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...going to be able to finish all the lesson planning before our new school year starts. Therefore I am going to read the forums for five hours a day in lieu of lesson planning.




I'm doing the same thing. This is my first time living in a state that requires lesson plans, and it is NOT cool.

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And I shall procrastinate with you. I had to order my materials later this year and I have to write complete lessons plans for two subjects. It was all supposed to be done by now, but I have not the attention to focus or care at this point.


:lurk5: I'm having a snack while I read, popcorn anyone?

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...going to be able to finish all the lesson planning before our new school year starts. Therefore I am going to read the forums for five hours a day in lieu of lesson planning.




Exactly. We must have taken the same logic class.

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And I shall procrastinate with you. I had to order my materials later this year and I have to write complete lessons plans for two subjects. It was all supposed to be done by now, but I have not the attention to focus or care at this point.


:lurk5: I'm having a snack while I read, popcorn anyone?


Here is how it works: You select all homeschool catalogs you like and put them under your pillow. You get a good night's sleep and dream about pleasant homeschooling and intelligent children who are eager to learn, are cooperative and in awe of your willingness to teach them well. The curricula will select itself while you are sleeping and be delivered on your doorstep within 2 days time. With the last shipment of material comes a detailed lesson plan for each child.

Couldn't be any easier, eh?

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I thought this was planning ;)


While I do a LOT of planning reading the K-8 & high school board, I doubt reading threads about LOST progresses my lessons plans in any way. :tongue_smilie:But, yes, this could be planning. ;)


Here is how it works: You select all homeschool catalogs you like and put them under your pillow. You get a good night's sleep and dream about pleasant homeschooling and intelligent children who are eager to learn, are cooperative and in awe of your willingness to teach them well. The curricula will select itself while you are sleeping and be delivered on your doorstep within 2 days time. With the last shipment of material comes a detailed lesson plan for each child.

Couldn't be any easier, eh?


Ah, perhaps the next generations of home schoolers will have it easier. :D

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Melanie, what state is that? I hadn't heard that a state made homeschooling more difficult recently. I sympathize with you.



Hawaii. This is the law:


Parents must keep “a record of the planned curriculum†which must include the commencement date and ending date of the program, number of hours per week of instruction, subjects to be covered, method used to determine mastery of materials and subjects in the curriculum, and a list of textbooks or other instructional materials. This list shall be in standard bibliographical format. Generally, the author, title, publisher and date of publication should be indicated. Rules, § 8-12-15


Sorry; I see now that lesson plans aren't required. While in my PCS fog I decided that writing lesson plans would be the easiest way to keep track of all the required information - I had no idea how many hours we spend on instruction per week, much less when we started or finished a program! Then, as I was writing the lesson plans, my brain must have decided that lesson plans were REQUIRED BY LAW, otherwise I wouldn't be doing all this unnecessary work.


So I don't need lesson plans! I can just say we spend 6 hours a day on academics and use written examinations for mastery and leave it at that. :D


Thank you so much for asking for clarification, Chris! I feel stupid, but so relieved. :blush:

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I'm doing the same thing. This is my first time living in a state that requires lesson plans, and it is NOT cool.


Hawaii. This is the law:


Parents must keep “a record of the planned curriculum†which must include the commencement date and ending date of the program, number of hours per week of instruction, subjects to be covered, method used to determine mastery of materials and subjects in the curriculum, and a list of textbooks or other instructional materials. This list shall be in standard bibliographical format. Generally, the author, title, publisher and date of publication should be indicated. Rules, § 8-12-15


Sorry; I see now that lesson plans aren't required. While in my PCS fog I decided that writing lesson plans would be the easiest way to keep track of all the required information - I had no idea how many hours we spend on instruction per week, much less when we started or finished a program! Then, as I was writing the lesson plans, my brain must have decided that lesson plans were REQUIRED BY LAW, otherwise I wouldn't be doing all this unnecessary work.


So I don't need lesson plans! I can just say we spend 6 hours a day on academics and use written examinations for mastery and leave it at that. :D


Thank you so much for asking for clarification, Chris! I feel stupid, but so relieved. :blush:


You don't even have to turn all of the stuff you're supposed to keep a record of into the school. There is no provision for them to ask all of that of you. A progress report each year and testing in grades 3, 5, 8 and 10 is all you have to turn in.

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You don't even have to turn all of the stuff you're supposed to keep a record of into the school. There is no provision for them to ask all of that of you. A progress report each year and testing in grades 3, 5, 8 and 10 is all you have to turn in.


That I knew, and I'm glad of it. :001_smile:

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While I do a LOT of planning reading the K-8 & high school board, I doubt reading threads about LOST progresses my lessons plans in any way. :tongue_smilie:But, yes, this could be planning. ;)


Well if any of you have a schedule for Science Matters (Paula, ahem), then yes, this is lesson planning. I also have to scour the internet to find four science projects for my eighth & fifth graders to do. I want the projects to build on the parts of Science Matters they've covered that quarter.


Plus I have to put music, foreign language, composition/grammar, mathematics, sketching, logic, geography, religion, and memory work assignments for three children into a planner format that they can navigate themselves. Just mom in a notebook, that's all.


Oh man. I better get moving.

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Guest mrsjamiesouth

:iagree: I am so here!! I even tried to pass it off before onto someone else. :blush: Lesson planning would be much simpler if I would stop changing up the curriculum every few weeks. I keep telling myself "Don't buy anything else!" but then a really good find comes along and I can't help myself. I am reading these posts and someone talks about an awesome new curriculum that I must have. Then I have to scrap the old lesson plans and start over! :banghead:

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Why is planning for one so much harder than for two? :sad:


(HUGS) :grouphug:


Well if any of you have a schedule for Science Matters (Paula, ahem), then yes, this is lesson planning. I also have to scour the internet to find four science projects for my eighth & fifth graders to do. I want the projects to build on the parts of Science Matters they've covered that quarter.




This was our plan with Science Matters. Read a chapter, discuss, run off on a tangent about theoretical science (ala Star Trek), and then go have a light saber battle. I'm sure that is most helpful. :lol:It did inspire ds to do some of his own self-planned experiments. One involved the flammability of peppermint extract. We burned up a plastic petri dish.

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From Latin locum via old French leu. I mean the board surfing shall take the lieu of the lesson planning.


Oh, how I wish. How I wish.


I am going to label this hair-splitting...then I'm going back to my previously scheduled sur....planning.

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...going to be able to finish all the lesson planning before our new school year starts. Therefore I am going to read the forums for five hours a day in lieu of lesson planning.



Groan, I'm so feeling your words.


I was thinking and wondering who else is putting together a lesson plan for the curriculum/workbook/reader/math that I'm doing. I wouldn't mind sharing my files. Perhaps we could collaborate and everyone can get it done. :)


do you know how to link a file to a blog?

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(HUGS) :grouphug:




This was our plan with Science Matters. Read a chapter, discuss, run off on a tangent about theoretical science (ala Star Trek), and then go have a light saber battle. I'm sure that is most helpful. :lol:It did inspire ds to do some of his own self-planned experiments. One involved the flammability of peppermint extract. We burned up a plastic petri dish.


My son had no interest in the book. I scheduled it all out for him, but this is one of the rare times that he just passively refused.


Oh, well.


We are (slowly) watching the TC lectures.

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My son had no interest in the book. I scheduled it all out for him, but this is one of the rare times that he just passively refused.


Oh, well.


We are (slowly) watching the TC lectures.


I was thinking maybe for science they can watch Connections, for art, Civilisation, for literature and religion, Mythos, and The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles for history.


There. Lesson planning done.


My library has only dinky Teaching Company lectures. My budget has only Netflix.

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