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Please pray I get some good news today from the nephralogist.

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I go at 1:30 est. I am so tired of going to doctors. I just want this bad dream to all be over. I am thinking of changes doctors and just going with someone who does lung cancer. Some things have happened with my oncologist that have made me question him and now I'm not sure I can trust him.


This is so hard! Pray for my children. They are struggling emotionally and all of our stomaches are in knots. It's just a very hard and sad time at our house right now.


I don't feel like I have any faith left, not like I did in the beginning. I read my blog and can't believe how I was back then. I feel like a hippocrate, but I just don't feel like I can hardly put one foot in front of the other and press on.


Thanks for letting me share!





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Oh Molly, please don't lose faith. God has brought you this far and He will see you through this too. Your faith in times of storm has inspired so many people. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.


Heavenly Father, please lift up Molly and her family today. Lord, they need renewed hope and guidance right now. I pray for good test results, Lord, and for a sense of peace that passes all understanding. Father, I pray for healing for her body. I pray you will show her only the TRUTH right now, oh God, and not allow satan to deceive her when she is at her most volunerable. I give you all the honor, the praise, and the glory. In Jesus name, Amen.

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Molly you are in my prayers! I can't imagine how difficult it must be to keep fighting and keep on top of your medical treatment. You can rest assured that the rest of us will pray for you. We'll keep the faith for you. Lots of love and hugs to you and your family.

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Dear Molly, We continue to be in prayer for you. And, please, do not be hard on yourself. This is such a process and you know you are going to have ups and downs as far as faith -- thank you for giving us the honor of lifting you in prayer. :grouphug: Your strong faith shows when you ask us to pray for you.:grouphug:

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Sweet, sweet Molly, praying for your peace of heart and mind, and that you will get good news at the doctor's today. I'm sorry that things are so hard for you and your family right now. You are not a hypocrite. Even Jesus cried out on the cross, asking why God had forsaken Him. ((((HUGS)))

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Molly, if you are not comfortable with your oncologist, maybe God is calling you to go elsewhere?


I'm really sorry. I wish we could just take the entire trial away, right from the very beginning. I wish your health could be restored, NOW, and your family's peace could be returned. I wish tremendous joy. It is so hard to hear of what you're going through. I'm so glad you can be honest here.


Please update us, sweetie.


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