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When does/did school start back for you?

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We're finishing up our summer session, and my plan is to break for the next few weeks and start again Aug 23. We're traveling for 2 weeks, and after we get back, that gives us a week to recover and to enjoy the local stuff that's much easier to do once the PS is back in session. It really has wound down to a nice stopping point.

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I don't know why these threads interest me so much! It's fun to read about other homeschoolers' schedules for the year :)


We school year round pretty much. There are a few weeks here and there where the actual school work is pushed to the side for major outside time but for the most part it's all year that we "do" school.


That said, we do the bulk of our school lessons during the summer! We live in Arizona and are stuck inside most of the time thanks to the extremely hot weather. Perfect time for some intense learning :)

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July 12. Then we had last week and this Tuesday off. We're pretty much year-rounders with a week off here, a day off there. Oh, and all of December off for a wedding and a family reunion, and between Easter and Memorial Day, each set of grandparents has a vacation with the kids planned. Last year, my high schooler frittered the year away and got 1/4 of his work done between September and March. Which made a March-June experience he's not keen on repeating.

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Sept. 2 will be Day #1 for us.....we school Thurs..-Mon. and have Tues. Wed. off, due to DH's work schedule. That is assuming he continues to have those days off...if they change.....so will we. That is why we have day #1 day #2 and so on instead of Monday, Tuesday. That way regardless of DHs schedule my schedule still makes since..... Term 1: September - November Term 2: January - March Term 3: April - June.

That's the plan anyway :tongue_smilie:

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Sept. 6th. I hope that we are done with this year before we have to start next year. . . (sigh).


Hi Jean! Since, I don't see much of you at gymnastics anymore, I broke down and registered here instead of just lurking. :)


We are starting back August 30, a week ahead of you. I am up to my eyeballs in prepping 6 week lesson planners, a task made more difficult by having to dig through a ridiculous number of boxes labeled "school books" to find the ones I need for planning. I guess that was a serious packing failure on my part.


As soon as we were completely moved, it really hit me that my oldest is in high school this year and I went into a planning frenzy. How are your plans going?

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Hi Jean! Since, I don't see much of you at gymnastics anymore, I broke down and registered here instead of just lurking. :)


We are starting back August 30, a week ahead of you. I am up to my eyeballs in prepping 6 week lesson planners, a task made more difficult by having to dig through a ridiculous number of boxes labeled "school books" to find the ones I need for planning. I guess that was a serious packing failure on my part.


As soon as we were completely moved, it really hit me that my oldest is in high school this year and I went into a planning frenzy. How are your plans going?


Elizabeth! I'm at the gym right now but since it is Open gym of course you aren't here. I'll have to go in a minute because I'm "coaching" dd8. Now, that is a truly scary thought!


Yesterday I sat down with ds13 and we did some jettisoning of assignments in math and history in order to get done. He's doing really well in both subjects so it just meant getting rid of some of the repetition. I also had to jettison some of dd8's read-alouds which just kills me, but I am very glad to know that since we do a 4 year cycle that it will come up again.


The homeschool store called me today to say that a copy of the Algebra I I need for next year just came in! They are holding it for me.

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Elizabeth! I'm at the gym right now but since it is Open gym of course you aren't here. I'll have to go in a minute because I'm "coaching" dd8. Now, that is a truly scary thought!


Yesterday I sat down with ds13 and we did some jettisoning of assignments in math and history in order to get done. He's doing really well in both subjects so it just meant getting rid of some of the repetition. I also had to jettison some of dd8's read-alouds which just kills me, but I am very glad to know that since we do a 4 year cycle that it will come up again.


The homeschool store called me today to say that a copy of the Algebra I I need for next year just came in! They are holding it for me.


You have a private message! :)


Isn't it exciting when your books start to all come in? We had to cut our school year off done or not when it came time to move. Math, ccience, and history were done, so I called that good and started setting up for this coming school year.



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well, my ds can't wait for school to start so that he can quit his summer job. He doesn't mind the work and has met people he enjoys, but he dislikes working 4-10 (grocery store) and feels that he doesn't have a life:glare:. He has worked 6 days a week several times.


so, sadly , it's not that he looks forward to the academics;)



we will start the second week of august.

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