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Does anyone else feel posts are more likely to get buried here at the new place?

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I'm bringing this post over from the How To forum 'cause, after sitting there all day with only 34 views and due to the nature of my post, I find myself *really* wanting some greater insight.....tell me what y'all think - is there just truly that much lack of interest in pursuing a more organized prayer support network or did my posts this week just get buried? Talk to me, ladies!:p



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I think posts will get buried here..

There seems to be lots of traffic going on, which is not a bad thing :)

But look at the bottom and see how many pages of posts there are :eek: Lots!



I posted about my dr's appt when the board first opened, then posted an update under the same one(yesterday) b/c I didn't want to add another post~it would still bring it up to the first page since I put in a new post..Know what I mean?

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I think posts will get buried here..

There seems to be lots of traffic going on, which is not a bad thing :)

But look at the bottom and see how many pages of posts there are :eek: Lots!



I posted about my dr's appt when the board first opened, then posted an update under the same one(yesterday) b/c I didn't want to add another post~it would still bring it up to the first page since I put in a new post..Know what I mean?


If you mean what I think you mean, this is a good idea. That way the history is there, avoiding confusion.



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yes, posts will get buried, but I think it can still be done and is vital to the health of any community --even an online one. It will just take a bit more work :-)


I think posts should be updated to the original one --it will absolutely bump it to the front and preserve history/info.


use the "subscribed threads" feature in your User Control, and do a search for "prayer" as you think of it. A motivated Prayer Warrior/s might want to start collecting links to various prayer requests and copying the set of links into each thread, w/a general "how to share prayer requests and updates" to keep everyone informed.


anyway, there's my 2 cents, lol. Good luck~

Thanks gals :-)

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Threads float around here, and they disappear onto the next page. I guess my attention span is too short to follow a thread once it's off the first page.


HomeschoolChristian just changed its forum, too, and I'm pretty sure it's the same format as this, but they found a way to make it look threaded--not just the individual views, but the whole forum. You can still do all the nifty features inside each post, too.


The whole floating-thread thing confuses me, too, I regret to say. HSC also fixed that.


Maybe those wonderful WTM computer whizzes might consider that.


Or not. It's just a thought :-)

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Yes I think posts will get buried here. I posted about Mansfield Park now being available on You Tube and only 4 people ended up viewing the post. I know when I had posted about another of the Jane Austen movies being on You Tube(on the old board) a lot more people viewed the post. I think that post that do not required or get comments will tend to get buried.

The up side of this is that the threads people have the most interest in willstay more active.

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Not with me around...okay, but seriously...


If something gets "buried", just post to it with the comment "bumping". That way it gets back to the first page.


As evidenced by my posting pattern, I don't mind clicking on pages past ONE. It's extremely easy to click on #2, or #3, or #4 and read them as though they're #1.



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I do understand that it could just seem like it runs faster but, to me, it also seems that posts that I'm certain would have gotten way more attention on the old board, at times, are getting glossed over here. That's why I wondered out loud - is anyone else making this observation or is it just me? :confused:


Thanks for posting!


This board does seem to run faster...it probably really doesn't; it just seems so. It does amaze me to look at a post in the morning and by noon it's 4 or 5 pages back.
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I just thought of something else. As time goes on, TPTB may decide to add forums that will disperse the load of posts from one board to several. Like VegSource did or as a better example, perhaps there will eventually be separate boards for different subjects, like at Sonlight. Or not. :)


Of course, I don't know the vision TPTB have for the future purpose of this site...whether it is mainly educational or if there are plans to add to the forums. We'll just have to wait and see. :)

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Thanks, Jennifer, for responding. That's actually what I did a couple of days ago (started a thread inviting folks to respond with prayer requests, etc along with a numerical list of things I thought would benefit the purpose such as being sure to subscribe to the thread, etc) but, alas, *no one* responded (except for one person after I wrote a final response of "so much for that" ;-). It was that experience that birthed this thread. ;-P

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I do understand that it could just seem like it runs faster but, to me, it also seems that posts that I'm certain would have gotten way more attention on the old board, at times, are getting glossed over here. That's why I wondered out loud - is anyone else making this observation or is it just me? :confused:


Thanks for posting!


It may just have appeared the posts got more attention because they were always there until the board flipped. I do wish there were more threads on the first page, but I understand why they want to keep it to 20. I go back usually 2-3 pages when I'm scanning the boards. But I don't feel like threads are getting glossed over, maybe because of the little counter that keeps track of the number of time a post has been read.


Although, I'm still not sure I've answered your question :o.

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Thanks for sharing your experience. If nothing else, you've at least confirmed that I'm not alone in the Twilight Zone. :-P I very much appreciate LOTS about the new format. In many respects, I think it is awesome. The one thing I regret with the change, though, is that it is VERY likely there will be some posts that, except for the fact that they due to the nature of how this format works, would have normally gotten LOTS of attention will go unnoticed and, therefore, lost between the cracks. :-{

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Personally, I think that they could extend the number of threads per page so that we could have 30-40 threads to view before having to go to page 2, etc.


But I also like the idea that all of this will reduce the number of posts that, well, don't have much of a point or purpose. People will see that "I just took an hour to shovel my driveway!!" (and nothing further) messages really don't require conversation and that space for conversation is at a minimum because of how people USE the forum--and they'll use the space for things that can actually spark discussion. :) KWIM?

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I was basing my comment about attention on the old board on the number of replies that would have been generated over there. Mrs. Readsalot's post (about the number of responses her Jane Austen topic generated over there versus over here) is another example of what I'm trying to say....


It is actually that little counter that has confirmed my suspicions. I'm watching posts that I KNOW would have been read/viewed much more often over there getting 30-35 *views*. Sincerely, I ask the question, "What other explanation could there be except that posts are more likely to be buried over here?"

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I agree that posts are moving fast - look at the number of posters! I know I will be missing out on stuff I would like to read - but it's just a matter of volume. The idea to "add forums that will disperse the load of posts from one board to several." seems valid to me - though selecting categories could be done in so many ways; how to choose?

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Personally, I think that they could extend the number of threads per page so that we could have 30-40 threads to view before having to go to page 2, etc.


But I also like the idea that all of this will reduce the number of posts that, well, don't have much of a point or purpose. People will see that "I just took an hour to shovel my driveway!!" (and nothing further) messages really don't require conversation and that space for conversation is at a minimum because of how people USE the forum--and they'll use the space for things that can actually spark discussion. :) KWIM?


I remember that the general board years ago (say pre 20003) felt much more about educational and family topics. Maybe that is a reflection of how much relative importance the boards had as a source of homeschooling info. Maybe now with many books available at the library, more support groups, blogs and just more homeschoolers in general, this has become less vital. Maybe as we all became friends, we trusted each other opinions about household and relationship topics more and then more of these threads took presidence. Maybe we just got gun shy about some homeschool topics after there were board spats and decided that vacuums and front loaders were safer topics.


I love that I know so much about people's lives and backgrounds. But I do miss some of the great homeschooling discussions that I that are in the forefront of my memory of boards past.


Probably those little personal vents about snow and sick kids will still show up, just included in other posts. I for one, have a sick kindergartener watching Narnia (in Geman!) and Myna birds and Japanese White Eye in the bushes out my window. (No snow in paradise.)

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One good thing is that now, searching for something is built in and much easier. As notes, you can subscribe to certain threads. another easy way to see new posts is to clock on the new posts link ans it will pull up all the threads with new posts since your last visit.


I do like the format far better then the old, it is way more organized. Perhaps, to spread things out a bit, the homeschool areas could be subdivided by subject. That would keep things from scrolling off so fast and make it even easier to find things.

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