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My biggest regret--I have no pictures...

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As a mom my biggest regret is that I am not a picture taker. I have never taken pictures. I have a few from when they were born, but no first day of k pictures, no pictures of the first lost tooth. No pictures of birthday parties. I always forget my camera, or break my camera, or the pictures turn out horrible, or I lose the disk, or I drop the camera that has 500 pictures stored in it and accidentally erase the contents. I have had four digital cameras in 5 years.


It is a major goal of mine to do better in this area. I would like to start over with a new camera and an organized system. I want pictures of my babes everyone, but I take bad pictures and am not creative in storing or displaying them.


P.S. I think this is kind of an emotional issue for me because both my mom and grandmother (at different times in life) lost their homes to fires, so there are no pictures of anyone in our family. My sister went in the opposite direction from me and takes lovely pictures of everything. She ALWAYS has her camera.


Any advise on getting started?

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I gave my ds a camera when he was six and he has taken some surprisingly good pictures! Of course he took a lot of bad pictures too but at least with digital they are easy to delete!


You could just get a small camera and always keep it in your purse. My mom does that and she was the only one who remembered her camera at my cousin's graduation last weekend.


Also, don't forget to back up your pictures once a month or so. That way if they get deleted or the camera is lost you don't lose too many pictures.


Just a few simple suggestions. Hope one of them helps a little.

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Start a blog for yourself--that's what I did to make sure I downloaded pics every now and then. I did not post pics of my dd's face, but while I was taking blog pics, I'd make sure to take a few of her for myself.


On a related note, I realized that there are very, very few pics of me over the last few years--I'm fat and hate to have my picture taken. But my kids may want to remember me when I'm gone. So, perhaps that vanity is not a good thing, and rather selfish. Something to remember.

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You can do it :)


Get a small, easy to use camera (we have a little Kodak Easy Share that is for carrying around, and it takes pretty good photos. It also fits in my pocket.)


Don't tell your kids to smile. Just capture them doing whatever it is they are doing. When they have to stop and 'say cheese' they get frustrated and uncooperative. Plus you will not get those beautiful natural smiles.


Don't dismiss photo ops if they aren't looking at the camera. Some of the best photos of my kids are when they are absorbed in something else.


Take a second or two to make sure your subject fills the frame, but without cutting off anything important. Try to get close enough that they don't get lost in the background of the photo.


Have fun, and don't be afraid to delete the shots that fail. It's digital.


Get a decent photo editing program like Photoshop elements. It can correct lighting issues, red eye, etc.


Upload your photos often, and burn them to disc or some other storage device.


Set up an account with a photo printing company like Snapfish, Walgreens, etc. When you get your pics uploaded, send the ones you like off to be printed right away. (or get a photo printer and do it at home...)

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I love taking pictures and end up with way too many most of the time. When I don't have my high end camera I usually keep a Nikon Coolpix with me either in the car or in my purse. I also bought one for my mom who is not nearly the photo bug that I am and she really likes it. (No, I don't work for Nikon and my mom has had problems with other brands of cameras and didn't use them because of it.)


A couple of tricks for getting better pictures is to pay attention to some of the following things when you are actually snapping a picture.


- When looking through the viewfinder make sure there aren't any items sticking out above somebody's head (i.e. trees, light posts etc.)


-Make sure that you can see all of the heads of the people in the picture before you take it.


-Take one or two close ups and one or two pictures from further back.


-Don't take pictures of someone standing in front of a mirror or a window unless you do some reading on the tricks associated with lighting.


-When you are taking pictures of people outside have them looking in a direction where they don't have to squint due to the sun.


If you get into the habit of taking an extra few seconds to think about these things every time you take pictures it will become habit and you will get better pictures.


A great way to display the pictures is using a digital picture frame. You can plug memory sticks into them with USB adaptors.


I use iphoto on my macintosh for organizing pictures. I haven't found anything that I like as well for a windows pc.


I hope this helps some, I really developed my skills while I was in college just by taking tons of pictures and doing just a little bit of reading.

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I'm with you here. I have almost no pictures. We've either not had a functioning camera or I've been too busy RAISING them. I've never been a camera person--I forget it more than not. I had a camera phone -I couldn't figure out how to download them (I think it's easier now). My MIL yelled at me for not sending her pictures (like DH has two broken arms or something) she came to visit-camera in hand- after three hours she got up to leave and she realized she hadn't taken a single picture. I said see--you either take care of them or you remember them, doing both is hard!!!! Sometimes you just have to force yourself to do it. I started to take one picture every month (I can take more too) this picture is in the same place (so I can see the difference in the children) on the first Sunday of every month. Start here. Make one habit. Also try and spend the money on an easy point and shoot digital camera. They are lightweight, easy to use and carry and develop. Good luck and know you aren't alone!!!



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I quit taking photos when everything went digital. I had a hard enough time getting film developed. Now I have to put photos on my computer and have a photo printer and photo paper. It is a big hassle for me. And if I happen to take, upload and them post photos on my blog my mom has a fit. There is no identifying information on the blog, but my mom swears someone will track us down via computer info and kidnap dd to sell her into white slavery.


So, really why bother.

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Just wanted to offer you another perspective. I took waaaay too many pictures of my kids as babies/littles. I have boxes and boxes. We never look at them. Frankly, they're boring. A few well-chosen ones would've been more meaningful, and I wouldn't have been the hysterical mother behind the camera always yelling, "Look over here!"


Now that they're older, I take one or a few to commemorate an occasion, then I put my camera down and enjoy.

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Just wanted to offer you another perspective. I took waaaay too many pictures of my kids as babies/littles. I have boxes and boxes. We never look at them. Frankly, they're boring. A few well-chosen ones would've been more meaningful, and I wouldn't have been the hysterical mother behind the camera always yelling, "Look over here!"


Now that they're older, I take one or a few to commemorate an occasion, then I put my camera down and enjoy.


I'm with you, except that I didn't even take that many pictures when they were little. I take a picture of big moments and one picture at the entrance to exciting places we visit. I find it easier to be in the moment with my dc when I am not fussing with the camera, and I'd rather spend the time with them than worry about storing or displaying pictures.


OP, I wouldn't stress about not having the pictures. Your dc (and you) have the memories. If you want to change it, take some steps to do so, but definitely don't feel guilty about the lack of pictures.

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I feel so much better after reading all of your replies. Thank you for taking the time. I think I need a very sturdy and easy to use camera to snap off a few shots. I always feel bad because I am the one who shows up without the camera.


I always kind of thought of it as my own lack of organization, but maybe it is a personality thing. I want pictures--but I am a bit of a perfectionist. It just really stresses me out to think of a picture of my dirty house being available forever. Maybe I need to learn to crop out the messy surroundings. (LOL)


DD has her first dance recital tonight and even if it kills me I will take pictures--lots of them.

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I have hundreds and hundreds (and hundreds!) of pictures... but they are all still on one of my computers! I had never gotten them backed up or printed. Then my computer crashed. :glare: I ended up paying 600 dollars to get someone to come get my pictures and school documents off the crashed hard drive.

I still don't have the pictures printed, but they are stored online now, and I keep documents in Google documents as well. I need to start getting them printed up.


I love looking at old pictures. I have many pictures of my grandparents and parents, and HUNDREDS of pictures of me. I always just assumed that my daughter would like to look eventually also, and if not... well then I don't know what I'll do with all these pictures! :tongue_smilie:

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Also, don't forget to back up your pictures once a month or so. That way if they get deleted or the camera is lost you don't lose too many pictures.


Definitely, this is what always causes problems for me. Remember to back up. Honestly, I don't even know how to store them. I am pitiful with technology.


The camera phone and blog ideas are great. I really, really want to start a blog, but it will look pretty boring with entry after entry with no pics. Gonna work on it.


Don't tell your kids to smile. Just capture them doing whatever it is they are doing. When they have to stop and 'say cheese' they get frustrated and uncooperative. Plus you will not get those beautiful natural smiles.



Yes, my kids have inherited my same camera phobia and will run the other way when someone brings one out. I need to get them used to the idea also.



Thanks Mama Geek--those are some really awesome tips. I have been intimidated by others who are really into photography. I will start trying to have a better eye for it.


On a related note, I realized that there are very, very few pics of me over the last few years--I'm fat and hate to have my picture taken. But my kids may want to remember me when I'm gone. So, perhaps that vanity is not a good thing, and rather selfish. Something to remember.


If we really wanted to get down to the bottom of it--this is probably the real issue for me too. It really has a lot to do with vanity, not just the way that I look, but the way the house might look of the yard or the kids outfits. Really silly, but hey, I am willing to admit and and work on it.


Thank you all for the helpful hints and advise.

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OP, I wouldn't stress about not having the pictures. Your dc (and you) have the memories. If you want to change it, take some steps to do so, but definitely don't feel guilty about the lack of pictures.



Thanks--releasing the guilt and starting small.

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As a mom my biggest regret is that I am not a picture taker. I have never taken pictures. I have a few from when they were born, but no first day of k pictures, no pictures of the first lost tooth. No pictures of birthday parties. I always forget my camera, or break my camera, or the pictures turn out horrible, or I lose the disk, or I drop the camera that has 500 pictures stored in it and accidentally erase the contents. I have had four digital cameras in 5 years.


It is a major goal of mine to do better in this area. I would like to start over with a new camera and an organized system. I want pictures of my babes everyone, but I take bad pictures and am not creative in storing or displaying them.


P.S. I think this is kind of an emotional issue for me because both my mom and grandmother (at different times in life) lost their homes to fires, so there are no pictures of anyone in our family. My sister went in the opposite direction from me and takes lovely pictures of everything. She ALWAYS has her camera.


Any advise on getting started?



Isnt it sad.. I regret not having more pictures of ME & my Daughter together.. I have very few! I was pretty good at taking lots of pics of her.. but never got many of us together.. and sad you cant go back :(



If I were you Id buy a digital and carry it in your purse. Take lots of pics and you can sort through them later. Get yourself a Shutterfly account and upload there. I did this and then you can go back in your free time and make books or prints etc..

I dont have time for scrapbooking but I ve made a few books on shutterfly , its soo much easier and if they have sales you can get them for a decent price. Great way to store your memories in photo books! :D

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Isnt it sad.. I regret not having more pictures of ME & my Daughter together.. I have very few! I was pretty good at taking lots of pics of her.. but never got many of us together.. and sad you cant go back :(



If I were you Id buy a digital and carry it in your purse. Take lots of pics and you can sort through them later. Get yourself a Shutterfly account and upload there. I did this and then you can go back in your free time and make books or prints etc..

I dont have time for scrapbooking but I ve made a few books on shutterfly , its soo much easier and if they have sales you can get them for a decent price. Great way to store your memories in photo books! :D



Those shutterfly albums are really cool. I was thinking since I will never scrapbook I may try to put together one of those for our upcoming school year.


Thanks for the encouragement to get some of use together. I do not have one picture of my mom or grandmother.

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My favorite pictures are of the kids just being/doing, not looking at the camera. I love the pictures of the kids playing together, or painting or whatnot. I take a ton of photos all the time. (Good multi-tasker. I have taken pictures of my babies as I nursed them, I am that good! :lol: Feet are especially fun to photograph). I recently uploaded about 1000 pics from my camera. lol


As your sister has so many photos from events, you might be able to get some of your kids from her. I am always so excited to see pic of my kids that other people have taken at various events or gatherings. I think everyone in our hsing group has a camera phone , or else is very good (unlike) me about uploading the pics the week they take them from their digitals. It's easy enough to send pic emails. One of my friends recently emailed me old pics I hadn't seen. I so enjoyed that. So...ask your sister for some. lol You don't need 1000, kwim?

Edited by LibraryLover
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