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Where can I go for some homeschool inspiration...die-hard stick to it....(CC)

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This thread has helped me today also. I have such mixed feelings about it.


I am one of the die-hards. Yet...sometimes we feel so alone. We live in a rural area where there are only a handful of homeschoolers. It's quite impossible to get together with others (for instance a co-op -- it's too far away). And when your kids do not have as many friends as they maybe should, and you see the resulting sadness...it makes me feel so guilty. I do a lot of driving and shuttling kids and their friends around -- I make it happen. And I'm so tired sometimes. So while I remain a die-hard homeschooler for my dc (grades 10, 5, 1) -- I understand the longing to be part of the crowd.

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Faithe, I'm not a long-time die-hard and that gives me the one advantage of having a perspective from the other side of the fence. I have had at least one child in private or public school for going on 13 years, while this will be my fourth year of homeschooling. I have spent years volunteering in classrooms and spear-heading art literacy projects. When I stepped off the beaten path to homeschool first Swimmer Dude, then his older brother, I upset the apple cart with nearly everyone I knew. After years of being on the "inside," I became an outsider. My parents ask each fall if the Dude is returning to "real school." They don't know yet that their oldest granddaughter will not be attending a real school for her senior year. Can't wait to have that conversation.:tongue_smilie:


It's been an isolated experience in our suburban area. Finding this board has been a lifeline. This is by far one of the toughest yet most rewarding undertakings ever in my life and that comes from a woman who attended graduate school full-time, worked part-time and was pregnant along with having a toddler. Even on the worst days though, I know in my heart that this is better by far than when everyone was in school. I am not a perfect teacher and there will be gaps. I can live with that. Slowly, I am learning to adapt, to increase my flexibility. That doesn't mean I necessarily lower my standards but I am getting better at eliminating "fluff."


The longer I do this the more committed I am. Or perhaps it's that I should be committed.:D I'll tell you a secret too. For many years, I struggled with my middle child and absolutely panicked when he said he wanted to come home for school. He was home for two years and it was the best thing for our relationship. I had an opportunity to see how his mind really worked and to appreciate his enthusiasm for learning. He was a blast to teach and I missed him this year when he started high school. We have the advantage of really knowing our children in a different way than we would if we sent them off to school each day. Ugh! This is really convoluted as it's the wee morning hours. Hang in there, Faithe. What you do makes a difference both with your kids and board members like myself.


Sending you wishes for peace and contentment in the coming months...one step at a time.:grouphug:

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If it helps at all, your posts here have inspired me.


I am really just starting out, my oldest in 2nd grade...and I would not know what to do with a houseful of kids the ages of yours, but I don't stress too much about it b/c I see you (and others who, like you, stick it out the long-haul through the good and bad). You will survive, your dc will thrive...and so the same is possible for me and mine.:001_smile:


It is good for me to see that you can have these feelings and STILL keep swimming!!!


I think the WTM theme song should be....




"She takes a coffee drink, she takes an expresso drink...":tongue_smilie:




I take the coffee drink...and the whiskey drink as well!




Was knocked down, but I am up again!


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If it helps at all, your posts here have inspired me.


I am really just starting out, my oldest in 2nd grade...and I would not know what to do with a houseful of kids the ages of yours, but I don't stress too much about it b/c I see you (and others who, like you, stick it out the long-haul through the good and bad). You will survive, your dc will thrive...and so the same is possible for me and mine.:001_smile:


It is good for me to see that you can have these feelings and STILL keep swimming!!!


I think the WTM theme song should be....




"She takes a coffee drink, she takes an expresso drink...":tongue_smilie:


It does help A LOT! When I began homeschooling 16 years ago, I was so sure of our decision and path. I knew my calling, dh was on board 100% and most of my kids (my oldest was in 4th grade and thought I was totally bonkers for even suggesting I pull her out of school. She was sure she was going to end up illiterate and in prison for playing hookie! :D) At the time we had 4 children aged 9 down to newborn. I have ALWAYS had a toddler sittig on my head while I read aloud (and usually one nursing and one crashing things in another room.)


Now that we have graduated some out and we have all school aged kids, my path is somewhat more blurry than it was before. I am not sure I accomplished all I set out to accomplish.That remains to be seen as my young adults begin their own lives and families..My kids are self assured adults, they are academically successful, they are lifelong learners, they work hard, they are beautiful and kind people, they are not doing drugs, they are rarely swayed by peer pressure and they have made some awesome friends, who I also really adore. We are all friends with eachother due to choice, NOT just because we are family. We LIKE eachother...LOL!


The only wishy washy thing in my mind is if we would have been able to get here....regardless of our educational choice...and then I remember...this was NOT an educational choice BUT a lifestyle decision and an answer of Yes Lord, to a call I did not understand.


Time for me to begin TEACHER IMMERSION TRAINING TIME again. I just realized I didn't do that this summer....I am taking off to the mountains for the weekend...no cell phone, no internet, just me and some books and a pen & paper.


Thank you all for this time of introspection. I have renewed my determination to see this through...to reach the finish line at the FINISH....to see this all through with a smile on my face and determination in my heart....


I'll be back to encourage and edify you all in this crazy journey.....my personal pity party is over and I pulled up my big girl pants and my bootstraps...


Off to meet the day head on.


Thanks for all...you guys are an inspiration to me and I cherish you all.



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I never am able to make the sessions at conventions because I can't get myself out of the curriculum hall. This year, Rhino Technologies sold a "Best of 2010" CD w/ the best selling sessions of the year. I purchased that and it is absolutely wonderful. I listen in the car every time we are in it, and it is doing wonders for my spirit. Here's Rhino's link. Even if you can't for the "Best of" CD, look through some of the other indiv. sessions and download some, they're from 3.50- 7.00, which is well worth it if they will help renew your purpose.



ETA: I just saw where Jay Wile has a "Why to HS through High School" session. I bet it's encouraging!

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I take the coffee drink...and the whiskey drink as well!




Was knocked down, but I am up again!



...if that's your cuppa':tongue_smilie:


And, good for you!:001_smile:


My kids are self assured adults, they are academically successful, they are lifelong learners, they work hard, they are beautiful and kind people, they are not doing drugs, they are rarely swayed by peer pressure and they have made some awesome friends, who I also really adore. We are all friends with eachother due to choice, NOT just because we are family. We LIKE eachother...LOL!





The proof is in the pudding, I say. Don't waste time grieving the fact that you aren't perfect! What I see from this side of the internet is WHAT I'M STRIVING FOR!!!!


..finishing off my coffee drink and gotta go answer the pleas for "Mommy, can you read to me?" (while my preKer is *not* in another room destroying things LOL)


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Another die-hard homeschooler chiming in here.


We're in it for the long, long haul. We're in our fifth year of homeschooling here. And I've had that 5-year itch for a while now. My girls have it too, I think. School work is work for us, and work isn't always fun. We're starting back to it on Monday, and I'm not 100% ready, but I know I've got enough ready that we'll be able to begin.


I think where I'm at now is the place where you really begin to understand that this is going to be a Big Job, and a hard job, but still worth it. The pink cloud of "the beginning of my homeschool journey" is all gone now, and I'm faced with the long road ahead.


And yes, this year a part of me seriously considered putting the kids in school and turning in the opposite direction. Because the kids are so curious about ps right now, and because I'm more tired of dealing with the drama and politics of our homeschool community than I am of actually homeschooling, and because part of me is mourning the loss of those quiet days when I could be writing instead of slogging through math with my children.


Yes, a big part of me really wishes I'd never heard of homeschooling, never stumbled across a copy of the WTM, had never ever said to RegularDad, "Hey hon... what do you think about me maybe homeschooling the kids?"


Famous last words.


But even after all the angst of the past few months, I'm in it for the long haul. I look at my daughters and I know what I need to do.


For all the homeschoolers who've been doing this for much longer than me: you have my thanks. I come in here and I find your posts and I read every word you say. You are the ones who keep me going.



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We've seen so many 'fall away,' and it's been dis-heartening, but not disuasive to our choice.


We view home-schooling as a lifestyle, and as 'home-discipleship' as well as home-instruction. We will NEVER send our children full time to any institutional school setting, before the end of high school. I've re-arranged my career and developed contingency plans in the event of health or disaster issues, so that we can continue this lifestyle till DD#4 is graduated. Or, to plagerize a phrase,


'You can have my home-school planner, after you pry it from my cold, dead hands!'

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I am another long term homeschooler. I think, Faithe, you have to consider you live in a hard state to homeschool. There is so much regulation in NY and then the state schools have special hurdles to get into the colleges. I saw dropouts happening more in states where regulations were state colleges had hurdles.


Here in Va, my co-op is having the largest class of seniors ever. We have 21. We have so many high schoolers in our multi-age group that this year for the first time ever, we are having events like spirit week, homecoming breakfast and game, and other events like that. I go to Speech and Debate tournaments and I see so many older kids whose parents are homeschooling all the way through. At these same tournaments, I see many homeschool graduates coming back from college or even adult life, to judge. Do I know people who have put kids back- yes.


We all have our doubts and insecurities. THis last spring, I was in a conversation with a few parents about how, while homeschooling, they are outsourcing all the math and science. I have no idea why, but I started worrying about that. The reason I have no idea why is that math and science are some of my favorite subjects to teach and my kids have done very well with my and my husband's instruction. So here I was worrying about how others are doing outside classes with experts while totalling ignoring whether we had that problem at all.


I am nearing the end of homeschooling. I only have high schoolers this year so yes, I will be homeschooling through the end, unless something drastic happens. In a way, that is relieving but it is also sad. You miss the things you don't have anymore but you need to look forwards to the future.

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I was at a very low place these last couple of months. The sheer terror I feel as high school approaches is keeping me up at nights. This is my sixth year of homeschooling and I just felt like giving up. Everyone keeps telling me that it would be so much easier if I just send my dd to high school, that it is just too hard to get into college if she homeschools. Yet, when I look at her I see a healthy, loving, and bright child who is who she is because of homeschooling.


So, at my lowest point, I come here and read this thread. I discover I am not alone. And, as I sit here crying, I want to thank you all for the thread and the replies. I might never meet any of you IRL but you should all know that you helped me pick myself up and plan for 7th grade.

:grouphug: HS terrifies me too, so I thank my lucky stars that we are just heading into 5th grade and I don't have to think about that today. I'll think about that tomorrow. Hang in there!:grouphug:

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There are lots of us out there! I know what you mean. If any of my IRL friends stop homeschoolig I would be upset, but I would keep going. Fortunately, I don't see that happening in my circle as they all seem as convicted as I am.


It's OK- just seek God for your inspiration! You are being faithful to what he called you to do so don't second guess and don't worry about what others are doing. Your kids will thank you when they are grown.


I am sorry you feel alone and frustrated.:grouphug:


homeschooling?? If I read one more post on here about how you sent your kids off to the public/private/sudbury/montessori/ boarding fill-in-the- blank school...I am going to SCREAM!!!!


This year all of my homeschooling friends have burnt out...quit...threw in the towel and have signed their darlings up for institutional school . So, I continue on the journey myself...with my kids wondering why they are still here and their friends are off getting mohawks and facial piercings and cute little plaid uniforms....


I am so uninspired! I have needed to get my school plans together ALL.SUMMER.LONG...I keep logging in here and all I see is more and more parents hanging up their hat and putting their kids on the big yellow bus...and they are oh so happy about it....and then everyone cheers and says what a great decision they made...and here I sit...getting depressed and fidgety and sick to my stomache because I have to plan a new year...I have to battle my kids, I have to lead them to their next step....


Where is the cheering for us...who continue to do what we set out to do and don't give in when the going gets rough????


Where is the support and the help when you just can not handle it one more minute...BUT...you know you won't give up because it is what God called you to do...and it He calls He equips??


I need to know where the inspiration to continue is. I need to be bolstered up right now.


I still have to plan grades 1,3,7 & 11. I have books...but no inspiration....I have materials, but no organization.....I have art supplies , but no planned projects.


This board is beginning to really make me more stressed....no reason to keep homeschooling...just put them in school and that will solve all my issues...I won't be as tired, I won't be as stressed, I will be able to deal with chronic pain. If there is really no advantage to homeschooling...then why bother? Why even go there?? I am just not enjoying the turn that I see we have taken here and in my IRL group of friends.


I need a place to read and get re-inspired to do a fantastic job. I need a place where there are like minded Christian women who bolster eachother up and do not encourage eachother to give up what they have been CALLED to do.


Anyone know any such place online? Maybe some downloadable mp3's?


I would like a message board that is totally commited to homeschooling...does one exist?


Anyone else in the same boat?




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Hi Faithe,

I am sorry you are having such a rough go of it right now.:grouphug: Some years are tougher than others, and I am sure that will always be the case. With the crew that you have, I know you have been through a lot of things in your homeschool career(me too);) This too shall pass.


I am actually looking forward to this school year. Getting older is turning into a good thing. I have had the opportunity of actually seeing some of the fruits of my labor and I am very happy with it. My oldest has been on her own since she was 18, she has hit some rough patches along the way, but for the most part she is doing OK, and learning from her mistakes.(this child attended public school from K-7th grade) My second oldest has been such a blessing and doing awesome. She just got married 2 weeks ago and I couldn't be prouder. My third oldest just graduated and took his GED and passed with honors. His Diploma actually says that!!! He is a hardworking, dependable, kind Christian young man and I love him to pieces.I spent so many years being nervous about the house, school or the kids behavior. I was nervous, but it didn't really change things much. But after seeing and knowing what I actually did or didn't do and how things are turning out, I am feeling like I can actually enjoy my life a little with my next batch of sweeties.


I have come to a place where I am comfortable with my so/so home, I actually really like it and am comfortable. I spent so many years trying to live up to others expectations, but now, I know we won't die if things aren't perfect. I also look at school much differently, and it is just so freeing. I would definately say that our homeschooling was laid back and relaxed(as in not very structured), but I worried the whole time.:tongue_smilie: And all of my children are doing just fine. I am also not so worried about what others think of the way we do things, because I have actually seen how their children and mine have turned out. We received a hard time from many family members about our beliefs, family size, and education choices. But God has used these things to His glory.


You can do it and you are doing a great job. The Lord has called you to be the Momma of your crew for a reason. I pray that you are feeling much better today and that the Lord will lift you up and encourage your heart:grouphug:

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I'm glad I stumbled on your post. I'm not here often and need a little beginning of the year reassurance too.


The board gets cluttered, clogged and filled so quickly with so many posts. I'm left searching for more support and find myself on the high school board.


homeschooling?? If I read one more post on here about how you sent your kids off to the public/private/sudbury/montessori/ boarding fill-in-the- blank school...I am going to SCREAM!!!!


This year all of my homeschooling friends have burnt out...quit...threw in the towel and have signed their darlings up for institutional school . So, I continue on the journey myself...with my kids wondering why they are still here and their friends are off getting mohawks and facial piercings and cute little plaid uniforms....


I am so uninspired! I have needed to get my school plans together ALL.SUMMER.LONG...I keep logging in here and all I see is more and more parents hanging up their hat and putting their kids on the big yellow bus...and they are oh so happy about it....and then everyone cheers and says what a great decision they made...and here I sit...getting depressed and fidgety and sick to my stomache because I have to plan a new year...I have to battle my kids, I have to lead them to their next step....


Where is the cheering for us...who continue to do what we set out to do and don't give in when the going gets rough????


Where is the support and the help when you just can not handle it one more minute...BUT...you know you won't give up because it is what God called you to do...and it He calls He equips??


I need to know where the inspiration to continue is. I need to be bolstered up right now.


I still have to plan grades 1,3,7 & 11. I have books...but no inspiration....I have materials, but no organization.....I have art supplies , but no planned projects.


This board is beginning to really make me more stressed....no reason to keep homeschooling...just put them in school and that will solve all my issues...I won't be as tired, I won't be as stressed, I will be able to deal with chronic pain. If there is really no advantage to homeschooling...then why bother? Why even go there?? I am just not enjoying the turn that I see we have taken here and in my IRL group of friends.


I need a place to read and get re-inspired to do a fantastic job. I need a place where there are like minded Christian women who bolster eachother up and do not encourage eachother to give up what they have been CALLED to do.


Anyone know any such place online? Maybe some downloadable mp3's?


I would like a message board that is totally commited to homeschooling...does one exist?


Anyone else in the same boat?




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It scares me to read how much most of you don't like it and dont want to do it, but I guess its just like a job. Teachers get burnt out and dont want to go back to school, etc.


For some reason in my head, it seems so much more personal than a job, but I guess that is because it is :) I think this is a great post because as a newbie I need to remain as positive as possible. Sure everyone is going to have bad days, I have bad days when I briefly think I dont want to be a parent, but then I see the positives.


For ME, I truly cannot see doing all this work and pouring my heart and soul into HS'ing and finding WONDERFUL programs to teach, just to stick my kids back in a brick and mortar. I truly cannot even grasp that concept. I know a year wont kill them and they wont be set back, but they wont be going ahead either. I dont want them taught Saxon Math. I dont want them to have to read below level to help keep the slower kids up to par. I dont want them to have to do an LA program that has no focus on writing skills.....


I just think I need to stick to the inspirational threads, read the venting ones so I can lend support, vent when I need to to get support, and skip all the I sent my kids back to ps threads. Its kind of like reading threads about people who gave up getting out of debt and bought a $100,000 house and are now totally screwed. That wont help me on my get out of debt journey. Nor will reading all about deliecious cakes and pies help me avoid temptation and help me lose weight :D



Great post!!:iagree:

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would you be kind enough to share the blog addresses??

I love the Teacher Training days and I scheduled them for myself last year. I went to B&N and skimmed the book racks making notes for the library...and always bought myself a good new read...LOL. I did this quarterly.

Could you please share the titles of your conference dvd's as well? I would love to watch some good homeschool encouragement.






This is my favorite for reminding me that Mothering is about relationship not academics, and if your Mothering includes homeschool; the relationship still needs to be paramount.


I lost it today, in part because I too have been reading those my children are going to school posts. I started picturing what MY life could be like - if only _________. Thanks for starting this thread. Time to move on to the things I know are True.

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I was at a very low place these last couple of months. The sheer terror I feel as high school approaches is keeping me up at night. This is my sixth year of homeschooling and I just felt like giving up. Everyone keeps telling me that it would be so much easier if I just send my dd to high school, that it is just too hard to get into college if she homeschools. Yet, when I look at her I see a healthy, loving, and bright child who is who she is because of homeschooling.


So, at my lowest point, I come here and read this thread. I discover I am not alone. And, as I sit here crying, I want to thank you all for the thread and the replies. I might never meet any of you IRL but you should all know that you helped me pick myself up and plan for 7th grade.




High School is my favorite time. REALLY!!! Just take it one day at a time...



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I am another long term homeschooler. I think, Faithe, you have to consider you live in a hard state to homeschool. There is so much regulation in NY and then the state schools have special hurdles to get into the colleges. I saw dropouts happening more in states where regulations were state colleges had hurdles.


Here in Va, my co-op is having the largest class of seniors ever. We have 21. We have so many high schoolers in our multi-age group that this year for the first time ever, we are having events like spirit week, homecoming breakfast and game, and other events like that. I go to Speech and Debate tournaments and I see so many older kids whose parents are homeschooling all the way through. At these same tournaments, I see many homeschool graduates coming back from college or even adult life, to judge. Do I know people who have put kids back- yes.


We all have our doubts and insecurities. THis last spring, I was in a conversation with a few parents about how, while homeschooling, they are outsourcing all the math and science. I have no idea why, but I started worrying about that. The reason I have no idea why is that math and science are some of my favorite subjects to teach and my kids have done very well with my and my husband's instruction. So here I was worrying about how others are doing outside classes with experts while totalling ignoring whether we had that problem at all.


I am nearing the end of homeschooling. I only have high schoolers this year so yes, I will be homeschooling through the end, unless something drastic happens. In a way, that is relieving but it is also sad. You miss the things you don't have anymore but you need to look forwards to the future.


Oh my gosh Chris...there is NOTHING like that around here. Most homeschoolers are either Gothard followers or dance around naked until you are 12....There are lots of us in between with younger kids, but not many highschoolers. We are not allowed to participate in sports, music, arts, any extra curricula stuff.....we can not use school facilities for anything. We are regulated and over burdened by years of paper-work...and then they will not accept our diplomas without a good fight. In my are, there are also very few private schools...3 very small Catholic K-8's...1 Catholic hs, 1 Christian K-8 and 1 private Day School which is somewhat Montessori, I guess. THAT IS IT within 50 miles. Talk about NO EDUCATIONAL CHOICE!


Anyway...I am back in the saddle! ready to march on....


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We're still new to Hsing (this being our third year), but we're in it for the long haul. Every week I am asked, "Are you STILL homeschooling this year?" Or, "What have you decided to do about school?" :001_huh:


We have no IRL friends who homeschool, they all think I'm crazy, they all think we'll either ruin our children by not being "socialized" or by being "too smart". We've been called "elitist" or "unrealistic" or "over-achievers", yadda yadda yadda. We keep trudging along. :) I am convince that we're doing the right thing.


Frankly, I often look to YOUR posts, OP, as a huge source of inspiration for why we homeschool, how we homeschool, and what we do. :) You are doing a magnificent job, and are a beacon of light to many of us. Perhaps you are entering a part of the journey where you take the lead. It may be lonely, it may be challenging, but you are taking each step, one day at a time, regardless of those who have chosen to veer off on a different path. Although you may not see us because we are too far behind you, there are others following in your footsteps. This thread has shown that there are still many, many others with you running parallel in their own paths, still moving forward.


Do not give up hope. Faith will follow. :)

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We're still new to Hsing (this being our third year), but we're in it for the long haul. Every week I am asked, "Are you STILL homeschooling this year?" Or, "What have you decided to do about school?" :001_huh:


We have no IRL friends who homeschool, they all think I'm crazy, they all think we'll either ruin our children by not being "socialized" or by being "too smart". We've been called "elitist" or "unrealistic" or "over-achievers", yadda yadda yadda. We keep trudging along. :) I am convince that we're doing the right thing.


Frankly, I often look to YOUR posts, OP, as a huge source of inspiration for why we homeschool, how we homeschool, and what we do. :) You are doing a magnificent job, and are a beacon of light to many of us. Perhaps you are entering a part of the journey where you take the lead. It may be lonely, it may be challenging, but you are taking each step, one day at a time, regardless of those who have chosen to veer off on a different path. Although you may not see us because we are too far behind you, there are others following in your footsteps. This thread has shown that there are still many, many others with you running parallel in their own paths, still moving forward.


Do not give up hope. Faith will follow. :)


Very nice post.:)

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We're still new to Hsing (this being our third year), but we're in it for the long haul. Every week I am asked, "Are you STILL homeschooling this year?" Or, "What have you decided to do about school?" :001_huh:


We have no IRL friends who homeschool, they all think I'm crazy, they all think we'll either ruin our children by not being "socialized" or by being "too smart". We've been called "elitist" or "unrealistic" or "over-achievers", yadda yadda yadda. We keep trudging along. :) I am convince that we're doing the right thing.


Frankly, I often look to YOUR posts, OP, as a huge source of inspiration for why we homeschool, how we homeschool, and what we do. :) You are doing a magnificent job, and are a beacon of light to many of us. Perhaps you are entering a part of the journey where you take the lead. It may be lonely, it may be challenging, but you are taking each step, one day at a time, regardless of those who have chosen to veer off on a different path. Although you may not see us because we are too far behind you, there are others following in your footsteps. This thread has shown that there are still many, many others with you running parallel in their own paths, still moving forward.


Do not give up hope. Faith will follow. :)


Thank You. This was such a nice thing for you to say. I have been called all those things as well...and well...so what? If it wasn't ragging on homeschooling, they would find something else to rag on....


I have been in a lonely part of the journey for many many years...but, this week I realized I am not lonely. My kids have grown into awesome adults who are fun to be with and have a round. I have a good marriage, a wonderful sister in law (who is sending her ds to school this year but still homeschooling her younger guys) who loves me and respects me. Others come and go, but the important ones are there by my side. It was really not right of me to lose my marbles the last few days....ahhhhhh the joys of peri-menopause and back to school anxiety.


I hope I can be around here for many more years giving and receiving encouragement. This is a special board, and I am so grateful to SWB for allowing this type of discourse to continue.


Onward and Upward...


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As for Mp3 downloads, I get mine from Best Christian Conferences. com They run about 3.50 each in cost, but so worth it. They have speakers from many of the bigger homeschool confrences. My favorite is Voddie Baucham, my favorite talk by him is Heaven or Harvard. Other favorite speakers are the Boyers, the Youngs, David Hazell and Andrew Pudewa, but as far as looking for someone to keep you motivated and remind you why you are doing what you're doing, Voddie is my top favorite!


I too have had several friends over the years send their kids back to school. This year seems to be the most though and many surprising ones at that! Long time, committed, Christian homeschoolers.


We are on year 14, have already successfully graduated one, and have 14 more years to go yet. We are in it for the long haul, Lord willing!

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I'm a die hard homeschooler. I don't have a homeschool support network where I live. It is all up to ME and only ME. It seems like locally everyone is joining up with the latest and greatest new charter school.


It seems like lately I've been bombarded with emphasis on grade level and doing the right subjects at the right age, SAT's, etc. I'd like to get back to interesting studies, hands on activities, nature hikes,.... I would love to find other families who homeschool near me who share the same philosophy. I feel like I want to start over.

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A few years ago, I was speaking to my pastor, who was offering support for a hard time in the life of our family. What came out of my mouth was, "With four kids, I have given up on easy or simple."


I have one in private school, never homeschooled. I have one who started out in private school and who is now homeschooled. I have two who, God willing, will not ever "go to school". Public school is not an option here. Private school has expenses and other issues involved. Homeschooling is something that I feel called by God to do for my kids.


I find parenting to be hard, and homeschooling is a part of that parenting task. That said, I am very early on in my homeschooling journey, in the "glory days" of having elementary students. I'm sure I will want to throw in the towel someday. But for now, I do this and am actually happy and excited about it. My kids like it. It is hard but rewarding. Parenting in general is such a "long haul" marathon task. Obviously, there are pros and cons to all situations. If you put your kids in school, there would be pros and cons. It's kind of "pick your poison", if you want to look at it cynically. :tongue_smilie:


I'm sorry that your IRL support has evaporated. It seems that there are many folks out there (as evidenced by this thread) who are hanging in there with you. I am.:001_smile:

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