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Update on the storm/volcano...

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Yesterday was a day I don't ever want repeated! There was so much rain and dh and I got stuck in our Jeep in it (thank you Lord for 4 wheel drive and a husband who doesn't get afraid to drive like a maniac when needed!).


It was scary. All I could think of was, "I want to get home to my kids!" We had left them at home to run into town to buy some drinking water and thought we'd only be gone a few minutes--not so.


But, we're okay and the electricity is back on now. The rain has stopped for now and we're hoping it's passed us for good. We'll have to see.


In the meantime, there is widespread damage from major flooding, mudslides, and landslides. It's just plain ugly. We are probably going to go out today and check on some people to see how they are and what we can do to help. Please keep praying, the reports coming in aren't good. Many have died. Many are unaccounted for.


The volcano is still going and we are hoping that it stops as well. The airport is closed until further notice and that's a bummer because we have a team from Costa Rica that was supposed to fly out today! They are stranded which means that those with return tickets to the US from San Jose Costa Rica will miss their connecting flights. It's just a mess!


Anyway, thanks so much for the prayers, we needed them! I'll keep you all posted as news comes in.

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We just returned home from helping all day and it was a hard day. Not more than 2 blocks from our mission base was a massive mudslide burying hundreds of homes and businesses and burying dozens of people. We aren't even sure of the devastation. It's tragic. We will be spending the rest of the week helping our neighbors in such drastic circumstances. Please continue to pray. Things are not good. And there's storms in the forcast for the next several days. The new numbers are 87 dead and 74,000 homeless.


When I can find out how to post a photo, I can show you what we are up to.

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Here's a photo of the mudslide near our base. They are still trying to dig people out. We will be there all day today delivering relief and helping with rescue and recovery. It's still not raining despite weather predictions of massive thunderstorms over the next several days--God is good! Pray for the rain to stay away until we can get everyone out. After that, it's the clean up and rebuilding for those who had so little, but, still lost everything they had.







ETA: It's kind of small, but, hopefully you can see some of what we are dealing with.


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We are praying for you guys, Dayle! Please keep us posted.


Are the deaths mainly due to the rain and mudslides? How many deaths are attributed to the volcano? It's crazy how there are two natural disasters happening at the same time (if I understand correctly.)

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Praying Dayle. We're going on a mission trip to Lima in July.


Wish it were to Guatemala and we could come help you :)


Thank God for your safety and that of your family. I'm sorry for the devastation and loss of life.

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We are praying for you guys, Dayle! Please keep us posted.


Are the deaths mainly due to the rain and mudslides? How many deaths are attributed to the volcano? It's crazy how there are two natural disasters happening at the same time (if I understand correctly.)


The deaths are mainly the mudslides and rain, only a few from the volcano. I think maybe 4 or so from the volcano and the death toll from the storm is over 180 now with more added daily. There isn't the equipment we have in the US. They are digging with shovels, hoes, and pick axes so it's slow going. It is insane to have so much happen in just a few short days.


But, God is good because it hasn't rained since! We are thankful.

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Thank you for the updates! I was thinking of you and your family today while looking at pictures of the sinkhole and flood damages. It's so devastating to view; I cannot imagine being there.


Saying many prayers for you, your family, and all affected by this. :grouphug:

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