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Did you ever join Curves?

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I would appreciate any feedback on its value, effectiveness, ability to hold your interest and so on.


I REALLY need to get back into a diet and weight loss program. I'm going to rejoin WW because I think it's a great, healthy program and I know it works.


And I'm thinking of joining Curves. I don't have any other good gyms near me. I've already done the "go out walking, do exercise videos, get a treadmill" thing and I'm just bored with all of that, I want something a little different, a little social, something that will keep me motivated in between WW meetings and help me lose weight and so on. I like that it's a women only gym.


It would cost me $34.00 a month (with a one year contract), which is affordable for me.




Thanks in advance!

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I did a trial at Curves and found that it was not good for my particular body. Curves goes from one (3 min?) interval to another. My muscles take that long to figure out what they are doing. I need something that will let my muscles warm up and get established in a movement before going on to the next. I discussed it with my doctor and he agreed that for me it would be a recipe for injury. But your body and muscles may very well have different requirements. I've met a couple of people in my neighborhood who had muscle injuries (mainly pulled muscles) from working out at Curves. Of course you can get those kinds of injuries doing other kinds of exercise too but it is one thing to think about.

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I tried it. I liked it for a few months and then it was hard to make myself go. For example, I didn't like the squat machine they used. Something about it hurt my shoulders. There isn't a way to adapt it. Either skip it or do it. I will say that when I went at the same time every day, people got to know each other and chatted while they exercised. And some people there had been doing it for quite some time, so they obviously liked it.


In the end, I also have a Golds near me and I prefer that. I like the childcare option (at Curves, I had to be there at 6:00 AM--another issue for me.). I like switching things up by doing different classes or just doing the treadmill.

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I did one workout, almost died (not literally) and then joined.

Go figure.


Went back one time, but had had such a bad physical experience that it served as negative reinforcement, and I couldn't bear to face it again.


Took me a year to cancel my membership, tho--how stupid was that?


I have two friends who swear by it--it's 30 mins, in and out; there are no children or men around; there is no locker room so you you come dressed for working out and leave dressed for working out; and the people really are supportive.

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what I have heard people say is that if you are just starting off exercising Curves is a great place to start. I believe any exercise that you will be consistent with will work for you. If curves is something you know you can work with time wise and be consistent with then it is right for you.

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Guest Cindie2dds

Well, I did it about two years ago. It's easy, 30 minutes in and out. I got tired of the same routine every time. You go around in a circle twice and stay on the machines for two minutes each (at least that's how ours worked at the time). It was a long drive, anything is for me, and I didn't see any results, so I stopped after about two months.


Now, the best part about it for me was talking to all the ladies while I worked out. You faced everyone all the time, so naturally you talk. :) If you think you will go, have fun!

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I used to be a Curves member. Their hours seem to cater to older women or women with kids in school. Ours doesn't open early or stay open late and has very limited weekend hours. At the time, I thought it was a good workout but I've since started working out harder and I'm now realizing that Curves probably wasn't doing anything for me.

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Thanks for the replies! After a little more thought and talking to a friend (who is willing to join a gym with me... yay! Going with a friend will be much more motivational!) we decided to join a different gym instead.


I know, I said there are no other gyms here lol. What I meant were there are no "big name" gyms. No "Gold's," No "Bally's," No "24 Hour Fitness," etc.


But as it turns out there's this small local gym even closer to where I live. It's got one side that's mostly boxing, martial arts, weights.. you know, guy stuff. But it's got this whole other area that does cardio and all different kinds of classes, particularly for women, like aerobics and yoga and pilates and whatever.


My friend who is joining with me is the one who told me about it when I asked her about joining Curves with me. So I went to this gym's website, and then called and talked to someone there with a few questions, and they were very nice. Said the guys do come in the evening and go to "their side" where most of them do the martial arts stuff or whatever. But that their membership is about half and half men and women, that they're family-friendly, that they have a room where kids can play and watch TV and you can keep an eye on them from near the cardio area if you need to bring kids, that all classes are included in the membership price (which is comparable to Curves' price) and so on.


That if I went in the mornings, no it wouldn't be just me and my friend and a bunch of guys haha.


My husband said he might even consider going with us, too, now that we know we can bring the kids.


And I wouldn't have to sign a contract like I would with Curves.


Now I just have to hope nobody decides to report us for having kids at the gym a couple of times a week if they don't "get" homeschooling and think our kids are truant or being neglected or some such (I already flat out said to the guy on the phone "we homeschool and I'd bring my kids when I came" and he said that was fine, but not sure what other members would think if they saw kids there regularly)??


The days I go would probably be from like 11:30-12:30. I'd homeschool in the mornings, go to the gym on the gym days, and then finish homeschooling when we got home. Travel time to and from gym is about 3 minutes each way.


Anyway! I'm looking forward to this, really. I plan to start back at Weight Watchers this coming Tuesday, and then meet my friend at the gym for the first time afterward, and it feels nice to have a diet and exercise plan back into place for the very near future. It is long overdue!

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I have found having classes at my gym to be very motivating. They make me show up at a certain time, and exercise for a set amount of time, usually harder than if I did it by myself. I also joined with a friend, although we don't always go at the same time, it is very fun when we do. Have fun! Glad you found something that works for you!

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I'd just go the regular gym that you mentioned, even though it has more of a "guy" emphasis. Believe me, the guys DON'T pay attention to you, if you are concerned about that. My dh regularly goes to a Gold's and just does his workout and leaves.


I've never been to a Curves, but have lots of friends who have, and they have said that if they stayed dedicated to it, they outgrew it very, very quickly, either from boredom, or outgrowing it physically. They wanted a more-rigorous workout quickly (I guess it did it's job, though, getting them into shape!)

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Guest Cindie2dds

Nance~ that sounds wonderful!! I wish I lived closer, I would join you! I just signed up for daily burn to keep track of what I eat. I've been doing yoga with Rella in the morning also. Once it's not so hot here, we will get outside and exercise through the winter. Thanks for the motivation.

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I joined curves about 5 years ago. I did enjoy it, but I would say that it has more effect on people who are really overweight or have a primarily sedentary lifestyle.

I was very athletic growing up and curves never pushed me hard enough to really change my body. I needed a more rigorous workout.

I think it depends on your past physical capabilities... if you used to be a runner, swimmer or gym rat (even 5 or 10 years ago) then it probably won't fulfill your need for staying active for long.

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Curves didn't push me, either. I wasn't horribly out of shape, so the 'workout' at Curves wasn't difficult and didn't challenge me at all. I can see where it'd give some people a shove in the right direction, but it just wasn't for me. They didn't want to let me out of my contract, either, until I came in one day and showed them my leg injury that had finally pushed me to the decision to quit once and for all. The look on the girl's face was very memorable when she saw the giant concave section in my left calf. :D

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Because you cannot choose which machines to use, check ahead of time about any old injuries, special needs, etc. which you may have. I tried Curves (twice over the years) and was injured each time on two different machines. I am not horribly unfit, just not able to do certain movements. I am much happier, and free of injury, at the local gym where I can determine my own activities.

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we have a fitness center funded by our town. It is in a HUGE building that also houses the library and senior center. It has a 25 meter pool and lots of classes (yoga, pilates, etc) cardio machines, weight machines a childcare area. People can pay monthly, quarterly or yearly. It cost us $400 for our entire family for a year and we have gone swimming almost every day this summer. In the fall, I plan on adding on the cardio machines. It is open from 6 am to 9 pm. Very clean facility. Have fun at your gym.

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I appreciate all the feedback! I'm pretty happy with the decision I ended up making to join the regular, small gym and I'm looking forward to checking it out.


Another cool thing about it, I just found out they do mixed martial arts classes for kids aged 5-12... for only $30 a month!!! For a 1 1/2 hour long class, once a week.


Which is amazing because not that long ago I called the one martial arts studio I knew of nearby to inquire about their prices, and they told me it costs $90.00 a month.


This small gym has them for a third of the price! (AND the guy told me that they cut a break even on THAT price if a parent ends up becoming a member of the gym. Which will be the case with us)!

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