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Poor Customer Service (AKA How I Totally Lost It Tonight)

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Warning: Major Rant Ahead


I've already ranted to DH and it's too late to call any of my friends. That means y'all have to "listen" to me.


At 6:45 (approx.), I called Papa John's to order a pizza for dinner tonight. They gave me the total and said it would be about 45 minutes.


At 8:00 the pizza had not arrived, so I called them back. The girl answered the phone said that I had not placed the order. ????? I've ordered from this place many times. I had even used redial on my phone to call them back, so I KNOW I had called them.


That's all the girl would say - you didn't place the order.


me: So, you're accusing me of lying?!


girl: Well, ma'am, we don't have an order from you. Would you like to place the order?


me: No, I want to talk to the manager.


manager: how can I help you?


I explain what was going on, then say: You know, all she had to say was, "I'm so sorry. We must have lost the order. If you'll place it again, we'll get it out to you ASAP."


manager: I'm sorry ma'am. Let me take your order and we'll get it right out to you.


Okay, so I place the order.


9:00 No pizza. I call back and talk to somebody else. He says the delivery guy just left.


9:30 No pizza. I call again and talk to the 9:00 guy. He is very surprised that I haven't gotten it. Do I want to cancel the order?


me: No, my kids are hungry. I want the pizza. But I'm not going to pay for it.


pizza guy: Okay ma'am. If you have any problems with the driver, have him call me. (Then he gave me his name.)


10:00 no pizza. I call back, talk to the same guy. He is surprised - says all drivers are back. Talks to the driver - driver says he delivered it and gave it to my husband.


I talk to delivery guy. He insists he gave it to my husband, who said I wasn't home. I've been home all night. My husband has NOT. He has rehearsals on Thurs. night and doesn't get home 'til late. DG mentions our black and white cat. I admit we have one, but what does that prove?


At this point, I think DG delivered it to the wrong house, but even after I describe the house, he insists it's the same one. I talk to the manager and this is when I totally lost it. I'm frustrated, hungry, and my Asperger son is completely upset and losing it himself. I apologize for yelling at the manager (who keeps saying the DG says he delivered it), but I can tell he has shut me out. He asks if I want a credit for the next time we order. I say I'm not sure I WILL be ordering again.


Then it just gets better.


I call DH, who is on his way home, and tell him everything. We figure the DG gave the pizza (which was a no-cost order, which I wasn't aware they were doing) to his buddies, and maybe even drove by my house and saw my cat to add to the story.


I asked DH to go by Papa John's and "defend my honor", but he wasn't sure about that. He wasn't sure what he could do. When he got home, he told me he did go by there and asked to talk to the manager.


DH: I don't know who your DG delivered a pizza to, but it wasn't me. I've been gone since 8:00 this morning.


DG (who was standing there): You're the guy I delivered it to.


DH (moving closer to him): You're saying that you recognize me - that you delivered a pizza to me.


DG: Yeah. I delivered the pizza to you.


DH (to manager): He is lying. He is lying to you. You need to know that.


And he left. He's pretty sure the manager believed him.


What kind of person can lie so blatantly like that?

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Un-flipping-believable. Your dh should have called, and asked the driver to describe him. I bet the manager never even had them replace the order. I'd contact the corporate office and complain, and loudly. That was just ridiculous!


OH, and I know several people who could blatantly lie like that and not bat an eye. Makes you want to drop an anvil on their heads and then deny you did it.

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Oh how awful. I am so sorry that you and your kids had to go through that. I really really REALLY hope that guy gets fired, and gets a bad 'record' for such behavior. It just amazes me that people do NOT CARE about other people any more. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Hugs and beer (if you want it, not for the kids LOL)

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DH manages a pizza place. IMO, the delivery kid eating the pizza/feeding it to his friends is the likeliest scenario. If it was DH's store, he'd be fired, but he has to suffer fools like this all the time.


OTOH, if it was the manager at the store GF used to asst manager at, the manager was probably the one who lost the order the first time...


But only a complete idiot jerks over a regular customer. So it was probably the driver.

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I would make a formal complaint, either to the corporate office or the the franchise owner. Write it now while you remember things but don't send it until the morning so you can edit it when you are calmer.

This puts your complaint into writing, including dh's statement that the driver was not being truthful. If he is a problem employee, then this gives the management a piece of paper to use if/when they let him go.

I made a huge complaint to Walmart a few weeks back when they were out of stock of an advertised special and refused to make me a rain check (actually denied that they even did rain checks, despite the large sign above customer service with the rain check policy). I didn't go back to buy from them, but now the manager knows that at least four of his employees need trained on the actual store policy. What he does with this information is up to him.

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Wal-mart has a rain check policy on sale items? I've worked there for eight months as a cashier and this is the first I've heard of it.


Speaking of lousy customer service, I get to be the ONLY cashier at my (largish, urban) Wal-Mart overnight tonight. It'll be me and one CSM. Yay, fun. I'll do my best, but I'm sure I'll make SOMEONE mad tonight, whether I want to or not.


I would SO love to quit...oh, wait, must have money for student loans and dr. bills and food and curriculum and...:tongue_smilie:

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Un-flipping-believable. Your dh should have called, and asked the driver to describe him. I bet the manager never even had them replace the order. I'd contact the corporate office and complain, and loudly. That was just ridiculous!


OH, and I know several people who could blatantly lie like that and not bat an eye. Makes you want to drop an anvil on their heads and then deny you did it.


Thanks for the laugh. I needed it. :lol:

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Oh how awful. I am so sorry that you and your kids had to go through that. I really really REALLY hope that guy gets fired, and gets a bad 'record' for such behavior. It just amazes me that people do NOT CARE about other people any more. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Hugs and beer (if you want it, not for the kids LOL)


I don't drink much (can't stand the taste of alcohol), but I think I'll take you up on that beer. It's nights like tonight that make me wish I did drink.


DS came up to me later, after he had calmed down, and said, "Mom? You know what would make me feel better? If we didn't have school tomorrow." The little stinker. :lol:

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DH manages a pizza place. IMO, the delivery kid eating the pizza/feeding it to his friends is the likeliest scenario. If it was DH's store, he'd be fired, but he has to suffer fools like this all the time.


OTOH, if it was the manager at the store GF used to asst manager at, the manager was probably the one who lost the order the first time...


But only a complete idiot jerks over a regular customer. So it was probably the driver.


I think the girl that took the order originally didn't want to admit she lost it. She obviously needs some customer service training.


And, yeah, we figure the delivery guy fed his friends with our pizza. And I hope the kid WAS fired.


The thing is - he missed out on a nice tip. I figured the mix-up wasn't the delivery guy's fault, so I was still going to tip him. (HA!)

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I would make a formal complaint, either to the corporate office or the the franchise owner. Write it now while you remember things but don't send it until the morning so you can edit it when you are calmer.

This puts your complaint into writing, including dh's statement that the driver was not being truthful. If he is a problem employee, then this gives the management a piece of paper to use if/when they let him go.

I made a huge complaint to Walmart a few weeks back when they were out of stock of an advertised special and refused to make me a rain check (actually denied that they even did rain checks, despite the large sign above customer service with the rain check policy). I didn't go back to buy from them, but now the manager knows that at least four of his employees need trained on the actual store policy. What he does with this information is up to him.


I've written down everything that happened (in a better format than my rant here). I think I'll wait a couple of days to send it. I'd like to see if the manager contacts me.

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So sorry you had to deal with that. What a story!


What is the world coming to?


We can't believe how the kid stuck to his lie! It would have been so easy, after seeing DH, to say, "Oh, wow! I did deliver it to the wrong house!" But, nope, he kept on with it. Absolutely amazing.

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Ugn. That's why we use a local pizza place. You know the drill "where everybody knows your name" - they even remember our order! :) and call me "Mrs." every time.


You are WAY more patient than I would have been. I'm sorry about your evening. What did you end up eating?

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tell me, after I caught her blatantly lying, that she only will tell the police the truth because they could take her to jail.

She was very proud of this....yikes.





We can't believe how the kid stuck to his lie! It would have been so easy, after seeing DH, to say, "Oh, wow! I did deliver it to the wrong house!" But, nope, he kept on with it. Absolutely amazing.
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We can't believe how the kid stuck to his lie! It would have been so easy, after seeing DH, to say, "Oh, wow! I did deliver it to the wrong house!" But, nope, he kept on with it. Absolutely amazing.


I know a couple of people like this. You know they are lying, they probably know you know they are lying and they still won't admit it. It's very frustrating.

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that just s@#ks. Though, unfortunately, I am not surprised. DH is a college prof and it is just amazing what this new crop of students will do-- lie, cheat, etc. with no scruples that it is even wrong. Just think what the work force is going to be like in 10 years. Ughhh. :glare:

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also messed up an order - it came with ONE pizza, not the TWO I had ordered (different types, too). True, we were only charged for one pizza - but I had to eat a sandwich to leave (barely) enough for the hungry kids. Hubby didn't get any, either. Sigh. I guess we should stick to Giordanos here (more $$$$ but soooo much better in service and pizza quality.)

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These things drive me BANANAS! My DH is so good at letting things like this go. Not forgetting, but not getting emotionally all worked up. Me on the other hand - grrrrrrrghghhghghgh!!!! I get all out of sorts when stuff like this happens!


Definitely make a call or letter to the corporate office. Maybe a threat to contact the BBB will get someone to take it more seriously.


I would NEVER order from there again - not even if they gave me something free. I wouldn't trust them from any angle - not with my business, not with handling my money right, not with giving me safe food to eat. I am a big believer that once you show your character in one way, it is likely to be fairly generalized throughout all of your behavior and actiona. The beligerence they showed you on the phone, and then your DH face to face, show ridiculously horrible character. Don't associate.


I would tell every local friend I had about what happened and ask them to boycott the place! Seriously, you can't stay in business very long if all of your dealings with the public are so unscrupulous.


Breathe deep. Go for a nice long walk. Go somewhere and get that pizza that your mouth and brain were set for. Hang in there!


GL and {{hugs}} - Stacey in MA

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I had a Boboli pizza crust and I made that up. Not as good as PJ (since I only had cheese for a topping), but it fed us. DD and I had really lost our appetites by then.


I am going to see if I can find a local place. I love the "where everybody knows your name" feeling. I have that at a few places around here.

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These things drive me BANANAS! My DH is so good at letting things like this go. Not forgetting, but not getting emotionally all worked up. Me on the other hand - grrrrrrrghghhghghgh!!!! I get all out of sorts when stuff like this happens!


Definitely make a call or letter to the corporate office. Maybe a threat to contact the BBB will get someone to take it more seriously.


I would NEVER order from there again - not even if they gave me something free. I wouldn't trust them from any angle - not with my business, not with handling my money right, not with giving me safe food to eat. I am a big believer that once you show your character in one way, it is likely to be fairly generalized throughout all of your behavior and actiona. The beligerence they showed you on the phone, and then your DH face to face, show ridiculously horrible character. Don't associate.


I would tell every local friend I had about what happened and ask them to boycott the place! Seriously, you can't stay in business very long if all of your dealings with the public are so unscrupulous.


Breathe deep. Go for a nice long walk. Go somewhere and get that pizza that your mouth and brain were set for. Hang in there!


GL and {{hugs}} - Stacey in MA


My voice actually broke at one point and I was afraid I was going to cry! I was so incredibly frustrated. I felt better after DH told he went by there. Knowing that kid lied to his face confirmed all my suspicions of the night. I was not being unreasonable about what happened. (well, except for the yelling - I still feel bad about that)


I've posted it on my blog and will be telling everybody I know what happened. Believe me. And we will NOT be ordered from them again.

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also messed up an order - it came with ONE pizza, not the TWO I had ordered (different types, too). True, we were only charged for one pizza - but I had to eat a sandwich to leave (barely) enough for the hungry kids. Hubby didn't get any, either. Sigh. I guess we should stick to Giordanos here (more $$$$ but soooo much better in service and pizza quality.)


Sorry about your disappointing meal. I know I was really looking forward to the breadsticks I had ordered. (is there a pouting smiley?)

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