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Visitor question....what would you do?

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Let me set the scene. We recently moved from a large house to a small apartment(moved out of state-temporary digs). There are 2 small bedrooms, a really small kitchen, living area, dining that seats 4 and a small playroom.


We have very dear friends who would like to come visit for the weekend and asked to stay with us. This would be a total of 6 visitors + 4 of us=clogged toilets/chaos. That is, I'm guessing it would equal clogged toilets(bad apartment plumbing) and chaos because of 10 people in small quarters.


We are torn as to what to do. We have told them that our apartment is super small and we are worried about their comfort etc. They said it wouldn't bother them.


Would you go ahead with the visit or suggest a raincheck until you move to different digs?? I'm stressing about this.


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I've had 6 people in a tiny one room studio apt for a week, and we managed. I honestly wouldn't mind 10 people in a 2 BR if it was only for a weekend — just spend most of your time out and about, and use the apartment for sleeping only. They may not be able to afford a hotel, but would still love to see you. I'd plan lots of activities for the days, eat your meals someplace cheap, throw a bunch of sleeping bags on the floor at night, and enjoy your friends. :001_smile:



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Guest janainaz

As long as they really didn't mind, I would probably be ok, but that would depend on how much I like them! I'd go through any amount of discomfort for company I truly love to have around.


And....mom2littleboys.... if I had a 10x10' room, and you wanted to come visit me, I'd let you! Because you're the coolest gal on this board! :D

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Everyone gave me some thoughts to ponder. Not sure why I'm having such a hard time with this. I think it's because I'm just tired. So tired.


And Jana....you made me :D :cheers2::thumbup: Oh, how much fun we would have!

And....mom2littleboys.... if I had a 10x10' room, and you wanted to come visit me, I'd let you! Because you're the coolest gal on this board! :D

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If it weren't for the plumbing problem I would say go for it. With that in the mix, maybe not. It depends on what kind of problems you expect (having to plunge every use or overflowing frequently).


We live in 750 square feet. There are 5 of us living here. This past weekend we also had MIL here (slept in the kids bed while they slept with us) and oldest dd had 3 friends sleep over. They slept 2 on the reclining sofa and 2 on the floor since her room is only 9x9. I wouldn't want to do it for a whole week but just a weekend is manageable, IMO.

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We have told them that our apartment is super small and we are worried about their comfort etc. They said it wouldn't bother them.


Good heavens, couldn't they take a hint???


Personally, I think they are way beyond imposing if they still want to stay at your apartment after you've told them how small it is.


I have 5 bedrooms in my home, but no one ever asks to stay in any of them when they visit, because as soon as someone mentions that they might want to visit for a weekend, I always have the Hilton reservations number handy.


But that's just me.


If they are truly dear friends, they won't mind springing for a hotel. In return, you can feed them a few times, and arrange for out-of-the-apartment activities that all of you will enjoy.


I can't even imagine having 10 people in a small apartment for more than cocktails and hors d'oevres, so perhaps I'm not the best person to answer this, but I would think that even the best of friends would start to grate on each other pretty quickly in such a confined space... especially when everyone had to use the bathroom in the morning.


Also, before you even consider saying yes, assume that it will rain the entire time, and you may be stuck indoors a lot.



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We are torn as to what to do. We have told them that our apartment is super small and we are worried about their comfort etc. They said it wouldn't bother them.


Are you being honest? Are you really worried about them, or your family? I would be most uncomfortable with that many people in such a small space, especially with bad plumbing in the house. I'd be completely honest and tell my friends that although I really wish it were different, it's just flat out unfeasible to put up guests overnight. It really is okay to say no sometimes, and real friends should understand your predicament.

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If you only have one bathroom I think it's sort of out of the question. Seriously.


I'd be completely honest and tell my friends that although I really wish it were different, it's just flat out unfeasible to put up guests overnight. It really is okay to say no sometimes, and real friends should understand your predicament.

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It depends on your comfort level and your entire families comfort level!!!


We wouldn't be comfortable with that....there are lots of people that would be though.


I have a large house with more than enough room....however, we don't feel comfortable with guests in our house. I'm just not comfortable. We compromise and bring over our camper/trailer and guests can stay in our driveway.


Do what works for "you"! Do you want them over with the circumstances? If not just let them know and feel good about the decision! :)

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Also, what are the rules of your apartment rental/lease agreement. When dh and I were first married, we lived in an apartment in which we could not have overnight guests for more than 48 hours or we had to pay $50.00 per person, per day for the duration of the visit. The owner had had some unforunate experiences with "guests" who damaged his apartments and didn't really like his renters to have overnight guests because of this.


Another thing to consider is that most apartment complexes, unlike single family residences, have a maximum occupancy permit from the fire department. Since apartment complex fires are so much more dangerous than single family home fires (from the perspective of the numbers of lives injured or lost) and the evacuation of such facilities is crazy, most townships have zoning ordinances that you could be in violation of for having that many people "living" in the apartment. While our township does not, the next one to the west of us does and the maximum occupancy for an apartment that size would be six. Parties and dinner guests okay, visitors on vacation for several days, not okay.



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Just tell them that YOU don't feel comfortable having that many folks in your cramped quarters. And, that you'd love to see them, but they'd have to stay at a hotel while in town. Be nice, but let THEM own the problem and stress of it, not you.


No one gets to invite themselves into your house. But, only if you actually don't let them. If you let them, then you're telling them that its OK, and all the hints won't matter.

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Are you being honest? Are you really worried about them, or your family? I would be most uncomfortable with that many people in such a small space, especially with bad plumbing in the house. I'd be completely honest and tell my friends that although I really wish it were different, it's just flat out unfeasible to put up guests overnight. It really is okay to say no sometimes, and real friends should understand your predicament.


Both. I am concerned that they would be uncomfortable, but I am also very concerned about my family. I was just talking to a close friend of mine and we were saying how we would never even want to stay at someone's home while visiting. I like my down time. It's great to get together, but it's also great to be able to go and chill at night. Anyway...still deciding:tongue_smilie:

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