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Question regarding post-count and dealers

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While we are on the topics of resurrected threads, trolls, and quickly upping thread counts, can someone confirm the board's policy on dealers? I could be wrong but I think we have at least one.


Dealers are not supposed to post items for sale. I don't think TPTB have a problem with curricula writers or publishers posting, in general (I know there are a few of these who do/have post/ed here).

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Yeah, I'm pretty sure we have the one dealer (it's so obvious). And while it irks me when people blatantly flout the rules, it's low-key enough that I don't feel the need to do anything about it.


We're probably thinking of the same one. And generally I can easily let that stuff ride. I think I am just feeling crabby for having been sucked into an old thread and two of my kids are fighting like crazy.


Maybe it's time for a Mike's, putting my feet up and contemplating a lovely, deserted beach. ;)

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Yeah, I'm pretty sure we have the one dealer (it's so obvious). And while it irks me when people blatantly flout the rules, it's low-key enough that I don't feel the need to do anything about it.

Have you tried reporting them to the WTM overlords? I don't pay attention to the post signatures... is the person in question advertising something? :confused:

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Yeah, I'm pretty sure we have the one dealer (it's so obvious). And while it irks me when people blatantly flout the rules, it's low-key enough that I don't feel the need to do anything about it.


If it's the one I've noticed she does occasionally post--and has hundreds of posts (most on the swap board).

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Have you tried reporting them to the WTM overlords? I don't pay attention to the post signatures... is the person in question advertising something? :confused:


Proving how obtuse I am once again. Nothing is obvious to me. Who is dealing what? :001_huh:

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Proving how obtuse I am once again. Nothing is obvious to me. Who is dealing what? :001_huh:

At least one member who posts on the buy/sell forum here appears to be a used book dealer.

(However, I believe she's also a homeschooling mom.)

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At least one member who posts on the buy/sell forum here appears to be a used book dealer.

(However, I believe she's also a homeschooling mom.)

I have been a lurker around here before but just started posting.


What makes you feel it is a dealer?


Ds just asked me about us selling our materials, and honeslty I'd bet someone would think I was a dealer if I started listing thing. ;) Although I'm not ready to part with much yet

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Over 1000 posts in 3 months and only a three word comment on one curriculum thread. Although in all fairness, hourly bumps on the same for sale item will really boost one's count. So maybe it's just a few items and a whole ton of bumping. The first case says "dealer;" the later case says someone unaware of sales board etiquette.

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Sorry guys, if you're talking about all the resurrected posts from Sept. or whenever I was just surfing all the pages trying to get a feel for this forum thing. I thought the posts were fairly interesting and thought I'd try adding my two cents. I didn't realize that would cause such a stir. I'm new to this whole forum/internet/computer thing. And yes, to be honest, I was also trying to get my 50 posts in to be able to sell. I bought some stuff and my hubby suggested I sell all my old curriculum to make money to cover the new. If you look on the WTB I have a post for some fairly expensive stuff I need so please accept my apologies for being ignorant of how things are done. I will try to stick to recent posts.

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Over 1000 posts in 3 months and only a three word comment on one curriculum thread. Although in all fairness, hourly bumps on the same for sale item will really boost one's count. So maybe it's just a few items and a whole ton of bumping. The first case says "dealer;" the later case says someone unaware of sales board etiquette.



OK Fog lifting slowly-- I think

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This is our mastiff girl. She is such a gentle giant and sooo cooperative as is apparent from the pic. :D




:D Thanks! I love how the photo give the illusion of her head floating in space. Great photo!


sorry to stray off topic but I always wanted to mention that!

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Sorry guys, if you're talking about all the resurrected posts from Sept. or whenever I was just surfing all the pages trying to get a feel for this forum thing. I thought the posts were fairly interesting and thought I'd try adding my two cents. I didn't realize that would cause such a stir. I'm new to this whole forum/internet/computer thing. And yes, to be honest, I was also trying to get my 50 posts in to be able to sell. I bought some stuff and my hubby suggested I sell all my old curriculum to make money to cover the new. If you look on the WTB I have a post for some fairly expensive stuff I need so please accept my apologies for being ignorant of how things are done. I will try to stick to recent posts.


One thing to remember about this forum...it is honestly and truly a working forum.


It is very busy here and threads get buried after a few weeks of inactivity. So, if you are posting on things from last September, that are not relevant to current discussions or is not a sincere rejuvenation....it gets annoying to people who are live members. The falsely rejuvenated posts become a bunch of clutter as they fill the active, up front pages. It makes real members feel 'used' when they contribute to a post that they don't realize was only resurrected to up some one's post count until after the fact. The purpose of requiring 50 posts, is so that a person can become a valid, contributing member instead of just using this for a 'for sale' board. There are other websites for that..Homeschool Classifieds is great.


So, welcome....please feel free to post, but please contribute sincerely. You may find that there is a wealth of information and comradery here that you won't be able to find anywhere else!

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And here I was positive I read in one of your many posts in the last 2 days that you were simply trying to increase your post count to 50 so you could sell stuff here.


Well, you succeeded.


I was just thinking the same thing.


But then again, I was the one blathering on about search functions, so who am I to talk about resurrecting old threads...




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One thing to remember about this forum...it is honestly and truly a working forum.


It is very busy here and threads get buried after a few weeks of inactivity. So, if you are posting on things from last September, that are not relevant to current discussions or is not a sincere rejuvenation....it gets annoying to people who are live members. The falsely rejuvenated posts become a bunch of clutter as they fill the active, up front pages. It makes real members feel 'used' when they contribute to a post that they don't realize was only resurrected to up some one's post count until after the fact. The purpose of requiring 50 posts, is so that a person can become a valid, contributing member instead of just using this for a 'for sale' board. There are other websites for that..Homeschool Classifieds is great.


So, welcome....please feel free to post, but please contribute sincerely. You may find that there is a wealth of information and comradery here that you won't be able to find anywhere else!


FWIW, I would far rather have continued discussion on a homeschooling related topic from a couple months ago than a current discussion on appliances, eggs left on counters overnight or the latest A-Z threads.


I realize that I risk revealing my curmudgenly self, but it is draining to wander through a half dozen screens of discussion to find only a couple that are homeschooling related.


Someone resurecting an old thread without adding anything other than an I Agree is not helpful. But adding to the conversation? Is there really an issue with that?

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Yeah, but search functions are to read up about stuff so that you don't start a redundant new thread!


Hey Jean - you're going to go over 10,000 posts this year. That will make you Hive Goddess or something!


(just noticed that...)




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FWIW, I would far rather have continued discussion on a homeschooling related topic from a couple months ago than a current discussion on appliances, eggs left on counters overnight or the latest A-Z threads.


I realize that I risk revealing my curmudgenly self, but it is draining to wander through a half dozen screens of discussion to find only a couple that are homeschooling related.


Someone resurecting an old thread without adding anything other than an I Agree is not helpful. But adding to the conversation? Is there really an issue with that?


:iagree: I've never understood this imaginary rule of "don't resurrect old threads." If I search on a topic and a 100% relevant old thread comes up, it makes more sense to continue the conversation.


(The only time I have a problem with old thread is when the question is time sensitive i.e. "The dog just ate a bag of chocolate! Should I call the vet?" Those should only be answered in the first hour or so.:D)

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I've intentionally resurrected an old thread ;)


Of course it was the Free stuff thread, which continues to be relevant :)


I was also concerned about someone's posting volume on the For Sale board, so I checked the Board Rules/FAQ thingy and it requests that no more than 10 posts per month be made to the For Sale board. 18 active posts from one person seems a bit much....could I sell my extra stuff faster if I made a separate post for each item? Probably, but then I'd violate the rules of the board and I try to save that for special occasions ;) (although...he's an ex-husband now, I still try to avoid bashing him...)

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I'd bet someone would think I was a dealer if I started listing thing. ;) Although I'm not ready to part with much yet


Well then, there's no real danger of that. :D It's the people who post primarily (like almost entirely) on the swap board that are clearly dealers. Doesn't bother me! (I'm much better at buying than selling. :tongue_smilie:)


Welcome to the boards!

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FWIW, I would far rather have continued discussion on a homeschooling related topic from a couple months ago than a current discussion on appliances, eggs left on counters overnight or the latest A-Z threads. I agree, I wish the search feature was better and that people would use it more often. In this case, the poster wasn't actually contributing anything useful or timely to theads. Comments like "Brrrr, its cold here" on a thread about a Northern state. Or a question from last September on homemade Christmas gifts where the poster commented "Cookie trays are always a hit." (The quotes aren't exact-I don't want to look them up.) That is part of why it was annoying and why it was obvious they were doing it to increase their post counts.


I realize that I risk revealing my curmudgeonly self, but it is draining to wander through a half dozen screens of discussion to find only a couple that are homeschooling related. The general board is for any general topic barring a few exclusions. When this topic was brought up years ago on the old board, SWB commented that she wants it to be a place for homeschooling moms to hang out, and that the intention of the general board was to welcome discussion of all things pertanent to being a mom (or dad as the case may be). That is why the description of the general board says "For general questions about classical education methods, teaching techniques, readiness, supplemental activities, field trips, assessments, frustrations, online resources, etc. or just for hanging out and chatting!"


Someone resurrecting an old thread without adding anything other than an I Agree is not helpful. But adding to the conversation? Is there really an issue with that? This is what was happening but instead of LOLs and I Agree, it was one-liners that offered nothing to the conversation.



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:iagree: I've never understood this imaginary rule of "don't resurrect old threads." If I search on a topic and a 100% relevant old thread comes up, it makes more sense to continue the conversation. I absolutely agree. Sometimes though, people will resurrect a fairly 'time sensitive' post. ie "What should I do to make a room divider". If the post was made 9mths ago, the project has most likely been completed. The topic may still be valid for others who are wondering the same thing. It is nice to know that the person who resurrected the thread is no longer the one asking the question, so that people can ask questions or give information to the correct poster. In this case it can be resolved my making a new post, but adding a link to the old discussion to keep a common line of threads that make it easier for others to find and follow.


(The only time I have a problem with old thread is when the question is time sensitive i.e. "The dog just ate a bag of chocolate! Should I call the vet?" Those should only be answered in the first hour or so.:D)



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:iagree: I've never understood this imaginary rule of "don't resurrect old threads." If I search on a topic and a 100% relevant old thread comes up, it makes more sense to continue the conversation. I absolutely agree. Sometimes though, people will resurrect a fairly 'time sensitive' post. ie "What should I do to make a room divider". If the post was made 9mths ago, the project has most likely been completed. The topic may still be valid for others who are wondering the same thing. It is nice to know that the person who resurrected the thread is no longer the one asking the question, so that people can ask questions or give information to the correct poster. In this case it can be resolved my making a new post, but adding a link to the old discussion to keep a common line of threads that make it easier for others to find and follow.


(The only time I have a problem with old thread is when the question is time sensitive i.e. "The dog just ate a bag of chocolate! Should I call the vet?" Those should only be answered in the first hour or so.:D)



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Multiple listings and sets of items that her children aren't old enough to be using yet.

So either a really serious curriculum junkie, or a used book dealer. :D


I usually give people the benefit of the doubt because this is me (bolded above). I have had TONS of books for sale, and still do; and many were books that we haven't used or aren't ready to use yet.


In my case, it's because I used to have a home with a large school room/library and I filled it with books. I would go on shopping sprees and buy just about any book that we didn't already have. Then we started having financial (and other) problems (not because of my book-buying, LOL), my husband and I separated, and the kids and I moved back home with my father. Probably tmi, but it was a major down-size for us and I think I will forever be unpacking boxes of books that I need to sell because I have no space for them anymore.


I still buy a lot of books, but my children read them quickly and I sell them to get money for more books. I will also often have mutliple copies of a book so that each child has one (or because I forget that I have already bought it and buy it again).


Don't want to ramble... just saying maybe someone you think is a dealer isn't a dealer after all????? Or maybe I just haven't seen the thread that is obvious. Or maybe I'm too naive sometimes.... :tongue_smilie:

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I should have more clearly emphasized the multiple listings part. As in, multiple posts in which the member is selling a certain history text recommended in WTM, but probably not the same copy, as the last time it was posted, it eventually was marked sold. Or selling full sets of a history series more than once. Hey, I understand seller's regret, but over and over? :001_huh:

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Here's a one-liner: Is there a problem with being concise?



the 'problem' is when a certain new poster comes into threads just to reply individually to each person in separate posts, each response being rather abrupt and not really adding much to the discussion.


Stuff like this and the aforementioned "cookie trays are always a hit".


To Jane: So, you are not thinking about getting it done, then? Take care




Stuff like that, OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN seems a bit much and doesn't add to the sense of community at all. It is rather obvious.

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I keep waiting for the Mods to notice and address the problem, but either they are overwhelmed, oblivious, or unsure. Banning someone seems to happen only very rarely.


What concerns me is this is the exact sort of behavior that torpedoed Vegsource five or six years ago. It was incredibly active -- not just Sale boards -- until repeated trolls and dealers took over. Then Veg went to a registry system that seemed to lock *everyone* out. Traffic dried up to nothing for a long time.


Sonlight is a similar situation. Trolls took over their boards, and SL went to a paid system to took casual users out of the picture. You had to pay to play, so to speak. Funny enough, that's when traffic at WTM increased A LOT.


It's probably just a matter of time until SWB has to enact some sort of similar lock-down of these boards. It's sad, really, that the bullies come along and ruin the fun for everyone.


That is when I left Vegsource and found myself firmly footed in the WTM boards. I kept asking to register and never got a reply. It seemed like they just registered a few people (their favorites maybe?) and let everyone else go.

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I keep waiting for the Mods to notice and address the problem, but either they are overwhelmed, oblivious, or unsure. Banning someone seems to happen only very rarely.


What concerns me is this is the exact sort of behavior that torpedoed Vegsource five or six years ago. It was incredibly active -- not just Sale boards -- until repeated trolls and dealers took over. Then Veg went to a registry system that seemed to lock *everyone* out. Traffic dried up to nothing for a long time.


Sonlight is a similar situation. Trolls took over their boards, and SL went to a paid system to took casual users out of the picture. You had to pay to play, so to speak. Funny enough, that's when traffic at WTM increased A LOT.


It's probably just a matter of time until SWB has to enact some sort of similar lock-down of these boards. It's sad, really, that the bullies come along and ruin the fun for everyone.


I am not a mod, nor do I play on on TV.


I figure they don't want to block people at will. Unless someone does something that is obviously in violation of the rules, they just let minor offences go. As long as the member is playing nice, they let them participate however that person sees fit. It is good, in that I have seen some people that I really thought were trolls for a while, turn around and start being a truly great member. It can take a while for people to get comfortable and for them to get their screen voice, to not sound offensive when none was intended.

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I am not a mod, nor do I play on on TV.


I figure they don't want to block people at will. Unless someone does something that is obviously in violation of the rules, they just let minor offences go. As long as the member is playing nice, they let them participate however that person sees fit. It is good, in that I have seen some people that I really thought were trolls for a while, turn around and start being a truly great member. It can take a while for people to get comfortable and for them to get their screen voice, to not sound offensive when none was intended.


That's a good point. I am fairly sure I was responsible for closing down a thread shortly after starting on the boards. I'm still rather embarrassed at how clueless my comments were. Being a forum member is certainly a lesson in diplomacy.

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Modding is a delicate art. As well as not really a word, I think...


I am lucky (?) to work on a board that has an iron fist moderation policy. Our user guidelines are extremely strict due to our particular population, and the final call always goes to the moderation team.


In other words, there is black and white and very little grey on our board. Most boards don't work that way, and that makes moderating them much, much harder.


I don't envy the mod team here *at all*. If I had to mod any of the main topics that hit the general board here on my board... I'd quit. :tongue_smilie:




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Yes, I understand that the general board has gotten very general. I personally find it frustrating that the hanging out and chatting seems to have replaced, rather than augmented the homeschooling discussions.


Years ago, I felt that I'd gotten to know and trust posters because I'd found their observations, encouragements and recommendations re: homeschooling had held up. That left me with a feeling that, hey, maybe they know what they are talking about with this recipe or appliance too.


I totally understand that for many people, this is a safe place to vent and discuss. A homeschool group for those who have none. Really I do get this, because we've spent most of our homeschooling years overseas, sometimes with no homeschool group at all except the community on this board.


For me, and I realize that this might not be the experience of all board members, there is now so much that is hanging out and chatting, that I have problems even finding the discussions on homeschooling, let alone classical homeschooling. And I personally find that it is difficult to develop a sense of whose observations, encouragements and recommendations are based in years of homeschooling. I find, rather, that I use my ignore list to rule out posters who are abusive or seem to have agendas in life that don't mesh with my own.


I don't expect that the board will magically revert back to my recollection of how it was back in the "good old days." I can wish that somehow the forums were arranged a little differently, perhaps to put the old general homeschooling discussions back together again without having to also wade through pages of posts about specific curriculum features. And I can wish that people were as eager to contribute responses to homeschooling, education, parenting, and book threads as they are to the chatting.

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Yes, I understand that the general board has gotten very general. I personally find it frustrating that the hanging out and chatting seems to have replaced, rather than augmented the homeschooling discussions.


Years ago, I felt that I'd gotten to know and trust posters because I'd found their observations, encouragements and recommendations re: homeschooling had held up. That left me with a feeling that, hey, maybe they know what they are talking about with this recipe or appliance too.


I totally understand that for many people, this is a safe place to vent and discuss. A homeschool group for those who have none. Really I do get this, because we've spent most of our homeschooling years overseas, sometimes with no homeschool group at all except the community on this board.


For me, and I realize that this might not be the experience of all board members, there is now so much that is hanging out and chatting, that I have problems even finding the discussions on homeschooling, let alone classical homeschooling. And I personally find that it is difficult to develop a sense of whose observations, encouragements and recommendations are based in years of homeschooling. I find, rather, that I use my ignore list to rule out posters who are abusive or seem to have agendas in life that don't mesh with my own.


I don't expect that the board will magically revert back to my recollection of how it was back in the "good old days." I can wish that somehow the forums were arranged a little differently, perhaps to put the old general homeschooling discussions back together again without having to also wade through pages of posts about specific curriculum features. And I can wish that people were as eager to contribute responses to homeschooling, education, parenting, and book threads as they are to the chatting.


Then perhaps you should start more threads about homeschooling? I enjoy participating in many threads about homeschooling but I have to admit that sometimes I come here to get a break from my daily life of teaching the kids. So I do like some of the chatting about things totally unrelated.


And when there are homeschool threads I often found that many of them just don't apply to me anymore as a more experienced homeschooler. I do participate in those threads somewhat but more in a mentor capacity (for those who might find something helpful in what I write). Then other homeschooling threads become polarized by people who find offense in something poorly written that bashed public school teachers, or bashed unschoolers or bashed . . . . And those don't edify me either. What kinds of things related to homeschooling would you like to discuss? Perhaps those will be subjects that will fire me up again!

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FWIW, I would far rather have continued discussion on a homeschooling related topic from a couple months ago than a current discussion on appliances, eggs left on counters overnight or the latest A-Z threads.




I have been thinking about this today.....


I wonder if part of why there are fewer 'homeschool' threads, is that it seems like it is the same questions that get asked over and over.


There are common topics like 'how do I homeschool with toddlers', 'how long after having a baby should I resume school', and 'do you combine subjects for x and y grades or keep them seperate'. This is where a usuable search function would be great. I am not against seeing the same posts repeated, obviously people are in various stages every year, as kids age and families change. But, I don't respond every time either. I don't want to type the same responses over, and over. I am sure there are other long timers here who feel the same way.


It would almost be nice for there to be a subcategory (or category on its own) in the general forum for newbies to homeschooling. If it could be designed for 'homeschooling topic only' threads that would even be better so there would be less to sort through.


I, in no way, want to discourage anyones posting nor do I want to isolate homeschool threads, but it would be helpful for those who really need advice those first few years, to be able to read thread after thread about only homeschooling...not vacuumes, laundry and what paint color is best.


Along these lines, maybe there could be a board that houses 'The Best of WTM boards' containing the honeycomb, if you will, with homeschool topics only. If it contained only locked threads, maybe even with combined (edited for content) threads that have similar information; it could be a wonderful tool for all of us, from newbies to vetrans . It would be an online journal of the great mnds, past and present.


While I am throwing this out there, I would love to see a seperate board that people can submit reviews of different curricula, in a locked format.

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I have been thinking about this today.....


I wonder if part of why there are fewer 'homeschool' threads, is that it seems like it is the same questions that get asked over and over.


There are common topics like 'how do I homeschool with toddlers', 'how long after having a baby should I resume school', and 'do you combine subjects for x and y grades or keep them seperate'. This is where a usuable search function would be great. I am not against seeing the same posts repeated, obviously people are in various stages every year, as kids age and families change. But, I don't respond every time either. I don't want to type the same responses over, and over. I am sure there are other long timers here who feel the same way.


It would almost be nice for there to be a subcategory (or category on its own) in the general forum for newbies to homeschooling. If it could be designed for 'homeschooling topic only' threads that would even be better so there would be less to sort through.


I, in no way, want to discourage anyones posting nor do I want to isolate homeschool threads, but it would be helpful for those who really need advice those first few years, to be able to read thread after thread about only homeschooling...not vacuumes, laundry and what paint color is best.


Along these lines, maybe there could be a board that houses 'The Best of WTM boards' containing the honeycomb, if you will, with homeschool topics only. If it contained only locked threads, maybe even with combined (edited for content) threads that have similar information; it could be a wonderful tool for all of us, from newbies to vetrans . It would be an online journal of the great mnds, past and present.


While I am throwing this out there, I would love to see a seperate board that people can submit reviews of different curricula, in a locked format.



Great ideas, Tap! :iagree:

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You're right. I also sometimes pass by a thread wondering how many times or how many ways the same thing will be asked. I wonder if using tags better would help (or if it would just get bogged down as the tags got too specific or were tangental to the actual discussion).


I do like the idea of somehow pulling out some of the best discussions or most frequently asked questions


One thing that Sonlight does that I find occasionally useful is to list some of the best or most active topics for the previous month.


What did you mean about reviews in a locked format?

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Then perhaps you should start more threads about homeschooling? I enjoy participating in many threads about homeschooling but I have to admit that sometimes I come here to get a break from my daily life of teaching the kids. So I do like some of the chatting about things totally unrelated.


And when there are homeschool threads I often found that many of them just don't apply to me anymore as a more experienced homeschooler. I do participate in those threads somewhat but more in a mentor capacity (for those who might find something helpful in what I write). Then other homeschooling threads become polarized by people who find offense in something poorly written that bashed public school teachers, or bashed unschoolers or bashed . . . . And those don't edify me either. What kinds of things related to homeschooling would you like to discuss? Perhaps those will be subjects that will fire me up again!


Deeds not words? Lighting a candle rather than cursing the darkness? You do have a point. (I also pledge not to post anything else about air conditioning until at least June. :tongue_smilie:)



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You're right. I also sometimes pass by a thread wondering how many times or how many ways the same thing will be asked. I wonder if using tags better would help (or if it would just get bogged down as the tags got too specific or were tangental to the actual discussion).


I do like the idea of somehow pulling out some of the best discussions or most frequently asked questions


One thing that Sonlight does that I find occasionally useful is to list some of the best or most active topics for the previous month.


What did you mean about reviews in a locked format?


Reviews in a locked format to me, would look like this:


In a thread title, there would be a name like "The Ordinary Parents Guide..". Under that (what our responses look like now) there would be posters reviews of that curriculum. It would be nice if there was a basic format like


`How long you used it for (nice to know if some used it for a year or a week)

`What ages were the kids who used it.

`If you stopped using it mid way...why

`What you liked

`What you didn't like

`What you modified to make it work for you

`Did you find it teacher intensive to prep or pick up and go.

`Could the child use it independently (ages?)

`Was there great expense in aquireing extra products that you need to make the program work. Could you substitute other materials or did you have to have exact copies of what was suggested.

`Could you find the resources at your library?

`Was it project based? Literature based? Could those projects or books be skipped without loosing to much of the core?


`What ages do you think it would work best?


If people submitted reviews to the mods (maybe you could even get a few extra volunteers), the mods could determine appropriateness, maybe even ask for clarifications before posting the review to the thread. By locking the thread, people couldn't comment or add their own reviews without submitting it first. This would keep the format crisp and clean, and make scanning for information easier. It would also be nice to have the chance to offer an ETA if the original reviewer would like to add comments later....ie if the review is of an SAT review guide, they could come back after the fact and say "it was wonderful and he scored great on the test!"

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