you post a recipe for armadillo...



I never would have pegged you as a redneck! :D

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Guest Cindie2dds

We have traps out in the field to transport to the neighbor's yard across the street who loves them! :) We have had a lot of them this summer. They came right up to the trampoline to dig for bugs. We just watched the poor little thing run around under us. They are very blind, so if you stand still, they can come up to sniff you. My oldest loves to do this at night, my youngest couldn't stand still long enough. I actually really like them in my yard, it's only the field where we have traps.

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They also destroy pastures and hay fields and dig holes big enough to break a cow's or horse's leg. We do our best to make sure there are no armadillo's eating fire ants on our farm. :D


We had one in our backyard when we lived in MS. The hole was HUGE! But the fire ants we chased out of our yard never did come back. Hmmm . . .


.22 cal solution???


Unfortunately, since we were on a military base, we couldn't apply this solution. We ended up putting our water hose down the hole and leaving the water running. Can't remember how long we left the hose on, but the hole never overflowed!


It did chase the critter away, though.



Edited by Cinder
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