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Beauty and Goodness in Life

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Life has thrown us a few hardballs lately. I'm sure I'm not the only one who could use a few reminders of the good and beautiful things of this world and this life. Could you please help me add to this list?


*A loving husband

*Baby sleeping in my arms

*Roasted marshmallows

*Birds welcoming the morning with a cacophony of birdsong


*Tree frogs singing in the night

*Hot baths


*Hiking in the forest

*Making fairy houses in the backyard

*Spinning wool

*Watching the cat watch the squirrels

*Books, books, books

*Fountain pens and ink

*Victorian homes


*Spontaneous hugs from children

*The WTM board ;)

*Google books

*Electricity and running water

*Freedom of speech and thought

*Homeschooling :)

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dogs and kids snuggled up next to you

feeling warm

a hundred different colors of green for my eyes to soak up

delicious fresh produce from my own garden

laughing until our stomachs hurt during math and not even remembering what started it

a nice breeze

endless different bird songs

the new song that the mockingbird learned this year (one year it sounded like a bull frog :)


the smell of roses and stock

naptime when the windows are all open and a breeze is blowing and the birds are singing

Doughboy's donuts

the UPS guy

stimulating and thoughtful discussions here

EB White and his way with words

text messages from my kids

cold water

my sweet senior citizen neighbors and how much they care about each other

Nat King Cole

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snow on horses

larks in the trees


baby hands (like starfish)

smiles on old women

the way the moon makes a path on the ocean at night

children's hands folded in prayer


Florida skies

white laundry snapping in a morning breeze

generous chldren


stained glass

daisies in a blue pitcher


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Those tiny, joyful surprises. As when you're PMSed and there's no sugar in the house, but then you find the box of Peeps at the back of the freezer. Or when you're awakened early to hear the cat having the yarks, only to discover that she had the grace to do so on the easily-cleaned kitchen floor rather than the living room carpet.

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*hugs from the dog

*hugs from ds

*hugs from dh

*hugs from the cat

*the silly way the cat sits to eat

*the silly way the dog sits in her chair

*Douglas Adams' sense of humor (we just finished The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy today)

*dark chocolate

*Don Henley's Inside Job CD

*Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata

*my backyard and the really, really tall pine trees that live there

*the curiosity of a dragonfly

*friends that get me


*late afternoon naps

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-Children who laugh together

-An oldest child who runs to the market for you, and ferries youngers sibs to and fro

-Husband who laughs at your lame jokes and stories of the day, and remembers to hire the guy who is going to replace all the ugly/old lighting around the property, and it's something you mentioned last year, and he's been trying to do it himself, but realized it's his busy season and well, it should get done as it's not cost efficents as it stands.


-Grilling in the late afternoon with a chilled glass of chardonnay in hand

-Baby Bantams

-Chickens happily pecking in the grass

-Fresh eggs with bright orange yolks

-Librarians who do not not run away when they see you coming

-Farmer's markets with crisp, fresh spinach

-A teen son who ventures into the tallest grass with the riding mower and now your yard look totally awesome.

-A little daughter who is 'totally out of books' and requests a library trip.

-A teen dd who babysits her little cousin in the early morning so you can sleep in.

-Fresh local fish

-Bats swooping above your head, bees buzzing over clover, frogs making noise at night.

Edited by LibraryLover
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Goodnight kisses from my children

Owl hooting in the woods

Different, fragrant, fleeting scents of cut greenery as I drive along

Phone call from someone who needs to be cheered up

Posts and threads like this

And the one about vacations in Maine

Clean, salty smell of the ocean

We saw and heard a pet bird who cries like a baby, is that wonderful?

Shooting star dh saw last night

Still sort of light at 9

Lightning bugs

Sons who care

Tender-hearted daughters

My brother sending looney tunes pix to my sons on their phones because he can and he misses them

AC AC AC and cold water and ice and my friends' pools

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Iced coffee (and reading a news article that says drinking lots of coffee is *good* for you - hallelujah!)

Fresh corn on the cob with butter and salt and pepper

Beautiful mosaics in a church

Sitting on the grass, reading a book, and watching my kids play at the park

Taking walks in the neighborhood in the summer evenings

Pine trees under a blue blue sky

Getting books on my wishlist at paperbackswap.com

Getting a great deal on curriculum

Air conditioning

Pepperoni pizza

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