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Post girl, post!!! :D


Do you know I have no idea what I am, how many posts I have, or even when I was at different stages. I think I probably never even noticed most of them. As clueless on the forum as I am in real life. :lol:


On edit: I just checked - and I'm larvae too!!! :lol:

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I feel like we've outgrown FIAR. KWIM?



"We" as in my boys and me...not "we" as in those of you I know from FIAR.



I thought about just editing my post above to explain, but then I thought I'd just post again... you know, for the hive and all.




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I don't even know what I am anymore. Does that mean I'm having an identity crisis?


Which begs that great philosophical question, is it better to know exactly who you are and realize that you are but a puny (and probably slimy) little larvae, or to be unaware of your own identity?


See what you've started? :tongue_smilie:

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I don't even know what I am anymore. Does that mean I'm having an identity crisis?[/Quote]


No, I think it means you just have more important things with which to concern yourself.


See what you've started? :tongue_smilie:


Oh, I'm good at starting things. Right Cyndi? Heather? Nakia? :001_tt2:

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What I really want to know is . . . Where Are All My Drones????? Shouldn't they be here doing all the work?


:lol: That's a darn good question!


I've been here over 2 years and just finally made queen bee. Now is that sad or not? I can't decide. :tongue_smilie:

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