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She read her first BOB book!


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My level of happiness is probably much higher than it should be for this, but I am so completely excited that ODD read the first BOB book in its entirety, all by herself (minus me telling her how to say the word "on"). :001_wub: We have not touched upon reading at all for several months b/c she kept getting so frustrated at sounding everything out. I think even this book was at her limit of what she'll handle as she wanted to stop reading 2 pages from the end. But....she read it!

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Isn't that the most awesome feeling!!


When my dc were at that age, I had two Bob Book baskets -- one basket had "their" bob books that they had already read once to me; the other basket had the ones they had not read yet. Each day, I'd ask them to read me one from "their basket" and then every so often, I'd give them the next Bob book to read to me. . .


Once they had read it to me, it was "theirs" and could go into their basket! We'd make a big fuss about it and daddy would ask the child to read him the new Bob book at bedtime. . . Soon enough, I could ask the child to take turns reading with me. . . She reads me one of her Bob books, then I read her one other picture book of her choosing, etc.


Fun times. I miss those days!! Enjoy!!!!!!!!

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Thank you, everyone! :) Now I just have to keep myself in check and not try to dive into phonics/reading. I think she's one for a gentle, non-pressure approach. If she had to choose between math and reading, she'd choose math.


StephanieZ - the basket idea sounds great. I think we'll have to copy you and implement. Being able to visualize her accomplishments would be good.

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We love those sweet little BOB Books. I remember the first one that both of my children read. I am so upset because I let a friend borrow them who said she was going to homeschool. She thought they were silly, never used them and never gave them back. I will have to pick up another pack when the youngest is ready.

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We love those sweet little BOB Books. I remember the first one that both of my children read. I am so upset because I let a friend borrow them who said she was going to homeschool. She thought they were silly, never used them and never gave them back. I will have to pick up another pack when the youngest is ready.


I thought they were kinda silly till my dd read one for the first time. After seeing her reading confidence build with these books, I don't think I'll ever part with them. :D

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My daughter read her first BOB book toward the end of August a year ago. It was a pretty neat experience!


Last night, she read the third-from-last one in the last box. I wonder if she'll read the last two before the end of August, making it a year for the whole series...

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